Reproduction of spirea with layers and its spring pruningWhen the plant is removed from the pot, it must be shaken slightly to clear the roots from the ground. After the plant has already been planted in the ground, it is advisable to keep it away from direct sunlight for about a week. This will help the root system to quickly get used to new conditions without much stress. It should be noted that with this method of reproduction the plant can be fertilized. Reproduction by seeds
When it comes to a plant such as perperomy, seed multiplication under indoor conditions is practically very difficult, since its seeds are microscopic in size. However, if we consider this method, then with proper skills, the seeds may well be an excellent option. They should be planted at a temperature of 24-25 ° C in a normal mixture without sprinkling with earth. Dishes with seeds must be stored in a dark and warm enough place. Immediately after the emergence of shoots, they must be dived and transplanted into another pot.
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Reproduction by cuttings
In spring-summer period, you can choose to reproduce stem pickles for pepermia. For this you need to pinch off the top of her head. To root the stalk, it should be planted in a mixture that consists of peat, leaf soil and sand. As a dishware, it is advisable to use a special container-greenhouse. Thanks to this, it is possible to easily provide the plant with the necessary conditions. The optimum temperature is + 24-25 ° С.
The entire process will take at least three weeks. When the cutting is rooted, it can be transplanted into a small pot.
Peperomiya loves loose soil. It should be neutral or with weak acidity. If you use too dense soil, then the roots of the plant can rot .
Reproduction of perperium with leaf cuttings is another common method that is simple. To do this, take a sheet with a short stem( it should be with one or three nodes), then plant it in a special mixture( you can use wet, but not wet sand).The rest should be repeated the same steps as with the method with cuttings. It is desirable to keep the air humidity at an elevated level.
Video about the breeding of peperomia