Content1 Features of different types of carpet2 Methods for cleaning carpeting2.1 natural cover2.1.1 Method 1. Manual cleaning2.1.2 Method 2. Appliances help2.2 Caring for synthetic bristles2.2.1 M...
Read MoreContent1 How to deal with traces of imitation leather handle on?1.1 Method 1. Salt1.2 Method 2. Acid1.3 Method 3. Soda1.4 Method 4. chemical agents2 Tips for removing ink stains3 OutputPrint the tr...
Read MoreContent1 How to dry shoes made of suede?2 What kind of brush you choose?3 Folk remedies for cleaning suede3.1 Recipe 1. Homemade foaming cleaning3.2 Recipe 2. Soda with milk3.3 Recipe 3. Talc or st...
Read MoreContent1 Cleaning sofa improvised means1.1 Purification upholstery leather and imitation leather in 4 steps,1.2 Cleaning Upholstery - 10 Ways2 SummaryMarkers leave persistent trails, but they can b...
Read MoreContent1 A variety of methods1.1 Universal solution: 2 ways1.2 5 kinds of fabrics and methods to remove them with wax1.3 Thin fabrics: 4 fashion remove wax2 clean the shoes3 findingsGrease wax is v...
Read MoreContent1 cover type2 How to remove ink from wallpaper: 14 Ways2.1 Proven ways: 8 recipes2.2 Unusual Ways: 4 prescription3 SummaryPhoto: the fresh ink stain, the easier it is to cope with it.How to ...
Read MoreContent1 saving carpet1.1 Stains from food1.2 Childish pranks: clay, paint and markers2 You ask - we answer3 Summing upAny spot is easier to remove when it is freshToday's article is dedicated to m...
Read MoreContent1 5 tips to care for suede2 Clean suede house - 5 proven recipes2.1 the necessary tools2.2 5 ways to bring traces of grease from suede3 FinallyIf your clothes are made of suede items, then y...
Read MoreContent1 the necessary equipment2 Available ways to remove clay2.1 4 ways for clothes2.2 8 universal ways3 findingsRemove the clay from the clothes can be means availableClay - great creative tool ...
Read MoreContent1 The main rules tile cleaning2 How to clean the tiles?2.1 7 popular recipes2.2 Household chemicals3 FinallyIf time does not wash out the fat, it is a thin film covers the whole kitchenGreas...
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