Instrucțiuni pentru utilizarea fungicidului fitosporină m

The drug Fitosporin M is needed not only by gardeners, it is also necessary for growers and gardeners. Fungal and bacterial diseases are not the only ones that get sick, suffers from them garden and indoor ornamental plants, berry bushes and fruit trees.

Table of Contents

  • Composition and Purpose of the Drug Fitosporin M
    • Active Principle
    • Advantages and Disadvantages
    • Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to Other
  • Instructions for Using
    • Dosage for Strawberries, Potatoes, Cucumbers and Other CropsSecurity measures when working with the agent
    • Compatibility with other drugs
    • Storage conditions and shelf life
    • Reviews gardeners and farmers aboutnenii fitosporin M

Functions of drug fitosporin M

sale presents various forms of the drug. These are different in substance structure:

  1. Paste.
  2. Suspension water.
  3. Powder.
Fitosporin-M fungicide is available in various forms.

The effectiveness of the form does not depend.

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Form only affects the duration of the cooking process. For example, the powder dissolves in water longer than the paste, so the preparation of the working mixture will take more time.

Powder may be gray( white) in color, stored for a long time without losing its properties. Suspension should be stored at room temperature, freeze. Suspension is intended for flower growers engaged in indoor or greenhouse ornamental crops.

Fitosporin M according to the principle of action belongs to the group of systemic fungicides. Purpose - to stop the active reproduction of fungi and bacteria. Diseases with which he fights, or serves as their prevention:

  1. Alternaria.
  2. Bacteriosis.
  3. Black rot.
  4. Mealy Dew.
  5. Scab.
  6. Rhizoctoniosis.
  7. Rust.
  8. Tuber rot( wet, dry).
  9. Phytophthora.
  10. Fomoz.
  11. Fusarium.
  12. Cercosporosis.
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