Overview of garden and ornamental plum varieties

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When choosing a sapling of plum trees, every gardener knows that desire alone is not enough. In order to grow a strong tree and get a bountiful harvest in the future, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each plum variety. A brief description of the most popular varieties of plums will help determine the type.

Plum Hungarian

Includes a large group of domestic plums, a common feature of which is the characteristics of the fruit, namely:

  • elongated shape;
  • dense yellow flesh with a red tinge;
  • is a dark color with white patina;
  • well visible side seam;
  • sweet taste of plums.
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Representatives of the variety are the Moscow, Belarusian, Amazing, Donetsk and other plums. All of them are characterized by abundant yield and self-fertility. Seedlings tolerate drought well, and fruits are well transported and stored.

An adult tree has an oval crown and grows up to 6 m in height, which makes the process of care and harvest difficult. Fruiting occurs only in the 7th year.

Only from plum Hungarian can be made high-quality real prunes.

Plum by Stenley

Late-ripening variety, the second name is Stanley, widely used in the southern regions. It has a characteristic round crown with rare side shoots. The maximum tree height is no more than 3 m. Fruits are large( sometimes up to 50 g), dense and fragrant, slightly sour. Ripen in early autumn for 5 year landing. Productivity is good - about 60 kg can be removed from one tree.

Variety can bear fruit alone, because it refers to partially self-bearing. As an additional pollinator, it is better to plant Blyufry or Chachak plums for it.

Plum Stanley - an excellent pollinator for varieties with which it coincides flowering time.

The winter hardiness of the variety is at a high level, but it is not resistant to the disease of gray mold and the defeat of plum aphids.

Plum Eurasia

An early table variety ripening at the end of summer. A young sapling in 4 years grows into a large tree with a lush crown and begins to bear fruit. The cream has a round shape and medium size( about 25 g), the yield is good. Due to the very juicy pulp are great for preservation or fresh use, but it is worth noting that the stone is removed with difficulty. The variety has earned great popularity among gardeners due to its high winter hardiness and resistance to various diseases.

Grade Eurasia as a self-fertile needs pollinators, the most suitable - plum Renklod, Lighthouse, Volga beauty.

Plum Renklod

Variety Renklod unites more than 200 varieties of plums, such as Altana, Tambov, Michurinsky, Bove and others. All of them are characterized by the following varietal characteristics:

  • is a very large tree height( up to 7 m);
  • round crown with drooping branches;
  • large fruit in the shape of a ball with a slightly rough surface;
  • is a special, marmalade, pulp structure - very juicy and sweet.
Read also: Grafting apricot on plum in splitting and method of improved copulation

Most subspecies of the Renklod plum are self-fruitless, however, they do not differ in stable and good yield - weather conditions during the summer are of great importance. Resistance to frost, drought and disease is average.

Honey Plum

The description of the Honey Plum variety is consistent with the photos of the fruit: beautiful ripe plums have a rich honey color and a light orange blush. Plum refers to the early ripening mind, the fruits ripen in June. The flesh is juicy and sweet, with a intoxicating aroma. The tree itself has a medium-thick crown, but requires at least 5 square meters.square as it can reach up to 7 m in height. The variety is suitable for cultivation in the northern regions, it is resistant to low temperatures.

Honey Plum is self-productive, as pollinators are best suited for it by Renkord Karbysheva or Hungarian Donetsk.

Plum Volga beauty

Early dessert variety, fast-growing trees form a round crown and reach more than 6 m in height. Productivity is high, bears fruit from 4 years of life. The cream is round in shape, slightly narrowed to the top, with a clearly visible lateral scar. The size of the fruit is medium, it tastes a little sour, but juicy.

Plum The Volga beauty has been recognized for its general resistance to frost, disease and pests. However, it should be noted that the flower buds are able to freeze, resulting in crumbling.

For pollinators for the Volga epochless beauty, the plums of Skorospelka red or Zhiguli are suitable. This will help improve the ovary.

Plum Etude

Medium early table variety, wood has a height above average. The crown is in the shape of an oval, slightly upwards. In the period of fruiting comes in 4 years after planting, the yield is high annually. Fruits weighing up to 30 g, with dense and juicy pulp. Sour almost not felt.

The main advantages of Plum Etude are:

  1. Long-term storage( up to 2 months in a cool place).
  2. Transportability.
  3. High winter hardiness of both tree and flower buds.
  4. Good disease resistance.

For pollination of a partially self-fertile Etude, varieties of plums Renklod Tambovskiy and Volzhskaya beauty are suitable.

Plum Blue Gift

The variety is easy to clean, due to the low( up to 3 m), medium-thick crown in the shape of an oval. Fruits after 4 years of life in late August. The fruits differ:

  • small size( about 15 g);
  • oval shape with a weak lateral scar;
  • dense pulp with a low content of juice, but well separated by bone;
  • in the taste of plum dominates sourness.
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The advantage of plum Blue Gift is self-fertility and high resistance of flower buds to low temperatures. In addition, the variety is rarely attacked by aphids and moths.

