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Pear Muscovite description and photo, which can be found in the State Register of Varieties - a fairly common variety of autumn ripening. He was bred at the Moscow Agricultural Academy using seedlings of Kieffer pear. Valued by gardeners for precocity and stable fruiting.
Variety description
The description and photo of the Muscovite pear can be found on most specialized resources. It is particularly widespread in the Moscow region. Due to the rather high winter hardiness, the pear can be grown quite successfully in most regions of Russia.
This variety is characterized by medium-sized stem trees and a thick medium-leaf crown. Most of the skeletal branches are located vertically with a slight slope. The bark on them is light gray. Shoots in thickness and length are medium, very often curved with interstices of medium length. The flowering period comes quite late.
The variety of Muscovite pear is characterized by medium-sized, wide-pear shaped fruits. Their color is green with a slight yellowish tinge with a lot of hypodermic points. Pulp of fruits of white color and excellent dessert taste.
The period of pear picking is in September. Signs of their ripeness is a slight yellowness on the skin. The shelf life of fruits at a temperature of about 0 ° can be up to 2-3 months. At room temperature, pears can be stored for no more than 15 days.
The main advantages of the variety:
- skoroplodnost;
- annual fruiting;
- quite high yields;
- good disease resistance.
Peculiarities and conditions for growing
The Muscovite pear should be planted in open places well lit by the sun. It does not impose any special requirements on soils, but it develops best of all and bears fruit on fertile soils with a slightly acid or neutral reaction.
A place for planting pear seedlings must have good drainage. Moisture stagnation is very destructive for pear trees.
When laying a landing pit, 3-4 buckets of well-rotted manure, 1-1.5 superphosphate, about 600 g of calcium chloride and 2.5-3 kg of lime are brought into it. In the first year after planting in the absence of rain, the seedlings must be watered. On one tree approximately 2-3 buckets of water are required.
Of the cultivation of Muscovites, its self-infertility is also worth noting. Therefore, next to it, be sure to plant pollinators. The varieties of pollinators for Moskvichka pear are the following:
- Lyubim Yakovlev;
- Bergamot Moscow;
- Lada;
- Elegant Efimova.
Pests and Diseases
Pear, like any other culture, can be affected by various diseases or pests. The variety Muscovite is characterized by high resistance to scab and fruit rot. However, in some years, their outbreaks can still be observed. Also of the most common diseases of pear, the following should be noted:
- septoria;
- rust;
- bacterial cancer.
Special chemicals are used to combat these diseases - fungicides. For example, you can use "Skor", "Bordeaux mixture", "Chorus" and a number of others. For complete protection of trees, it is recommended to carry out at least 3 complex treatments.
Dilute and apply all chemicals according to the instructions included. If you exceed the recommended dosage, trees can get severe chemical burns.
Of the pests on pear trees, the following are the most common:
- pear moth;
- leafworm;
- green aphid;
- pear sucker.
Insecticides are used to kill all the above pests. For example, Kinmiks, Iskra, Aktara. They should be applied according to the attached annotations.
Preventive measures play an important role in preventing the development of diseases and the appearance of pests. Of the required measures, it is especially worth noting the collection and destruction of the wormy talons, autumn cleaning of the branches and the trunk from the exfoliated bark, collection and burning of fallen leaves.
As can be seen from the description and photo pear Muscovite is unpretentious steadily fruiting variety. Anyone can grow it on his plot, the main thing is to choose a suitable place for planting and carry out appropriate care for the tree.