How to make a flower bed in front of the house with your own hands?

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We decorate our site with hibiscus grassy

We decorate our site with hibiscus grassyLandscape Design

The content of the article is: It is frost-resistant, decorative terry and simple flowers of many large sizes. The flower is called a hybrid, as it was obtained as a result of sel...

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How to make a flower bed with your own hands( step by step instructions)

How to make a flower bed with your own hands( step by step instructions)Landscape Design

Content of the article: Basic principles of Calculate planting density and plan We transfer the plan to a plot of land Planting flowers on the flowerbed Video: co...

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Choose a fragrant vine for your garden honeysuckle capricoleeLandscape Design

Content of the article: Basic information on the plant The fast-growing liana can decorate a high fence that separates the site from the road. When the device guides the plant...

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