
Diy barn ventilation: air exchange rates and the procedure for arranging the ventilation system

Diy barn ventilation: air exchange rates and the procedure for arranging the ventilation systemVentilationVentilation Equipment

Have you ever had a situation on the farm when, with a balanced diet and warm conditions, cows suddenly began to produce less milk or the quality of such milk production deteriorated significantly?...

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Ventilation in a country toilet with a cesspool: tips for arrangement and step-by-step instructions

Ventilation in a country toilet with a cesspool: tips for arrangement and step-by-step instructionsInstallation WorkVentilation

Many townspeople love trips to the country for the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city and breathe in the fresh air. Unless, of course, it is spoiled by poor-qual...

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Bastu ventilation in the bath: pros and cons + step-by-step instructions for arrangement

Bastu ventilation in the bath: pros and cons + step-by-step instructions for arrangementInstallation WorkVentilation

Perhaps you consider yourself a connoisseur of bathing or just love it. There are many such people, and some have their own baths, but even they make mistakes. You've probably heard about the impor...

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How and what to measure indoor humidity: an overview of equipment and the best methods

How and what to measure indoor humidity: an overview of equipment and the best methodsVentilationVentilation Equipment

The content of water vapor in the air is an important indicator of the comfort of the indoor microclimate. Agree that excessive dryness or, conversely, air humidity can have an extremely negative e...

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How to clean the ventilation in an apartment with your own hands: an overview of suitable tools and work technology

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment with your own hands: an overview of suitable tools and work technologyVentilationVentilation Equipment

Hearing the aromas of cooking dishes throughout the apartment is not very pleasant, is it? And if at the same time the windows in the kitchen begin to fog up, and the air in the bathroom becomes mu...

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Air exchange rates per person in rooms for various purposes

Air exchange rates per person in rooms for various purposesDesign And CalculationsVentilation

Living in city apartments or country houses is determined by a list of conditions dictated by the requirements of health care institutions, building and installation standards. It has long been pro...

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Timing and procedure for cleaning ventilation chambers and air ducts: an overview of rules and regulations

Timing and procedure for cleaning ventilation chambers and air ducts: an overview of rules and regulationsVentilationVentilation Equipment

The ventilation system has a huge impact on human health, since people spend most of their lives in buildings: live in apartment buildings, work in offices or businesses, visit cinemas, museums, la...

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How to get rid of humidity in an apartment: methods of dealing with high humidity in a living room

How to get rid of humidity in an apartment: methods of dealing with high humidity in a living roomVentilation

High humidity and a feeling of dampness are a scourge not only of private houses, but also of city apartments. Even apartments located in modern elite new buildings often suffer from high humidity:...

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Is it possible to hang cabinets on a ventilation duct: analysis of all the nuances of the issue

Is it possible to hang cabinets on a ventilation duct: analysis of all the nuances of the issueDesign And CalculationsVentilation

Developing interior design on your own, but do not know if it is possible to hang cabinets on a ventilation duct? On the one hand, you will be able to use the area of ​​your home more rationally, b...

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Air exchange rates in various rooms + examples of measurements and calculations

Air exchange rates in various rooms + examples of measurements and calculationsDesign And CalculationsVentilation

If you are building a private house or a building for your company, then, probably, you have come across many standards and would like to forget about them already. But safety must come first, righ...

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