What kind of dishes safe to put in the microwave

  • How to test dishes for suitability of use in the microwave
  • Utensils of what materials can not be used strictly
  • What materials are suitable for microwave ovens
  • More information about plastic containers
  • On whether you can cover the plates when you warm up
  • D you must be in the shape of the vans. Baking in the microwave

Microwave is a convenient thing, no doubt. Now, probably, no kitchen can do without it. But, oddly enough, some still do not know what kind of dishes you can use in the microwave, and what not. And these people are incredibly surprised when they hear a loud explosion inside the chamber. ..

How to test dishes for use in the microwave

If you have never used any dishes that you have in your house at the microwave, then we recommend to check it beforehand. Because, dishes may look quite suitable, but in practice, it will take and how it will burst during heating! And even in your hands when you start to get a hot plate with borscht, which is much more unpleasant.

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Take a regular cut glass( or, any cup in which you previously warmed up the liquid and did not observe any adventures), fill it with a third with water. And put it on the plate you want to check. Start the normal warm-up mode for 1 minute.

If the capacity is suitable, then at the end of the process you will find that the liquid in the glass has warmed up, or even boil, but the plate under test has remained completely cold. If it is hot, then you should not use it, it is not for the microwave, obviously.

But, you can check what is already available. In the store to make such a focus will not work. Therefore, you need to know in advance, at least, theoretically, what to look for when buying dishes for the microwave.

Dishes from which materials can not be used categorically

And now, let's in more detail about what dishes can not be put in a microwave. Remember once and for all that the most unsafe materials for microwave is:

  • Crystal
  • Thin glass or melamine
  • Clay and ceramics without glaze

These three materials burst godlessly when exposed to microwaves. Crystal contains lead, and also has a heterogeneous texture. Clay is also, if not protected by dense glaze - it is heterogeneous and full of internal bubbles, invisible from the outside. When you warm up these cavities, you open up the door, and you find a sad handful of shards.

But again: well, if it happens inside, right in the process, and not in your hands. So, these two materials are the most inappropriate. And, if it is clear about crystal, and there is really nothing to warm about it, then clay bowls and glasses made of thin glass are often put in microwaves.

The rest of the dishes, which are not suitable for microwave, affects exactly the stove, not your hands. But, why tempt fate and incapacitate technology? The materials listed below cause spark discharges, pops and pops inside the chamber:

  • Copper
  • Brass
  • Cast iron
  • Steel
  • Gold coating
  • Metallic coating

It is clear that you need to be a good friend for saucers with gold trim, you have to be a friend for

Metal coating

But it is interesting that there are drawings that look like the most ordinary paint, but in fact contain a lot of metal, which causes an electrical discharge. Therefore, you need to take the plates without any pattern.

What materials are suitable for microwave ovens

In the first place in this list - glass, heat-resistant utensils. She is not afraid of anything, the food in her is warming up perfectly, she herself remains cold, and the oven consumes much less electric energy than when using other materials.

But, a huge minus of this dish is expensive. It costs three to four times the usual. And buying it in sufficient quantity for the whole family is not available to everyone.

Also, porcelain and earthenware dishes are suitable for use, of course, without drawings. Pottery is also good if it is covered with a uniform layer of glaze. More suitable plastic, polyethylene, paper utensils, silicone, parchment paper and even linen or cotton cloth( you can warm bread on it, for example).

A glass is quite suitable, but not thin, but of such thickness, as in ordinary cans or a faceted glass.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to use any dishes on which the glaze is partially applied. It warms the food unevenly and, again, it may burst.

Learn more about plastic containers

Everything is simple with plastic: on the label of such containers, it is necessary to mark whether it is suitable for microwave, whether it can be suitable for heating or not. But, it's in the store, of course.

And what if you have sudochek, and stickers on it for a long time no? Then, you better not to use this dish, because if it turns out that this material is not intended for microwave, then when heated, it will emit a lot of harmful substances that fall directly into food.

It's easier to go to the store and buy a new sudoch, which you will be sure for sure. The main thing is not to take the cheap one that came from Shanghai. These enterprising people will write to you what you want and put all kinds of markings, but in fact, the material as it was, will remain unsuitable for high temperatures. And not only that warming up in the microwave is not very useful in itself, but together with Chinese plastic, it will just be a huge blow to the liver.

Although, by and large, what is the need to heat their food? There are some of them quite unsympathetic.

On whether it is possible to cover the plates when warming up

Do not cover tightly, jerk. No sudochkov and plates wrapped in film should be placed. To warm an open container is also not an option. For example, after warming up buckwheat porridge with liver, the microwave walls will have to be scrubbed long and tedious, since these products themselves explode from the inside.

The best option is special covers that are sold in home appliances stores. They are very large, the size of a rotating circle of the stove, and their height is also great. I put a plate under this flask - and no problems! It warms up, does not explode and does not slap the walls.

Although, applying them you need to know: they do not withstand strong boiling products. Then they are compressed due to the fact that a vacuum is formed and firmly stick to the glass circle. Just because they will not be removed, you will need to pry the knife from the bottom to give access to the air.

Choosing the optimal form for heating

Not only the material, but also the shape of the dish is important for comfortable heating of food. The microwave warms quickly and often, the liquid splashes out. The best modification of the plates or cups for microwave - with an expanding top. In them, for some reason, the fluid behaves calmly, even if it boils strongly.

What should be the capacity for cooking and baking in the microwave

I would like to talk separately about what kind of dishes you can cook in the microwave.

You can boil and simmer only with refractory glassware. There is nothing better and can not be. But, it should be borne in mind that the microwave, as we wrote above, has the ability to push the liquid out. Therefore, choose a larger capacity, but not end-to-end. Products and water should be up to 2/3 of the total volume.

Also applies to baking. Or choose a larger form, or put the dough a little less than when baking in a regular oven. The ideal material for this is silicone.

Now you know exactly what dishes can be used in the microwave. We wish you all the best and fewer surprises with fireworks!

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