How to cook spicy mustard on any brine

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tasty, spicy and flavorful mustard pickle - it's a lovely, spicy sauce to a variety of meat dishes, from the usual sandwich with sausage n Breakfast, up to a good, rich jelly on a festive table. Here are just store mustard in jars or plastic tubes rarely happy that the sharpness that aroma.

In order to get a really tasty seasoning, it is better to cook it yourself at home, especially since it is very easy. It is not difficult to buy mustard powder at the store. It is more difficult to determine the recipe, as there are a great many. And here a lot depends on what qualities of sauce is most important for the hostess. In order to get it really sharp, the most suitable recipe for preparing mustard from powder on brine. Although there are also options for hot or cold water, apple juice. But all these are softer options.

Mustard on brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes

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How to make mustard powder on brine? The easiest way to do this is to use pickles from tomatoes or cucumbers, since both already contain all the necessary spices, as well as sugar, salt and vinegar. Especially good for making hot seasoning are pickles from pickled products, they are steeper, more tart. Suitable, including pickles from store vegetables.

Homemade mustard powder on cucumber brine is not much different from the product on tomato brine. Which one to choose for your recipe, everyone decides for himself. The benchmark can be your own addictions. Tomato pickle, as a rule, has a milder, more sweet taste. Of course, this is reflected in the taste of the finished seasoning. As well as the mere presence of a specific option at hand.

The most important thing is that seasoning is more than easy. The process of cooking mustard on brine from pickled tomatoes or cucumbers will require a few minutes from the hostess, of course, except for the time to ripen. Exactly so much will take immediate chores with ingredients.

First you need to prepare the dishes, in which you have to stir the sauce, and in which then it will be stored. However, it can be the same dish - a small glass jar. The truth is that it may not be very convenient to stir the mixture, but this should be done very carefully. So for this more suitable small deep bowl.

It is important that the mustard powder is fresh, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the necessary sharpness. The quality of the brine also matters: turbid, sour liquids in this case will not work.

The exact proportions of the ingredients will have to be clarified in practice, since each has its own optimum density of the final product. For starters, you can take about two-thirds of the dishes in which the prepared sauce will be stored.

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Then, brine is gradually poured into the powder and mixed thoroughly so that no lumps remain. How well the ingredients are mixed will determine how tasty the mustard is on brine.

With the help of the temperature of the brine you can adjust the taste and sharpness of the future sauce. Hot pickle will make it softer, and cold - more acute, even vigorous.

According to the recipe, home mustard powder from brine should be of a consistency approximately like sour cream of medium fat content. You can adjust the thickness by adding more brine or mustard powder. You should not make the seasoning too thick, it dries much faster, but of course, the mustard itself should not spread.

Now you need to shift the sauce in a jar and tightly close the lid and let it brew. It should be insisted in a warm, dark place. You can put on the battery, if it happens in the winter, or just in the locker, if in the summer. Another option is a warm, not completely cooled oven.

Infuse mustard for 8-9 hours. After that, you need to open a can. If excess liquid has protruded over the mustard, it must be drained. After that, mix again and put in the refrigerator.

Immediately after cooking, it may slightly bitter. This flavor can persist for 24 hours after preparation. This is normal.

If after a day the mustard remains bitter, and not just spicy, it may mean that the powder was of poor quality.

If mustard seeds are harvested in the rain, the seeds may rot a little. If after this they are dried and ground, then this powder will look and smell like a normal, but ready-to-eat sauce will taste bitter. Of course, there is no such seasoning. And not tasty. The correct mustard powder should be yellow.

As you can see, the recipe for cooking mustard on a tomato brine is really simple, although it has its own nuances. Most likely, it will work out the first time. And after a day, the hostess will be able to please her home with delicious seasoning.

Read also: Sweet cherry compote for the winter - a delightful vitamin elixirBut in general, the process looks about the same. For one cup of mustard powder you will need:
  • a spoon of sugar;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • spices to taste.

The amount of brine is also individual, as in the previous case. How to make mustard on brine from cabbage? Simple enough.

Mustard powder is poured into the cup, into which the brine is gradually poured and thoroughly mixed. It is important to grind all the resulting dry lumps.

Now add all remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture: sugar, salt, spices, vinegar and butter. Next you need to mix the mixture very carefully, and, just as in the previous case, put the mixture in a jar, close and leave to infuse.

Small Tricks

Despite the fact that the mustard recipe at home on brine is extremely simple to perform, and does not require any special ingredients, however, there are some small tricks in its preparation. And they also need to know. To get the perfect result, ienno such as you want.

The temperature of the brine and bitter taste was discussed above, but that's not all.

If an insufficiently steep brine was chosen for mustard on a pickle from pickled cucumbers, it makes sense to add sugar and vinegar to it in the same proportions as in the mustard recipe for cabbage pickle. That is, try the raw materials before cooking is necessary. However, if the cucumbers were salted personally, then the hostess already knows everything herself.

Sugar in any of the seasoning recipes can be replaced with honey if desired. This will give mustard a richer flavor and interesting flavor. In addition, the seasoning in this case will not so sharp. The original mustard on brine is very hot. Even if you just sniff it, tear it out of your eyes. And still mustard on honey will help to quickly cope with colds due to the shock combination of anti-inflammatory ingredients.

You can soften the taste of mustard by adding vegetable oil. By the way, if you remove it from the recipe on the cabbage pickle, the result will be more acute.

Oil in mustard can be added not only during cooking, but also after it has infused and matured. It is important only once again how to mix the sauce.

Cooking home mustard is better in small portions. Even if the family eats it a lot and often. It is better to make a new portion, fresh and fragrant, than to observe how the already cooked dries.

Read also: Cooking at home delicious mustard from

powder If you want to somehow diversify the taste of your favorite sauce, you can add various spices to it during cooking:

  • cinnamon;
  • nutmeg;
  • ginger;
  • carnation;
  • cardamom.

Other options are possible. Here a lot depends on the hostess's fantasy and her preferences. And the world of spices is very, very diverse.

Homemade mustard powder on cucumber pickle is not the only option. You can even use a pickle from vegetable platter, in which were not only cucumbers and tomatoes, but also zucchini or squash, Bulgarian pepper. It can also give the finished product an interesting, new taste.

Whole mustard seeds are a good seasoning for mustard powder. In this case, the finished sauce will be even more fragrant, more stuffy. Such mustard can be not only served with meat, but also used as a basis for complex salad sauces. For them it is especially important flavor, and not the sharpness of mustard. If the seasoning is prepared specifically for this salad, it is better to make it softer.

If it was not possible to correctly calculate the required amount of sauce, and the mustard began to dry, you can add some vegetable oil to it and mix thoroughly. But constantly it is not possible to renew the mustard, sooner or later it will wither anyway. Moreover, in this case, its sharpness will gradually decrease.

Even the most common mustard leaves a good housewife with room for creativity and imagination. Having a little experimented, everyone will find for himself the same, suitable taste. Or provide a variety of favorite sauces. However, not everyone likes experiments. Much the most expensive habitual taste of your favorite sauce.

Delicious, spicy sauce, so beloved by Russian people is really easy to cook at home. This means that there is no point in buying mustard in stores, where it is expensive, and its taste is not ideal.

Much easier to make seasoning at home. And exactly the kind that a particular family loves. And if necessary, even with different tastes and different sharpness for different family members. The main thing is to correctly match the quantity.

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