What is the need for spring feeding of bees?

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Spring feeding bees before flying increases the productivity of the uterus. To feed young bees, overwintered hummers should be strong and full. Uterus sows, focusing on the possibility of female workers to rear the offspring. The faster the family grows, the more productive it will be during the main honey gathering.

Types and timing of feeding bees in the spring

The goal of the beekeeper is to take the largest amount of products from each hive during the period of the main honey collection. Mass flowering of plants in each region occurs at different times. It is to this point that the swarm should be the most numerous and strong. The maximum yield of working bees in the brood is reached after 85 days from the beginning of egg laying. Each beekeeper himself decides on the timing of spring bees, focusing on experience and weather conditions. The composition of the feed depends on the problem being solved:

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  • bee-feeding before the first flight;
  • stimulating top dressing "on the heart
  • stimulation for departure;
  • introduction of preventive and stimulating additives.

With the advent of the first bribe, the family does not need to be fed, the biological regulation mechanism comes into operation, and the uterus is stimulated for intensive seeding. For weakened families, the task of keeping the temperature in the nest and flying is unimaginable because of the small number of individuals. They need help, feeding the spring bees with sugar syrup. But under no circumstances from the feeding is not created commodity honey. Therefore, in the spring the feeders must be small.

In the community of bees, like humans, bees of a thief can be found. Therefore, in the spring it is not necessary near the hives to pour out the remains of syrup on the ground, leave sweet frames. Summer should be kept open for 2-3 bees, so as not to attract bees from another apiary. Around the hives should be clean.

When forming a nest in the spring, the beekeeper leaves the frame with the pug and brood. Honey frames are set behind the diaphragm. Bees warm the brood well and feed on honey, imitating bribes. During this period, protein food is necessary for the full development of larvae and worker bees. The importance of protein feed for brood demonstrates the study of the dependence of the number of larvae on the composition of feed for February, March according to Boren:

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Composition of feed, the presence of pollen Number of larvae, pcs.
Honey + pollen 8600
Honey + soybean + 50% pollen 7500
Honey + soya + 25% pollen 5500
Honey + soy flour + 12% pollen 4900
Honey + soy flour 2600
Honey without additives 575

Further increase in the number of individuals in the hive depends on the first brood. Therefore, it is so important to have a stock of pergie and pollen for the spring feeding of bees.

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Stimulation of bees on departure

The sun is hot, the first flowers have appeared and it's time to expose the beehives to fresh air. At temperatures above 10 degrees, bees can already fly out of the hive. After the first flight, when the bees cleared their insides from the stool, a liquid dressing in the form of sugar syrup is used. Depending on how the first flight took place in the nature of the stool, the beekeeper determines the health of the bees. A medicine or stimulant may be added to the prepared treat.

How to properly prepare and feed sugar beet syrup in the spring, watch the video:

The strength and health of the family can be determined by the intensity of eating a fertilizing. It has long been known that a strong healthy worker eats well.

To grow 1 kg of litter, it is required to expend energy, allocated 1 kg of honey and, kg of pollen. To get honey, brought pollen repeatedly shifted from one frame to another, stinging it with stings until honey is obtained. Therefore, within the period of honey collection, there should be enough free cells.

Varieties of liquid dressings

As soon as the bee tasted the syrup, it pulls to fly out of the hive. Therefore, liquid fertilizing is given under steady weather conditions and only in a warm state. It can be:

  • sugar syrup of various concentrations;
  • sugar syrup with the addition of stimulants;
  • sugar syrup with the addition of vitamins or medicines.
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All bee-keepers make fertilization of bees with sugar syrup in the spring. Prepare it simply. Sugar sand is poured with a measured portion of boiling water and thoroughly mixed until dissolved in enameled dishes. You can get a liquid, medium and thick syrup, using a different amount of sugar. After cooling to the temperature of fresh milk, the syrup is ready.

For feeding, use under-frame and upper feeders. It is important that fresh syrup is poured into a clean container. Portion is selected in such a way that there will be complete eating. No more than half a liter of syrup is poured into the above-frame trough. For weak families, a portion of syrup for bees in the spring should be reduced, but given more often.

Spring stimulation of brood with the use of cobalt in liquid syrup is effective. Only 8 mg of cobalt per liter of top dressing allows to increase brood by 20%. Contained cobalt in special preparations permitted in beekeeping - Multicomponent fodder additive DKM and "Pchelodar". Prepared on pine conifer sugar syrup is a stimulating and vitamin supplementation.


If at the first flight it is found out, bees suffer diarrhea, it is required to use a medicine Nosemat. The disease is called nosematosis. To prevent this disease, 3 g of acetic acid per kilogram of syrup is added to the syrup.

Spring troubles and material costs of the beekeeper will pay off a hundredfold big bribe to a healthy family.

Spring feeding of honey bees - video

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