Photos with a description of cherry plum varieties Found

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Growing a popular hybrid of plum Chinese skoroplodnoy and Russian dessert is quite simple and exciting process. Illustrated photos and description of cherry plum varieties Found will help to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the fruits and the time of their ripening, the advantages of the breed, the features of breeding and care.

Description of the variety

Hybrid plum Found - the result of joint work of the Crimean and Belarusian breeders, a variety characterized by high adaptive properties and excellent taste of the fruit. Zoned culture that is suitable for cultivation, not only in the southern regions, but also in the central and northwestern regions of the country.

Variety of cherry plum Found has such characteristic features:

  • tree height - average( 2.5-3 m);
  • smooth gray barrel;
  • rounded flat crown;
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  • crown average density;
  • early, abundant flowering( before leafing) in the first decade of April;
  • bloom lasts 7-8 days;
  • cherry plum white, with short round petals;
  • is self-productive;
  • skoroplodnost - the plant begins to bear fruit in 2-3 years after planting;
  • medium early ripening( mid-July);
  • high-yielding variety;
  • fast growing;
  • drought resistant;
  • frost resistant;
  • is highly resistant to diseases;
  • fruiting regular and abundant;
  • fruits are oval, large( about 30 grams);
  • abdominal suture absent;
  • for a long time does not peel off or crack;
  • color - violet-red with a slight wax coating;
  • the pulp is soft, friable, fibrous, orange;
  • fruit taste sweet and sour;
  • have excellent dessert qualities.
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To make the ovary formed together, plant it near the cherry plum Found pollinators, the best of which are Mara, Vitba and Alycha ordinary.

Cherry Plum Found - Planting and Care

Cherry Cherry Found an unpretentious sectional variety that grows well on any type of soil, except for very heavy soils, and overmoistened. Fertile loams are best suited for this fruit crop.

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When planting and caring for cherry plum, you should follow these agrotechnical rules:

  1. Cherry plum planting in the southern regions is best done in the fall, and in the north in the spring.
  2. For planting, it is preferable to choose annual saplings.
  3. The site for planting seedlings should be open solar, protected from cold wind blowing.
  4. It is not recommended to plant cherry plum seedlings. Found on wetland soils. The depth of groundwater in the garden should be at least 1 m, since the root system of the tree is 30-40 cm.
  5. It is necessary to plant seedlings before the start of sap flow, therefore, it is advisable to prepare the planting holes in the fall.
  6. In spring, the trunk and plum branches should be cleaned from dead bark.
  7. The cleared sites are processed by a copper sulphate.
  8. Sanitary and formative pruning of wood is carried out in early spring.
  9. Digging around the wood is carried out.
  10. Prophylactic treatment of cherry plum from pests and diseases.
  11. It is recommended to spray the buds with a solution of microelements.
  12. After a month, top dressing should be repeated with a solution containing phosphorus and potassium.
  13. In May, the tree must be fed with complex mineral fertilizers.
  14. In summer, plum should be watered regularly and loosened the soil in tree trunks.
  15. In August, organic or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are introduced under the fruit-bearing tree.
  16. After harvesting, the top dressing should be repeated.
  17. In late autumn, cherry plum preparation is carried out for the winter. Dead bark is removed and lime whitewash is performed.

Cherry plum Found very well responding to soil fertilization, but it is very important to comply with the measure, because, having gone too far with supplements, you risk getting a good gain at the expense of the harvest.

Cherry Plum Found is one of the best varieties, which is valued for its high yield and excellent taste of the fruit. Observing all the tips and recommendations, you can grow it in your garden without any problems, and having provided proper care, in a couple of years you can enjoy fragrant tasty fruits.

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