New note in landscape design - growing magnolia in the garden

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video to enjoy the beauty of this wonderful plant, justnot necessarily live by the sea. Growing magnolia in the garden is quite possible. Saplings of different varieties successfully take root in many regions, grow in partial shade and are able to endure the cold winter without loss.

The smell of this flower has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothes and relieves stress.

But if it is too long to be where the magnolias grow, your head may ache. The fragrance of this plant is used by global perfume brands( Kenzo, Yves Rocher, Aqua di Parma).

Description and species

Magnolia name refers to deciduous or evergreen ornamental trees( less commonly shrubs).Their height reaches 4–6 m( in some species up to 10–12 m).The bark is ashy or brown, smooth to the touch, with scales or grooves. Widespread due to the unusually beautiful large flowers with a pleasant aroma. They can be white, yellow, cream, purple. On one flower can form from 6 to 12 petals. Care and cultivation of magnolia is not complicated, and its flowering is a truly fascinating sight.

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Species diversity and frost resistance

The most resistant varieties: Kobus, Siebold, large-leaved, large-flowered, ivolistnaya, Lebner.

Less resistant varieties: umbrella, white-color, nude, Sulanzha, lilianetsvetnaya.

In Siberia, you can also plant and care for magnolia. In this case, selected varieties that stand cold well.

Cultivation of magnolia in the garden of seeds

Buy seed of this crop is not a problem today. For growing in the suburbs often buy Siebold Magnolia. As a rule, the grains are covered with a protective sheath( sarcotest).Under it will be another layer in the form of a white oily substance. It protects the seeds from early germination. All these shells before planting need to be removed. Rinse the seeds well with clean running water. The next stage is to temper with cold( stratification).

Some gardeners sow the seeds of frost-resistant magnolias in the fall directly into open soil, covering them with leaves.

Wrap the grains in moistened moss and leave in the fridge on the bottom shelf for about 3–5 months. The most suitable temperature is 0 °.If it is lower, the seeds and seedlings may die. Check the material once a week. As soon as the grains germinate, land in the tank. Take a pot deep enough( about 40 cm), fill it with fertile soil with peat.

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Growing magnolias in the garden requires monitoring the condition of the soil. Acidification of the soil is unacceptable, it must be well drained in order to pass air to the roots. Lay the bottom of the pot 10 - cm layer of drainage of expanded clay. Soak the germinated seeds in the stimulator solution( as indicated in the instructions).Dip each grain into damp soil by about 2 cm. Place the container in a warm place with a lot of bright ambient light. If the air is very dry, take care of the greenhouse. After the emergence of shoots, the conditions of detention remain the same. When two pairs of leaflets form, pour a weakly concentrated fertilizer solution for seedlings.

Magnolia is best planted in the fall when young seedlings stop growing. Depending on the region somewhere in the beginning or middle of October. That is, when there is no frost yet, but it is no longer hot outside.

Hardening and Landing

When the spring frosts pass, pots can be put on the street in partial shade. At night, it is necessary to put them in the room anyway. As soon as a stable, even above-zero temperature is established at night, containers with magnolia can no longer be entered, but, for example, can be buried in the garden.

Seedlings - first years should overwinter indoors. You can store them in the cellar. The main thing is that they do not freeze. Over the next year, the conditions of detention remain the same.

In the spring, take out a magnolia seedling to the garden, water it regularly and apply additional fertilizer fertilizers. But in the third year, you can safely transplant your magnolia in open ground. First, it has already passed the quenching period. Secondly, when transplanting on the roots, it is imperative to keep an earthen room. Thus, the plant will experience less stress, and the roots will be protected from damage. But before you plant a magnolia, you need to choose the right plot. The place should be sunny, protected from the north and east winds. In the south, where the sun is particularly hot, partial shade is permissible.

For the propagation of magnolias, cuttings are also used. Cut them with young copies closer to the end of July. At the top, 2 - 3 leaflets are necessarily left, and the cut is treated with a root formation stimulator.

Planted cutting in a container with sand, cover and contain at a temperature of 19 - 22 degrees from 5 to 8 weeks. In the open ground, the cuttings are planted not earlier than in a year. If you decide to arrange immediately in the garden, take care of good shelter.

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Soil and watering

The soil for magnolia should be light, slightly acidic, fertile. Also a mandatory requirement for the ground is that it must pass air well. In addition, the moisture in the area should not stagnate. Heavy, long-drying soil is not the best option for growing magnolia in the garden. The pit by volume should be about three times the root system. In the quality of drainage at the bottom, fill the rubble and broken branches. Top with fertile soil( you can mix it with rotted manure and small coniferous bark).

Planting and caring for magnolia in the Moscow region is no different from other regions. The main thing - take care of the roots.

Therefore the upper layer of the earth is not recommended to be strongly compacted. Be sure to mulch with coniferous bark. So it will be easier to maintain the necessary moisture and acidity of the soil. If there are new leaves and shoots, then everything is done correctly, and the plant stuck.

In hot weather, water the magnolia regularly with warm, soft water. Do not allow any drying out or waterlogging of the ground.

Top dressing and other secrets of

It is possible to achieve a lush flowering plant if you follow certain rules:

  1. Fertilizer is needed for stable growth and beautiful flowering. The first feeding magnolias held in spring. In order for the plant to bloom beautifully, it is better to add mineral compounds with high nitrogen content to the soil( excellent growth stimulation).When the buds are tied and during flowering, it is better to use special complexes designed for flowering plants. Dosages count strictly according to the instructions. July is the time of the last feeding. Since the end of August, the magnolias gradually enter a dormant period and prepare for the winter. Any growth stimulation at this time is contraindicated.
  2. The bottom of the trunk and the roots for the winter must be covered. To do this, use a special cloth, straw or fir branches.
  3. Be careful with transfers. Superficial root system is very easy to damage. Therefore, if it is clear that the tree is good in the selected area, it is not necessary to transfer it anywhere.
  4. It is believed that the culture is resistant to diseases and pests. But for prophylaxis, it is still worth periodically treating with special biologics.
  5. Planting and caring for magnolia in the open field includes pruning. But this should be done only if necessary: ​​for example, if there are branches crossed inside the crown. They need to be cut. This procedure will improve the growth and decoration. Dry branches and frozen buds remove after flowering. All sections must be processed with a garden bar. Magnolia shrubs trim to give them a compact and beautiful shape.
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Do not be afraid to experiment. Create favorable conditions in your garden, and you will surely make friends with this exotic beauty.

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