Garden decoration - Mahonia hollywood

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The Mahonia holm-holi is a Barberry family. The Latin name for the beautiful shrub is Mahonia aquifolium. This evergreen representative of the flora is not afraid of cold weather and endure snow drifts. Culture is actively used by landscape designers in the design of various territories. Shrub looks great in the role of a decorative fence.

Description of the plant

This shrub attracted many people came to us from North America, where they call it “Oregon grapes”.This is due to the fact that in his native California and Oregon are widespread its natural thickets.

In nature, there are more than 50 types of culture.

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The size of the hollow mahonia is impressive. It can grow up to two meters high. The plant has very beautiful leathery leaves with a pleasant luster, which throughout the warm period delight with its rich green color, and in autumn they change it to an unusual violet-brown shade.

The bushes have not only attractive foliage, but also flowers. In May thickets of Magonia are covered with whole caps from the buds of a rich yellow tone, which are collected in clusters in the form of a brush. They spread a pleasant scent, so bees and other insects constantly circle the plant. In good growing conditions, the Magonia shrub blooms twice a year.

Fruiting turns come to replace the lush flowering. Blue with a bluish bloom round berries cover the bush and become an additional decoration for several months. The fruits are edible, they are used in medicine to lower blood pressure, and in their homeland they even make compotes from them.

Since the plant is cross-pollinated, it is necessary to plant at least two bushes to form berries.

In landscape gardening, in addition to the holmbalion magonia, the following varieties are popular:

  • walnut;
  • Golden;
  • elegant;
  • motley.

They all differ in size and shade of the plates. In the bushes, the Magonia has golden foliage in its yellowish contour, and the plates of the variegated have a white border. Both of these varieties look favorably when alternating with the padubolist view.

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Mahonia is hollow-headed: care and cultivation

Evergreen is a long-liver. With proper cultivation and care, a holly-headed mahonia pleases its owners for many years.


In natural conditions, this representative of the flora lives in the shade of tall trees and therefore does not like the sun too much. For the landing of holonia-holland magonia it is better to choose a darkened place. Bright sunshine can cause burns on the foliage, as a result of which it will lose its attractive appearance, and the bush will grow poorly.


The composition of the land is not critical. The shrub grows quietly on loamy soils. To plant it, dig up dimples 50 cm deep. Copies are planted, leaving intervals of one to two meters. The main thing - do not deepen the root neck. It is allowed to replant bushes at any time of the year, except for the latest autumn, when the plant is preparing for rest.


Magonia holly-leaved loves water. Watering it is necessary to thickets regularly. To keep the moisture from evaporating so quickly, it is better to mulch the space around the plant. It is favorable to carry out systematic spraying of foliage with plain water or with special fertilizers. Such foliar dressing will benefit Magonia.


Pruning shoots produced in early spring before the movement of juice begins. Only adult specimens that are older than 10 years old are trimmed. Haircut helps to give a neat shape to middle-aged, heavily overgrown plants. Cut intact branches can be used for grafting.

Best of all the bush develops in weak penumbra.

Top dressing

In order for the plant to have a healthy and attractive appearance, it is important to systematically fertilize it. It is possible to spray the foliage during the whole warm period with breaks per month. Root top dressing is carried out in the spring. To do this, around the trunk right on the ground scatter mineral fertilizer complex direction.

Pests and Diseases

Magonia belongs to the number of plants that are quite resistant to diseases, but it is not always possible to avoid them completely. It is most susceptible to the appearance of spotting, rust, powdery mildew. To prevent the development of these ailments, systematic preventive spraying with copper-based preparations should be carried out. To do this, in 10 liters of water dissolve a mixture of 200 g of green soap and 20 g of copper sulfate. Bordeaux liquid will do.

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Mealy dew covers beautiful shiny leaves and shoots of magonia with white bloom. To combat this disease, shrub is sprayed twice a month with Fundazole or Callatan. Funds with sulfur in the composition and cope well with rust. For prophylaxis, shrubs in spring can be treated with Zinebom. If rust starts to hit the plates, they are immediately removed to prevent the spread of the disease.

Plant Reproduction Methods

You can obtain additional plants for a site by cutting, rhizome division, or planting seeds.

A cutting

This is the most popular method of propagation of Padubal Magonia. With the right procedure, you can grow a beautiful and healthy plant.

When breeding Magonia of hollow-leaf cuttings, it is necessary to take into account such expert advice:

  • only healthy green shoots are chosen for grafting;
  • from the bottom of the planting material is cut on the oblique, on top - at a right angle;
  • to separate the branches quickly took root, they are treated with stimulants;
  • large leaves are removed to half;
  • cuttings are placed in an earthen mixture, buried before the first kidney;
  • plants are watered and covered with a jar or placed in a greenhouse to accelerate root growth;
  • it is important to conduct prophylactic watering or spraying fungicides.

Rhizome division

Another popular breeding method for padubal magonia is with layering. To this end, in the spring shoots are tilted to the ground, fastened with wire, covered with earthen mixture, so that the top was above it. Thus, the layouts quickly take root. If necessary, they additionally cover the ground with polyethylene and periodically irrigate. In this state, the shoots are left until autumn. When the roots are well formed, the shoot is cut off from the maternal specimen and planted as an independent plant. If the roots were small and undeveloped, leave the shoots to root until spring.

Seed method

This is a more complex breeding method. Cultivation of the holoniferous magonia from seeds is carried out both in autumn and in spring. Seeds are first kept in the refrigerator for at least three months. For autumn sowing, this procedure can be not carried out, and sow them in advance before the onset of frost. Deepen the seeds of only 1.5-2 cm.

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Another option to get a new shrub is to cut several shoots in the winter and put them in a jar of water. Keep them in a bright warm place. After a couple of months, the twigs take root. Copies that remain the same should be prikopat in the spring in the area.

Mahonia in the Moscow Region

Adults are not afraid of the cold at all, they tolerate wintering well. Therefore, in the Moscow region, Mahoniya Padubol is taking root and does not require specific care. The main thing is to protect young specimens in the first two years of cultivation.

Previously, the plant was used to dye tissues in a yellow shade.

To do this, you need:

  1. In the middle of autumn, shrubs are tucking, well sprinkling the tree-trunk circle with earth. The higher to fill it with soil, the better it will be for the plant.
  2. For the winter, Magonia shrubs are covered with spruce branches. Instead, you can fall asleep a circle with a good layer of any dry residue. For these purposes, suitable conventional straw, hay, needles. This will protect the young root system from freezing.
  3. In case of severe frosts, snow drifts are put on the bushes, creating a protective “coat” for them. If winter is not too fierce, this can not be done.
  4. After thawing of snow, planting is free from spruce branches or mulch. As the soil warms up around the shrub level.

Thanks to its exceptional unpretentiousness, mahonia is a universal plant in the list of landscape designers. With its flowering shrubs, you can make a hedge, place it on a hill with stones or plant it separately. Magonia is combined with many plants in compositions. Especially good, it looks in company with barberries, roses, Japanese quince or primroses. Plant a magonium in your plot; it deserves it, as well as proper, caring care.

Magonia in landscape design on the photo:

Video about the magoniya of the padubolic

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