What kind of care at home requires zantedeskiya?

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Zantedeschia better known as calla lilies, grown as an indoor and hothouse flower. Care at home for zantedeskie not very complicated. However, when placing a plant from the aroid family on a windowsill, care must be taken that the plant is poisonous. The beauty of calla in its flower. The ear, protected by a beautiful veil - the main advantage of the plant. The bract is bright, but after pollination of the cob, pales and delivers additional nutrition to the seeds.

Callas requirements for indoor maintenance

In order to grow zantedesky, as in the photo, you need to create natural conditions for it. In summer, the plant thrives in the garden in the sun from the windward side. Zantedeskii not afraid of the sun's rays, but she is afraid of drafts. On the window, the plant in a season with a short day needs full lighting. Lighting should be 12-14 hours. On the south window zantedesky need to pritenyat from the midday sun. The temperature in the summer of 20-23 degrees, in winter about 13 for the flower will be just right.

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Feels better than other varieties on the windowsill of Ethiopian zantedes. The flower of the ear is covered with a long bract. This species blooms at the end of winter, and pleases with its beauty for more than a month.

If seed cultivation is not planned in the care of calla lilies, after flowering, the arrow must be cut with a sharp knife. This saves the strength of the plant on the formation of seeds.

Features of Ethiopian Callas

agrotechnology A dormant period begins immediately after flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Below 160 With a flower can get sick. During the rest period, watering is carried out only to preserve the residual moisture in the soil for 1.5 - 2 months. At this time, part of the leaves dries out. But it is important to prepare the plant for rest gradually, reducing the flow of moisture, just as well and remove the flower from hibernation.

Abundant watering in the care of zantedeskiey is required only during flowering. Watered with soft water after settling. Excessive moisture can destroy the fleshy root.

Humid air will help keep the beautiful leaves of calla lilies. Therefore, they are sprayed, bathed in the shower. A humidifier, a tray with pebbles and moss, an aquarium will delight the plant.

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An annual planting of tubers in a new substrate is an important technique in caring for zantedesky at home. For early flowering at the end of summer, the tubers are transplanted into fresh soil, without deepening the neck. At the same time produce the separation of small tubers for reproduction.

The nodules are cut off with a sterilized knife, dried and planted each in a separate glass.

A spacious pot is required in the room content for zantedeskii. In close dishes flowering calla can not wait. During the season, the land is depleted and fertility cannot be restored.

When transplanting, a standard primer for flowering plants is used. You can make a mixture using:

  • turf fertile from under the wheat grass - 2 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • calcined river sand - 1 part;
  • leaf ground - 1 piece.
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Zantedeskiya grows in this environment in this environment. Perhaps growing a flower in hydroponics. In fertilizer mixtures there should be a lot of phosphorus and little nitrogen. Then the callas bloom profusely.

Mistakes for zantedeskie at home and the consequences of

The choice of a spacious flower container is the determining factor for creating a powerful bush and numerous peduncles. But the decorative effect of the bush no less affects:

  • the level of illumination of the plant during the growing season;
  • temperature conditions;
  • prevailing in the fertilizer nitrogen component.

Begin to dry beautiful leaves, if the plant is standing in a draft or not moistened. In addition, the scourge of indoor plants - the spider mite will start in the dry air.

Aphid and whitefly can attack the plant. If the soap solution does not help, you will have to repeatedly use insecticides to clean the flower.

Watering, care and transplanting zantedeskii - video

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