Where and how is a steam generator used?

  • What is a steam generator and what is
  • for? How to use
  • correctly How to choose an efficient

device Not everyone has a steam generator, but one who has such a device can tell about its advantages. Professional salons, workshops on sewing clothes, practically do not do without him. That is, this device is so effective that it is used both for domestic needs and professionals. It is striking in its versatility, it is used for clothing care, cleaning and disinfection.

We offer you to get acquainted in more detail with its main characteristics in order to determine for yourself what a steam generator is, what it is for, and how to use it.

What is a steam generator and what is

for? A steam generator is a device that produces a powerful steam jet. This happens on the following principle, in the middle of the device there is a tank with water. Due to the high temperature, water turns into hot steam, which is released under very high pressure through the smallest holes, that is, a steam blow is generated.

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The direction of this pair to specific items is solved by a number of household tasks, in particular:

  • Ironing and disinfection, cleaning of clothes. Ironing with a steam generator is used in most cases. It is very effective for bringing in a neat look of difficult products with a large number of folds. Steam penetrates and smoothes small assemblies, which does not make the iron. At the same time, no iron marks are formed.
  • Using a steam generator as a disinfectant or to freshen up( depriving of an unpleasant smell) things that cannot be washed or are complex in the process. With its help it is easy to refresh the fur thing.
  • Cleaning while cleaning. If we talk about the use of a steam generator in cleaning, then perhaps its quality is even more effective than for ironing clothes. We are talking about cleaning the overall upholstered furniture and carpets. Do it at home is not always successful. Therefore, it is necessary either to take them to a special salon for cleaning or to invite relevant specialists to the house. If you have a steam generator you can handle most of the problems yourself. But there is also no need to remove and wash the curtains every time. The steam generator will clean them from dust, refresh and restore their appearance.
  • Cleaning of hard surfaces. Another piece of work that a steam generator is capable of doing is cleaning the plaque on the tile and dirt on the floor. In fact, its action can be directed to the cleaning of any contaminated solid surface.

The high temperature of the powerful steam jet copes well with fat formations on the surfaces of the stove, kitchen furniture, household appliances( refrigerator, microwave, etc.).

The steam generator can easily and perfectly cope with contaminants in the bathroom, which often occur in small crevices.

  • Car cleaning. Why spend big money on cleaning in a specialized salon. Imagine that you can independently and with high effect clean the car interior. Cleaning from stains, dust, dirt and neutralization of unpleasant odor. With this you can cope with the steam generator.

It is impossible to fully cover the list of jobs that the steam generator is capable of performing. Its use can sometimes be useful in the most unpredictable cases. For example, you are going to remove the old wallpaper. With the help of steam, this process can be accelerated and facilitated.

How to use

correctly The operation of a steam generator is simple and easy. Consider the sequence of actions, how to use the steam generator.

  • Pour water into a special compartment of the device.
  • Turn on the outlet. We are waiting for a signal of readiness for use.
  • We direct the usable device to the desired object. Clamp the button and steam.

In the process of using water is used and it should be updated from time to time.

Security Measures

  • Remember, when you open the tank cover, be careful not to burn yourself. After all, when you open it can hit hot steam.
  • Do not direct devices to a person, especially to exposed areas of the body. The approximate temperature of the pair is 100 degrees and in case of injury the burn will be noticeable.
  • Get started using the device with dry hands. Do not wash the steamer under running water.
  • Use the device in enclosed spaces to avoid exposure to precipitation.
  • Keep the appliance in proper and tidy condition. For effective use, care should be taken to ensure that nozzles with cracks are not clogged( clogged).

And also, that the device served for a long time and efficiently, it is advised to use: boiled, distilled, filtered water.

How to choose an effective device

In order to choose the device that you need, you need to know about the main selection criteria.

  • Parameters. The size of the unit itself matters, because it affects the ability to easily manipulate it. Therefore, when it comes to home use, the advantage is its compact size.
  • Power pair. The quality and duration of cleaning depends on how strong the delivery of steam will be. For example, weak steam should be used for a longer time to achieve the effect. If the pressure of hot steam is powerful, then it saves your cleaning time, because you will achieve high-quality cleaning faster.
  • Tank volume. The optimal average volume of water tank is 1.2–1.5 liters. This is enough for a short session of cleaning without topping up the water. If the cleaning is long, count on updating the tank approximately every half hour. In this case, the water heats up in a few minutes( 5–7 minutes).

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the complete set. Different models provide different types of attachments: for cleaning carpets;special spray nozzle for cleaning plants;elongated nozzles;for windows cleaning, other.

A more detailed acquaintance revealed a much wider idea of ​​the steam generator. The versatility of its application is really amazing, the presence of such in the house will please any owner.

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