
Why the LG No Frost refrigerator is leaking: causes of failure, description - Setafi

Why the LG No Frost refrigerator is leaking: causes of failure, description - SetafiHomeAppliancesFridge

creativecommons.orgA leak in the refrigerator is a common situation that entails not only emotional distress for the owners, but also financial losses. Such a problem can occur even with the latest...

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Two-chamber refrigerator and its dimensions: what it looks like, a selection - Setafi

Two-chamber refrigerator and its dimensions: what it looks like, a selection - SetafiHomeAppliancesFridge

creativecommons.orgUndoubtedly, the refrigerator is considered almost the most important household appliance, without which no kitchen can do. As a rule, the refrigerator appears in the house befor...

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Rating of built-in refrigerators in terms of quality and reliability: a selection - Setafi

Rating of built-in refrigerators in terms of quality and reliability: a selection - SetafiHomeAppliancesFridge

creativecommons.orgMaking your choice in favor of purchasing state-of-the-art home refrigeration equipment, provided for embedding in a kitchen set, the consumer prefers to solve two age-old proble...

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Bottom drawers in the refrigerator: what are they really for?

Bottom drawers in the refrigerator: what are they really for?HomeAppliancesFridge

You probably store vegetables, fruits, herbs in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator, believing that they will last better and longer this way. In fact, this department is not intended for these p...

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Why do Americans buy huge refrigerators if they don't cook at home?

Why do Americans buy huge refrigerators if they don't cook at home?HomeAppliancesFridge

A very long time ago, Americans turned food into a kind of cult, so now they rightfully bear the proud title of the “fattest” nation in the world. And here there is one point... Whether to live up ...

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What to put on the refrigerator for decoration on top? Original ideas – Setafi

What to put on the refrigerator for decoration on top? Original ideas – SetafiHomeAppliancesFridge

Fridge - an integral element of the kitchen, which can become not only a functional device, but also a stylish accent of the interior. If you're looking for ideas on how to make your refrigerator u...

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