Acquaintance with a large-grained remontant strawberry of the Coquette variety

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Strawberry Coquette remontant large-fruited is the most popular variety. It received its demand due to its winter hardiness and long-term fruiting. This is a unique plant that has good properties. Description of the variety and photo of strawberry coquette are presented below.

Feature of the plant

A distinctive feature of this species is the abundant fruiting, incredibly sweet taste and aroma of berries. This is a large-fruited garden strawberry, which belongs to wild varieties. It grows in the form of small, lush bushes. On each of them several times a season, flower stalks form. The inflorescences are medium sized, semi-folded.

Each ripe fruit contains more than 65% vitamin C and up to 9% sugar.

Strawberry Coquette is an early ripening variety, and the fruits of this plant are tapered. Ripe berries of sweet-sour taste and rich aroma. With proper care, they are able to reach 25 grams.

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A distinctive feature of this variety is the excellent taste of berries. They can be used both raw and for making jam. The flesh is quite tender and very juicy. The berries are shiny, red hue.

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  • Bushes perfectly weedable. From them it is easy and quick to harvest.
  • Berries are simply transported over different distances.
  • The plant tolerates frost well and is not affected by various diseases.
  • Remontant large-fruited wild strawberry Coquette grows well on various lands. Depending on the climate and the place of planting, it can bear fruit up to 4 times a year.

    Cultivation of wildless strawberry

    The development of a plant and its fruiting is directly dependent on the method of reproduction and care. In order to grow a healthy young bush, you should know that it is best done with seeds. You can dilute the strawberry yoke and dividing the bush, but it requires special skills and great effort.

    Planting without the strawberry should be carried out only in a fertile and loose substrate. The land should consist of humus, sand and peat. Also for the germination of seeds can be used and purchased soil. If you decided to prepare the land for planting yourself, then it must be calcined for 20 minutes. This time will be enough for all sorts of larvae to die and not harm the young plants.

    In order for the seeds to be evenly distributed on the surface of the soil, they must first be mixed with sand.

    To sow the seeds should be in March or at the end of February. Grains should be wetted with water for 5 hours before use. This will significantly accelerate the growth of seeds. At the end of this time, the seed should be pulled out of the water and let it dry well.

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    Strawberries should be sown in small containers. Cups, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm, will be an excellent option. Before putting the grains in the soil, it is necessary to pour the soil abundantly with water. Build the seeds is not worth much, as they germinate under the influence of sunlight. For quick germination, containers should be covered with polyethylene and placed on the sunny side. It is best to grow the remontant strawberry yoke at a temperature of about 240 C. To moisten the soil with a sprayer. If everything is done correctly, the first shoots will appear in 2 weeks.

    If a common box was used for sowing seeds, young plants should dive.

    The procedure should be carried out when 2-4 full-fledged leaves appear on the bushes. Transplantation should be done with a knife or other material at hand. When picking special attention should be paid to the deepening of the bush. Do not make large dimples, as this may halt the development of the bush.

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    It is recommended to water the transplanted strawberries with a pipette. Capacity to keep some time in the penumbra, away from direct sunlight.

    For young bushes to harden, boxes of seedlings should be carried out daily to fresh air, gradually increasing the residence time.

    Strawberries can be planted at the site 7 weeks after planting. The land should be well cleaned of weeds and various debris. Soil should be fertilized with compost and humus. Make them best in the fall, when digging the site. After planting the bushes well pour water. In order for the plant to grow quickly and give a good harvest, it is necessary to periodically loosen the ground and remove weeds.

    Knowing the description of the coquette strawberries and comparing it with other varieties can be convinced of the advantages of this type. Adhering to the basic rules of planting, you can grow a healthy plant that will bear fruit several times a season.

    Strawberry Harvest Coquette in September - video

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