Only a gardener who responsibly responds to all requirements of a certain variety can get a good cabbage harvest in the fall. Cabbage variety gift is an unpretentious plant that will allow you to enjoy the harvest until spring.
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- Descriptioncare. Gardeners stop their choice on a variety of a gift due to its characteristics: unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases and resistance even in late spring frosts, the absence of cracked heads. It can be planted in all regions of Russia.
Thick, round or slightly flattened white-forked plugs weigh up to five kilograms. Externally, the gray-green head of the cut will be greenish-white. The socket is large, can reach a diameter of one meter. Leaves slightly raised, sprawling, smooth with a waxy coating. On the edge there is a slight waviness.
A high yield can be obtained by planting on loamy or clayey soils. With increased soil acidity growth will be bad. It requires a lot of sunlight, with its deficiency loose plugs with small leaves are formed.Cabbages in the cut
Positive qualities and disadvantages of the gift
There are no disadvantages regarding this type of cabbage. There are only a few mandatory requirements for care: abundant watering, fertile and protection from pests. Let us list the description of the advantages of the variety gift, thanks to which gardeners appreciate it:
- The ability to grow in any region of Russia.
- Frost resistance and heat resistance.
- Resistance to diseases of various types.
- No cracking.
- Long shelf life of up to five months.
- tolerates transport, while maintaining the presentation.
- High yield.
- Suitable for pickling and pickling.
Like any other cabbage, the gift is not protected from attack by caterpillars, so you need to take the time to inspect the leaves as often as possible.
Planting and soil requirements
It will be good to place such predecessors in the place of the nightshade. These include tomatoes and potatoes, peppers and eggplants, pumpkin or beans, onions. Growing produce more efficiently through seedlings. Transplantation in open ground is made on the fiftieth day.
Since the best yield of cabbage cannot be obtained on acidic soil, it is necessary to reduce this figure. To reduce the acidity of the soil, you can add ash during planting, pouring it into the hole or on the surface of the earth. You can also achieve a reduction with any alkaline fertilizer.Sowing rules
In the spring, at the junction of April and May, one can begin to sow seedlings at home or even immediately into open ground for shelter, only in both cases the rules and recommendations will be different.
Sowing seeds for cabbage seedlings
Planting pattern when growing seedlings of 5 * 5 centimeters is not more than 1.5 centimeters deep. The first sprouts can be seen after a week. To understand that the sprout is ready to move into the open ground is easy. If the number of these sheets reaches five pieces, then you can safely send them to the beds. On average, such a spectacle can be seen on the forty-fifth day.
Before planting, seedlings must be hardened to withstand spring frosts. To do this, for a couple of days( and nights too) to leave it outdoors.Sowing in open ground is risky, but still possible if the woman-carer takes care of shelter for the first time. The scheme will be similar to the transplanting into the soil: 60 * 60 centimeters. Prepare a place for cabbage in various ways. For example, planting in shallow trenches will not allow water to flow during irrigation, moisture will last longer.
Care for cabbage
Fertilizing, hilling, loosening the soil along with weeding and watering will allow you to harvest a rich crop, which can reach up to 10 kilograms per square meter of land. If the leg of the fetus begins to stretch, it may lose its taste and density of the head.
Loosening should be performed periodically, once a week, on moist soil. The depth of loosening five centimeters. Hilling can begin three weeks after landing on the garden bed.
Watering is required thorough, especially in the first two weeks - every two - three days. At least seven liters of water per square meter of land must be spent at a time.
Top dressing is an individual matter, and if a gardener chooses to avoid adding chemicals to the soil, then he will be right. This measure is not mandatory, but brings a good result. Provide a quick set of green mass forks allow "Effecton".Starting from the twentieth day after transplantation, and then another three or four times in all the time, you need to use half a liter of the finished solution for one fork. The solution is prepared according to the scheme: two tablespoons of the product per ten liters of water. As a second feed, you can use half a liter of mullein or bird droppings, diluted in ten liters of water. Also here you can add a spoon "Kemira".
Loosening the soil after planting
Diseases and their prevention
Despite the fact that the variety is highly resistant to various types of diseases, it is still worth knowing how to contribute to a speedy recovery and their prevention. Spraying with a solution of ash, tomato or tobacco, garlic.
Cruciferous flea beetles are small bugs and larvae that gnaw the veins on the leaves. Affected leaves dry out and die. To prevent their occurrence, it is possible, in a timely manner, to destroy weeds, to produce watering by sprinkling.
If tomatoes, garlic or onions are located next to cabbage, this will help prevent most infections.Cabbage fly lays eggs on the ground close to the stem in late May, early June. If they are not removed within a period of six days, then the hatched larvae will damage the roots and eat them around, which will lead to the death of the plant. To prevent their spreading, sprinkle the soil around the seedlings with ash, black pepper or tobacco dust, and then inject it into the soil using loosening.
Snails and slugs damage not only the ground, but also the underground part of the plant. Determine the cause of the lesion can be on the dried mucus and eaten leaves. A mixture of mustard, ash, ground pepper and salt in the amount of two tablespoons for each ingredient diluted in half a liter of water should be sprayed the soil between the forks. Better to do it on a hot and sunny day. In the evening, carry out the procedure, spraying the heads themselves.
Cabbage bedworm or scoop lay eggs constantly, and the best factor in the fight against it will be frequent inspection of the underside of the leaves. In order to save the plant from damage, it is necessary to water it with a solution of two glasses of ash in ten liters of boiling water and one tablespoon of liquid soap.
Cabbage fly
Scoop on cabbage leaf
Cruciferous flea on cabbage
Snails on cabbage leaves
The ripeness of the fruit is reached on day 125 since its inception. September - October is the best period for removing the plugs. The versatility of the variety allows it to be consumed fresh throughout the winter, to cook salted or sauerkraut for the winter. One hundred grams of product contains from 26 to 41 milligrams of ascorbic acid.
High yield and unpretentiousness in the process of growing the variety. Gift attract gardeners. Compliance with the rules of care and prevention of diseases will allow you to enjoy tasty and juicy cabbage from your own garden until spring.