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Walnut is one of those plants that were cultivated in deep antiquity. However, not everyone knows that not only the kernels, but also the leaves of the walnut, are valuable for a person, whose beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of which are entirely dependent on the composition of dense lush greenery.
One glance at a walnut tree is enough to remember the unusual cutting leaves of this culture, as if consisting of several oval-pointed leathery plates. Opening in May, the foliage of walnut is actively growing and in the middle of summer it forms a sprawling dense crown.
What, besides creating the shadow desired in the summer heat, are the leaves of this fruit tree valuable? How are walnut leaves used in official and traditional medicine?
Composition and medicinal properties of walnut leaves
If healers used the properties of plants earlier, based on experience, now it is not difficult for scientists to study the biochemical composition of the raw materials and determine what a given culture is capable of.
Green leaves of walnuts contain organic acids, essential oils and glycosides, alkaloids and phytoncides, vitamins and trace elements in abundance.
There are practically no toxic compounds, allergens or other substances in the composition of greenery that can provoke a deterioration of health or exacerbation of a chronic disease. In what areas is the use of walnut leaves the most important and effective?
Essential vitamins provide the body with energy, take care of constant cell renewal, support the immune and vascular systems. Due to the abundance of vitamin C, which is particularly rich in young foliage, the nervous system receives the necessary nourishment. A person better tolerates all sorts of loads and easier to resist stress.
In addition, walnut leaves have the ability:
- to heal wounds, including purulent;
- to resist inflammation, soothe and prevent their occurrence;
- dry foci of irritation;
- pain relief;
- to stop bleeding and accelerate clot formation.
Preparations based on natural raw materials are effective in the fight against staphylococcus, pathogenic fungi, pathogens of intestinal diseases and tuberculosis.
Since bioactive components stimulate wound healing and hemostasis, thrombophlebitis, as well as individual intolerance, are a contraindication for taking walnut leaves with all their benefits.
Pounded fresh foliage, thanks to the abundance of essential oils, at the summer cottage and in the house helps ward off annoying insects. And when ingested alkaloids plants cope with helminthic invasions.
Use of walnut leaves
The use of foliage is significant, and there are many ways to use it. The healing properties of walnut leaves are perfectly preserved after drying, and they are converted into decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of them, intended for internal and external use.
In order to preserve maximum benefit, the leaves are collected from May to the end of June. For drying, they take in shaded ventilated places and make sure that the raw materials do not get wet and retain the silver-green tint without dark spots. Fresh raw materials are used to make juice for all kinds of skin problems, including:
- versicolor;
- acne;
- furunculosis;
- eczema;
- diathesis;
- abundant dandruff of the scalp;
- focal alopecia;
- long non-healing, complicated wounds.
The anesthetic, soothing properties of the leaves are in demand for sore throat, persistent cough. Rinsing with warm broth removes discomfort and speeds up the treatment.
Dried leaves are the basis of decoctions for the treatment of internal bleeding, rickets, and general exhaustion of the body. Today, studies are conducted on the beneficial properties of walnut leaves and contraindications for their use in oncological diseases. It would seem that a simple herbal remedy perfectly helps to strengthen the immune system or restore it after chemotherapy or surgery.
Usually herbal preparations are rarely and very carefully used for diseases of the digestive system. Walnut leaves are an exception.
They help not only with banal disorders, but also relieve pain, inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms characteristic of acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, and dysbacteriosis.
A decoction or tea based on walnut leaves in diabetes helps to normalize sugar levels, support the body and its immune system. A similar effect has a remedy for diseases of the joints, the risk of atherosclerosis. In all these cases, the regenerative capacity of plant materials is involved.