Important advice for hostesses on the preparation of raw materialsIt differs from grape not only in color. Even the aroma of this nectar causes admiration and an irresistible desire to try it again. What to speak about the beneficial properties of this wine, because sea buckthorn itself is often used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases, as well as in cosmetology for the preparation of skin and body care products. Why did amber wine deserve such recognition and how difficult is it to make it yourself? Important tips for hostesses on the preparation of raw materials
To make high-quality sea buckthorn wine at home, you should carefully select the berries. You can use only ripe sea buckthorn, with no signs of damage by pests or rotting, otherwise the wine will acquire an unpleasant aroma and will give away rot.
Green sea buckthorn is better to put aside, as overripe. From the first to make a delicious and beautiful color drink will not work, but from the second come out a cloudy wine, besides, the billet will ferment for a long time.
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As for the water, which is in every recipe for sea buckthorn wine( and not only from it), it is best to take a filtered liquid. In extreme cases, you can boil water from the tap and let it settle.
It is possible to determine whether wine is “ripe” by its appearance and smell: it should turn golden in color and give slightly to honey and pineapple.
Of course, in addition to berries and water, sugar is added to each wine. No further ingredients are needed, and homemade recipes for sea buckthorn wine differ only in the amount of these components. A small amount of sugar and water allows you to make a rich sour drink, and by increasing their proportions, you get a sweet dessert wine at the exit.
The recipe for wine with the gradual addition of sugar.
The peculiarity of this method is that you should not put all the sugar in the billet at once. First, fill most of it, and gradually add the rest during the first one and a half weeks of the fermentation process.
There is nothing difficult in how to make wine from sea buckthorn. For this:
- Enumerated berries twist through a meat grinder, not washing them. Experienced winemakers claim that this allows you to preserve the yeast fungi that are present on the skin surface, which accelerates fermentation. In general, for one serving of drink you need 1 liter of such juice.
- Leave the juice for 30 minutes for it to stand.
- Pour the separated juice into a bottle in which sea buckthorn wine will ferment.
- Add to it 500 g of sugar.
- Pour 1.5 liters of water.
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Soak for four days and add another 300 g of sugar in the following sequence:
- on day 4 - 100 g;
- on day 7 - another 100 g;
- for 10 days - the remaining 100 g.
It will take about a month to ferment the sea buckthorn wine at home, after which it must be drained and left for another couple of days so that the sediment remains and the finished product is not cloudy. At the same time, it is necessary to control the accumulation of air under the lid daily and release it if there is no special device for this( lids with holes).When the muddy part settles, the wine can be bottled and tightly closed.
Such a drink will get maximum taste in 5-6 months of storage in the dark.
Classic sea buckthorn
A simple recipe for sea buckthorn wine at home provides for adding a minimum amount of water to make it saturated. So, for 15 kg of berries you will need only 1 liter of water, but you should put at least 5 kg of sugar, otherwise the wine will sour.
Read also: The invaluable benefits of sea buckthorn mors: the composition and secrets of cooking
Step by step preparation:
- Knead sea buckthorn with a rolling pin to make a gruel.
- Strain the mass through several layers of cheesecloth, selecting pure juice.
- Dilute juice with water and leave for half an hour. During this time, the remnants of the ground will settle, after which the liquid is again filtered.
- Add sugar to the billet and put it in a warm room for a week. All this time, you will have to look after the fermentation and periodically remove the foam cap that will form on the surface.
- When the foam is no longer, pour the wandering sea buckthorn wine into the bottle and close them with a special cap.
- Hold for 1.5 months, after which you can pour the wine into bottles, first filtering again.
If there is no cover with a water seal, an ordinary medical rubber glove is put on the bottle instead. In order not to accumulate air in it, in several places the glove is punctured with a needle.
As you can see, even a beginner winemaker will be able to prepare sea buckthorn wine and treat them not only to his relatives, but also to guests invited to the festive feast. It remains only to stock up on orange useful berries and find a cushy place for fermentation.