How is plastering slopes? All the nuances and subtleties of the case

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When replacing windows or performing repair work in the room, it is also necessary to work with slopes. Plastering slopes is a very laborious and complex business, so you can do it better only if you have at least initial plastering skills or experience of plastering. Without the availability of experience, it is unlikely to perform plastering on the slopes qualitatively. However, if you want and perseverance, you can do the job qualitatively and quite fast.

Preparatory stage

Before commencing the work, it is necessary to prepare or purchase all the necessary tools and materials. Some tools will be needed accurately, and the need for some is determined by the initial state of the slope and other factors. It is recommended to organize a workplace before starting work. Near this workplace should be access to the outlets to connect the mixer, which will mix the mixture for the plaster.

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In order not to stain the floor and surrounding surfaces, it is recommended to lay a large piece of a dense oilcloth on the floor, and on it to put down all tools and materials.

Thus, the room will be clean, in addition, remove the workplace after the completion of repair will be easy.

Selection and preparation of tools

What tools will be needed exactly for alignment of slopes with their own hands:

  1. Spatula in the range (preferably several pieces - 10 cm, 25 cm, spatula, the length of which is slightly more than the width of the slope).
  2. Level, the length of which is slightly less than the height of the window or doors, the slopes of which need to be processed. If the plastering is only door slopes, it is desirable to select a level of one and a half meters, if and window, and door - suitable level of 1 m. On a large area to use a small level is not recommended.
  3. Rule. Its length should be greater than the length of the slope. If you have no experience with rules, it's better to choose aluminum, it's easy and it's comfortable for them to work.
  4. A bucket for kneading and washing tools.
  5. Dry cloths and brushes for washing tools.
  6. Angle, designed to put the beacon under an angle of 90 °.
  7. Rubber or rubberized gloves for protecting hands.
  8. Polutery or trowels for comfortable work with the slope.
  9. Capacity for priming (convenient are wide baths).
  10. Brushes, maklovitsy and rollers for priming.
  11. Mixer for mixing the mixture and corollas to it.
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Depending on the chosen work sequence and the method of slope processing, you may also need these tools:

  • perforator;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a hammer;
  • borax;
  • screwdriver and so on.

Procurement of materials

To level slopes on windows or on doors, such materials will be required:

  1. Primer. You can use quartz, or designed for deep penetration. Dilute the primer with water is not recommended - when plastering requires maximum adhesion between surfaces.
  2. Water. It is recommended to bring enough water to the workplace before starting work. The larger the layer of plaster will lie on the slopes, the faster the water will leave to mix the mixture. It is recommended to have 2 buckets - one for mixing plaster, and the second - for washing tools.
  3. Any starting gypsum putty (ideal for plastering door and window slopes. The mixture has a high plasticity, easily lays down, it is comfortable to work with. It dries up not too quickly, besides it is easily washed and washed).

How is plastering slopes

The technology of how to plaster the slopes of doors, and how to work with window slopes practically do not differ. Difficulties arise when working with the upper slope due to its extremely uncomfortable location in space. After doing work with the side slopes, working with the top is easier. First, there is already a little experience in plastering slopes, and secondly, since the side slopes are adjacent to the upper, part of the work on the formation of corners has already been performed.

Fastening of lighthouses

Plaster of slopes is made on the established guides. These guides can be long rules, smooth and smooth wooden beams, long pieces of profiles and the like. Performing work, relying on lighthouses is much easier. To install the guides on the side slopes, it is most convenient to use the starting mixture for the plaster. Several spatulas are mixed on the wall, and the beacon is attached directly to the plaster. It dries up, and a slope is plastered along the lighthouse.

As for the upper slope, it is best to mount the lighthouse with brackets, profiles or installations on dowels. It's more complicated, but more reliable. From the upper slope, the not attached beacon can slip, and thus the plane will be plastered crooked. The same rule applies to the alignment of slopes of doorways.

Mount the lighthouse on the upper escarpment is recommended only after plastering the side, full drying and removing beacons.

In this way, all planes will be processed sequentially. Having installed a beacon, you should make sure that it is delivered exactly. Since the beacon gives the flatness of the plane, you should make sure that it is level. For this, a level is applied to one of the sides of the beacon and the guide is leveled. After that, they must be left to dry on the wall. Already after about an hour you can start plastering slopes.


Preparation of the slope

Before leveling the slopes with plaster, look to make several preparatory steps.

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These include:

  • Cutting with a stationery knife sticking out the mounting or glue foam that was used when installing the window;
  • gluing the window with paint tape and stretch film to avoid getting stucco on it;
  • wiping dust off slopes (to improve adhesion), window sill and window;
  • priming the entire slope.

All this can be done while the beacons wither. At the same time, it is recommended to organize a workplace, prepare a mixture for the plaster, spatula and other tools that will be needed when working with the slope.

Preparation of plaster

Before mixing the mixture, always read the instructions on the packaging. Manufacturers give different recommendations for mixing specific putty mixes. Therefore, to achieve the best result and reliability, all the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. When mixing the mixture it does not matter, the door or window slope will plaster. It is important that the mixture has a consistency, due to which it will not drain or slip off the slope. At the same time, it will work comfortably and there will be time until drying to level the plane.

Stir the plaster best mixer. Try what it consistency, best of all with a small spatula - 10 or 15 cm.

A bucket in which plaster is mixed for the slopes of the entrance door, interior doors or windows should be clean. Before mixing a new portion of the mixture, the bucket should be washed with a brush and rinsed.

Alignment of the slope plane using a mixture

When the surface is prepared and the mixture for the plaster begins to be applied to the slope. The process of plastering the doorways does not differ from the treatment of the window, the technology of the work is the same. Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to a slope. It is recommended to handle small areas, 20-30 cm.First, a mixture is applied on them, and then it is leveled with a half-rub or a wide spatula. Hold the spatula or poluter, by which the slope is aligned at an angle of 90 ° to the plane of the slope, perpendicularly. Thus, it will be possible to achieve a smooth and smooth slope.

It is recommended not to plaster the slopes of the doorway after, but before installing the door leaf.

The door itself will curb the movements while working with the slope, besides it is likely that it will get dirty. Work with the slopes best after installing the box.

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Final work

After the slopes are plastered, it is necessary to wait for full or partial drying and remove the lighthouse. Whichever method it is attached to the wall, it should be removed in a direction from the slope to the wall, so as not to damage the layer of plaster. After removing the lighthouse, it will be noticeable that a small influx from the mixture for the plaster has formed on the wall. It's necessary to remove it. If the layer of plaster is still soft, it may be possible to make a spatula. If not, you can use a rough nazhdachku (under the number 40-80).

After the slopes are plastered, they can be fitted with paint perforated corners. Corners help to form an even angle, and also protect the wall from chipping pieces of putty. After the installation of the corners, it is possible to coat the slope with a finishing gypsum mixture.

According to the scheme described above, it is possible to align the doorframes of doorways and window slopes. Working with plaster is dirty enough, therefore it is recommended to perform it in clothes completely covering hands and feet. After the end of work, all tools should be washed with a brush under running water, and then wipe dry (with the exception of power tools). Thus, the tools will last longer.

Perform work on plastering slopes with your own hands in the absence of any experience of repair work is recommended after watching the training videos.If possible, you should consult with those who are engaged in repair work or installing windows.

Instructions for a beginner to finish the slopes with plaster - video

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