
Why before Easter it is customary to wash the floors from the threshold: signs

Why before Easter it is customary to wash the floors from the threshold: signsFloors

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. Before his advance, believers carefully prepare, pray, fast, bake Easter cakes and clean the house. Why is it customary to wash floors from the thre...

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Why wash floors salt: magical and disinfectant properties of salt

Why wash floors salt: magical and disinfectant properties of saltFloors

Clean floor from dirt and from the negative energy!Cleanliness apartment or home is important for any owner. By cleaning each individual approach, using different options and methods. No less impor...

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The broom in the house should be, even if there is a vacuum cleaner

The broom in the house should be, even if there is a vacuum cleanerFloors

The advent of electricity and the benefits of civilization associated with it gradually pushed the familiar symbols of comfort to the brink of extinction. This also affected the broom. The evoluti...

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Floors: Wash or wipe - is there a difference? How to care for the floor

Floors: Wash or wipe - is there a difference? How to care for the floorFloors

No matter how tired we are on the job, but the cleaning of the apartment have to do all the time! A little run - and a layer of dust reproachfully, looking at you from every corner. Floors require...

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How long the bulk floor under the tile dries: optimal conditions for drying

How long the bulk floor under the tile dries: optimal conditions for dryingFloors

Quickly and efficiently level the rough screed will help the bulk floor. It is also used to create an interesting design, durable flooring. All the positive properties of the self-leveling floor c...

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The thickness of the underfloor heating under the tile: what should be the thickness of the floor layers

The thickness of the underfloor heating under the tile: what should be the thickness of the floor layersFloors

When creating a warm floor, it is necessary to take into account its thickness. If we make it small, there is a risk that the temperature will damage the material. But a too thick floor is also ba...

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Do-it-yourself warm electric floor under the tile: laying technology

Do-it-yourself warm electric floor under the tile: laying technologyFloors

In many apartments there is such a floor covering as tiles. It has a large number of advantages that make tile indispensable not only in a city apartment, but also in a private house. But in the c...

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Laying a warm floor under a laminate: installing a laminate on a warm water floor, how to put a warm floor under a laminate, how to do, installing a warm floor under a laminate with your own hands

Laying a warm floor under a laminate: installing a laminate on a warm water floor, how to put a warm floor under a laminate, how to do, installing a warm floor under a laminate with your own handsFloors

Of course, each owner of his apartment wants the interior to always be warm, cozy and comfortable. Therefore, various types of insulation directly under the floor cover are in considerable demand....

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Broom or brush: which tool to choose for cleaning

Broom or brush: which tool to choose for cleaningFloors

A clean floor is a necessary condition for a comfortable home. You must admit that it is difficult to feel comfort and bliss, knowing that there is rubbish lying on the floor or dust spread freely...

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Manually or with a mop? What way to choose for mopping

Manually or with a mop? What way to choose for moppingFloors

This happens only in advertising. A man in shining white clothes came to your house, waved his hand and wiped the floor to shine. In reality, you won’t be able to get away with everyday life with ...

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