Plum Red Ball

Medium early variety of Chinese plum. The tree grows compact, no more than 2.5 m in height, side shoots are omitted. Differs in very large fruits( up to 40 g) of round shape. Unripe plums are painted in a light green color with a yellow tinge; when they reach full maturity, they turn red, hence the name of the variety. Fruiting comes in the second year at the end of the summer, the plums are juicy, with sourness.

As a pollinator for the plum Red ball, Chinese or Russian plum varieties are flowering at the same time.

Of the shortcomings of the variety, it is worth noting the shallowing of fruits in years when there are too many ovaries. In addition, the plum is sensitive to spring frosts, although it tolerates winter frosts well. The cultivar is resistant to the disease of asteriasis and monilial burn.

Plum Morning

Early ripe plum, fruits after the third year of life. A tree of medium size has a round crown, the branches are slightly raised. Productivity is high, the fruits ripen in early August, but not all at once. The oval-shaped plums are very juicy and fragrant, with yellow flesh and greenish skin. They have a sweet-sour taste, and they are not too large during the transportation( on average, 25 g).

Plum Morning does not tolerate frosty winters, but recovers quickly after spring frosts. In the dry summer requires abundant watering. It is practically not affected by fruit rot and nodules, sometimes undergoes attacks by aphids and seed moths.

The main advantage of the variety is its self-fertility and the ability to act as a pollinator for self-fruitless plums.

Plum President of

Late-ripening variety, with young seedlings characterized by a vertical arrangement of branches. After fruiting( for 5 years), branches fall a little. An adult tree does not exceed 3 m in height. Fruits of medium size, round, green, after maturation become burgundy. There is acidity in taste, and the flesh itself is of delicate structure and juicy.

Ripe plums cling tight to branches, partially crumbling only after overriding.

Plum President has a high drought and frost resistance, the disease incidence is at an average level. The variety is self-fertile, but to increase the yield, it is recommended that Stanley, Mirnaya or Skorospelka red plums be planted under it.

One of the drawbacks is to highlight the hard and sour flesh in the dry summer and early cold autumn.

Decorative varieties of plums

Among the variety of plum trees is to provide an ornamental group, whose representatives are grown not only for the sake of fruiting, but also for aesthetic purposes. Some varieties of plums, according to the name, description and photo, attract attention with a lush and bright bloom, others have an unusual color. Especially popular are:

  • Japanese plum;
  • Pissardi Plum;
  • variety Cysten;
  • Plum Spread.
Read also: Chinese plum varieties for Russian gardens

Japanese Plum

An exotic species originally from Japan, also called Japanese peach, apricot, mume or ume. The variety is uniquely beautiful during flowering: a tall tree in early spring is covered with amazing fragrant inflorescences of white or pink color that bloom for more than 2 months.

In some cases, the Japanese plum grows in the form of a shrub.

Fruits ripen in mid-summer, have a greenish color and a sour taste with a tart note, and therefore are used mainly in a processed form.

Despite the fact that mume is resistant to diseases, the variety is grown mainly by amateurs.

Red Plum

The variety is often called the Red-leaved cherry plum or Pissardi plum in honor of the scientist who brought the first seedling from Iran. A characteristic feature of the plum is the red color of the shoots, leaves and fruits, which lasts throughout the season.

Fruiting is abundant, but a sour note prevails in plums. The variety almost does not suffer from fungal diseases, but sometimes aphids are damaged. Winter hardiness is average. In the southern regions, the red leaf plum feels great and is able to grow up to 100 years.

Fruits ripen in August, but may be on the branches, without crumbling, until October.

Plum Cysten

The second name of the variety Dwarf plum due to its appearance. Cysten is a shrub that grows slowly( not more than 1.5 cm per year).The maximum height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, while the diameter of the crown is usually equal to the height of the bush. The variety is obtained by crossing a sand cherry and a Pissardi plum.

Decorative effect due to:

  • red leaf color with a raspberry shade and glossy shine;
  • large white flowers with a red core, located in a single order;
  • beautiful rich purple fruits.

Plum Cystein is often used as a hedge, a hardwood hat does not fall to frost. It has an average sensitivity to low temperature due to damage to young shoots.

Plum Spread

A tall tree with a spreading crown bears fruits of sweet and sour plums from the second year of its life. The crop is plentiful, up to 40 kg of plums from one adult tree. The fruits of the wild varieties are small, and the cultivated ones reach 60 g. The spreading plum is also called cherry, cherry or cherry plum, it has several subspecies( Nigra, Elegance and others).Decorative character gives plum dark red color of foliage and shoots, so that it looks like a sakura.

The variety is poorly resistant to black and hole spotted diseases and pests. In addition, it does not tolerate frosty winters, and therefore young saplings need shelter.

There are many more representatives of garden and ornamental plum varieties, so choosing a suitable tree for the garden will not be a problem.

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