Disease of pigs erysipelas is dangerous not only for animals

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The erysipelas of pigs other than animals are also contagious for humans. Although the lethal outcome of the erysipelas of the pigs can be caused individually, the danger of it does not become less of this. Pathogenic erysipelas can provoke serious complications in humans and animals - diseases of the cardiovascular system, articular apparatus and morphological changes in internal organs. But with timely diagnosis, successful treatment can significantly reduce the negative consequences of this disease.

Characteristics of erysipelas

Swine erysipelas are caused by a ubiquitous (common) bacterium. The erysipelas are stable, virulence persists for several months. The bacterium is sensitive to antibacterial agents, chlorine, alkalis, formaldehyde and a temperature of more than 50 ° C. Low temperatures (-7 -15 ° C) do not disinfect the pathogen. When heated to 70 ° C, the bacterium dies after 5 minutes.

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Swine erysipelas are a common disease. It is registered as an epizootic (limited). Pigs are infected from 3 months to 1 year.

The source of the disease is sick pigs - bacteria carrier.

Transfer factors - meat from the slaughter of sick animals, infected slaughterhouse waste, manure, care items, corpses of sick animals. The causative agent is transferred by mice, flies are bloodsuckers. The path of transmission is alimentary, with transmissible and direct contact is rarely transmitted.

Mostly, the erysipelas of pigs appear in the warm season and are of a stationary nature.

Clinical picture of erysipelas

The duration of the incubation period is from 2 days to a week. Symptoms and treatment of pig face, the severity of its course and the form of the disease will depend on the factors contributing to the onset of the disease.

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Such factors include:

  • virulence of the pathogen;
  • gate infection (the site of penetration of the bacteria);
  • the state of the animal's immune status;
  • conditions of maintenance and feeding.

The disease manifests itself in several forms that are characteristic of a certain course.


Classification of the course of the disease:

  • lightning fast;
  • sharp;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

For each period (flow) is characterized by a picture of the disease.

Lightning current - observed quite rarely. Its manifestation will be characteristic of gilts for fattening 7 to 10 months, for weakened animals, which are kept in unsatisfactory conditions, under the influence of stress factors (transportation). Erythematous skin disease is absent, an erysipelas during this period is called the white form.

The septic form is noted in acute course. During this period, the diseased animals keep separate from the entire population, are depressed, lie. The body temperature is above 42 ° C, while the limbs are bent with difficulty (stilted gait). There is a loss of appetite, chills, diarrhea, diarrhea alternates with constipation. There may be fits of vomiting.

Cardiovascular and renal failure cause pulmonary edema. Develops decompensatory dyspnea, cyanosis (cyanosis) of the skin in the lower jaw, neck and belly. A characteristic symptom is erythema (redness) of the skin. On the second day of the disease, some pigs have spots of different colors - from pale pink to dark red. In the absence of treatment, the affected people die within 2 to 5 days.

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It is easier to face pigs in a subacute period, which is characterized by a dermal form - hives. The body temperature of the sick pig reaches 41 ° C, weakening of the animal and thirst is observed. With erythematous urticaria, swellings of different shapes are formed - square, rhombic, sometimes round. Urticaria manifests itself on extensive areas of the body, while the flow is benign. During treatment and recovery disappears completely.

The subacute course lasts 6 to 12 days, the outcome is favorable - recovery.

Rarely passes into the septic form.

The chronic form of erysipelas is rarely recorded. It manifests erysipelas necrosis (necrosis) of the skin, warty endocarditis, rheumatism, polyarthritis. As a result, lameness develops, and joints are deformed.


For successful results and efficacy, the treatment of pigs with erysipelas should be comprehensive. Apply specific and symptomatic therapy.

With specific therapy, patients are injected with antiserized serum. Symptomatic therapy involves the use of several groups of drugs:

  • antibacterial wide spectrum of action;
  • vitamin;
  • antihistamines;
  • heart;
  • antipyretic.

Antimicrobial drugs (tylosin, tylosomikol, pharmazin, penicillin and streptomycin sodium salt) are used for 3 to 5 days. If necessary, continue the course of treatment with prolonged antibiotics (bicillin 3, 5). The optimal therapeutic effect can be achieved by combining antibiotics and antiserize serum simultaneously. The dose of the drug is determined according to the instructions.

Along with the use of medicines, improved feeding and maintenance of the livestock are created. Places of sickness are regularly cleaned and disinfected mechanically.

Measures for the control and prevention of erysipelas

When pigs appear in the industrial and private sectors, restrictions are introduced. They concern exportation - import of pig-head, export of uninfected products of pig production (meat) and feed.

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All livestock are subject to clinical examination. Pigs with a clinical picture are isolated and treated. Conditionally healthy - are inoculated and observed for the next ten days. In case of their disease they also isolate.

If there is a need, slaughter pigs in the designated areas.

After two weeks, the restrictions are removed after the last detection of the disease and conducting the final forced disinfection of all rooms, equipment and walking grounds.

Rules of eating meat

Slaughter of pigs is allowed after removal of quarantine restrictions.

Carcases and slaughter products of patients who have recovered and suspected of the incidence of animals can only be consumed after digestion! And carrying out of microbiological research on salmonellosis.

In the face of pigs, you can eat meat after treatment, but not earlier than the acceptable period of caring. Carentia (waiting period) - the time of removal of the medicine from the body of the animal.

In connection with the predisposition of a person to erysipelas, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene when slaughtering and cutting pork carcasses. Damaged skin increases the risk of erysipelas. Meat, obtained from sick pigs or who have recovered before eating, should be heat treated - boil. The above measures will avoid the disease of the pig face.

Vaccination pigs from erysipelas - video

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