
How to choose the right laminate if a cat lives in the house

How to choose the right laminate if a cat lives in the houseFloorsLaminate

When we had a kitten, at first we were only touched. But not for long, until they realized that this woolen ball became the main thing in the house! I don’t know about you, but now we have to plan ...

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What to look for when choosing a floor mop

What to look for when choosing a floor mopFloors

I still have washed the floors by hand. But recently at work I found out that some of our employees have long switched to mops. And they are not going to give them up. I remembered this when I saw ...

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How to properly care for different types of floorsFloors

The flooring in the house is not done for one day. I would like it to last at least ten years and look like new. This is possible, but only if it is properly cared for. And how exactly to do this, ...

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What mops and attachments are convenient for cleaning: how to chooseFloors

Washing the floor is a regular duty familiar to every housewife. Gadget manufacturers come up with various devices to make life easier for women. But still most people prefer to use a familiar mop....

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Surprising find: carpet that retains its colorFloorsCarpet

Very often, the younger generation hears from older people that earlier the products were of better quality, the technology was more reliable, and the milk tastes better when compared with modern c...

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