Ako pečiete pekné kuracie mäso v rúre

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Poultry meat is the most delicious and healthy. Every housewife knows how to bake a chicken so that it has a ruddy, fragrant crust and a juicy, tender middle. We offer you some delicious and interesting recipes that will be the highlight of any feast.

The secrets of cooking delicious chicken

In order for the poultry meat to turn out tender and juicy, you should know at what temperature to bake the chicken in the oven. Equally important is the weight and freshness of the meat. It is on these indicators that the final result depends.

Only young birds should be used for cooking. It should be of medium size and free of defects, and the skin of the same color and smooth. You should also pay attention to the smell of the carcass. If it has a sweetish flavor, then the chicken is suitable for baking.

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Cooking birds should be at a temperature of 180C.If this figure is lower, then the crust will not appear on the meat. In this case, there is a risk of not roasted middle, and it is very dangerous for health, as raw meat can have harmful bacteria. Figures exceeding the optimal performance will lead to burning of the carcass.

Chicken will turn out even juicier, if you smear the meat under the skin with a small amount of sunflower or olive oil.

There is another cooking method. It is distinguished by the fact that for some time the bird is in the oven with a maximum temperature that is gradually lowered over an hour.

The cooking period depends on the weight of the chicken. One kilogram should be baked for 40 minutes, and one and a half kilograms of carcass - 60 minutes. In order for the meat to be well cooked, it should be placed in a preheated oven to 220 ° C - 250 ° C.

Before you start cooking this wonderful dish, you should know that not every dish will be suitable. The best ceramic or cast iron capacity. Its peculiarity is that it evenly heats up and gives off heat well. The more succulent is the meat cooked in the sleeve. Glass can also be used. But in this case, you need to monitor the cooking temperature and constantly adjust it. If you do not, then the dish will simply burn.

A similar procedure is done with the bird, which is prepared on a metal surface. Such containers are quite thin and are not able to heat evenly. If there is no besides a metal pan in the house, then it is recommended to place the chicken in a culinary sleeve.

A dish that has conquered the hearts of many people.

The chicken in this recipe is golden, with a crispy crust. Even very strict gourmets will appreciate it.

In order to bake the chicken in the oven as a whole, you will need:

  • average chicken carcass( approximately 1.5 kg);
  • refined sunflower oil - 50 grams;
  • garlic, allspice;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of honey;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons.

Many people think that if you add honey when cooking meat, the dish will turn out not tasty, sweetish. But it is not. The taste of honey in the dish does not feel at all. This sweet product will just add a piquant touch.

Cooking Process:

  1. Before baking the chicken in the oven, it should be properly prepared. Rinse the carcass under running water, dry.
  2. Chop garlic with a press. The resulting gruel put in a deep bowl, add honey, salt, pepper, sunflower oil. Mix components thoroughly. The resulting sauce must be carefully grease the carcass from all sides and inside. In this state, leave it at night. This time will be enough for the meat to marinate well.
  3. Bake the chicken in the baking tray. The bottom is well lubricated with sunflower oil. Putting the chicken should be back to the bottom. Cooking this dish is necessary for 1.5 hours at 1800 C.
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At the end of this time, remove the meat from the oven and let it cool. Before serving, garnish with parsley leaves and green onion feathers. If you are looking for how to bake the whole chicken in the oven, be sure to pay attention to this recipe. This dish will definitely appeal to all your family.

Juicy Chicken Breast

The secret of this dish is lemon. It is he who will give the chicken breast, baked in the oven, unusually juiciness and unique savor.


  • chicken breast - 2 pieces;
  • small lemon;
  • 100 ml refined sunflower oil;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • ground pepper;
  • nutmeg( ground);
  • sea salt( to taste).

Baked chicken fillet acquires an unusual aftertaste, if you rub it with an additional small amount of lemon peel.

Preparation process:

  1. Chop the garlic using a press or rub on a fine grater. Combine it with pepper, nutmeg, salt, oil. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Put the meat in a deep bowl and pour over the sauce. Mix everything well. Cover with a lid. In this state, leave the meat at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat oven to 1800 C. Lay out the meat on the nasty and put in the oven. Bake until done.

The chicken is considered ready if the pink juice has ceased to stand out from it.

Before serving, meat is recommended to be cut into portions. To make the dish have an appetizing and attractive appearance, it should be decorated with sliced ​​tomatoes and greens.

Delicious recipe for chicken, baked with potatoes

Such a dish is the best option to feed the whole family with healthy food. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to bake a chicken with potatoes in the oven, so that all the ingredients are soft and tender. You can solve the problem by preparing this recipe.

For roasting chicken it is necessary: ​​

  • 0.5 kilogram of chicken( legs can be used);
  • five pieces of large potatoes;
  • one medium onion;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons with a hill of mayonnaise;
  • pepper and salt.

The tenderness of meat depends on how much chicken will be baked in the oven.

Start cooking with a chicken preparation. Rinse the feet in cold water and place in a deep container.

Peel the onions, cut them into thin half rings and send them to the meat. Do the same with garlic.

Remove peel from potatoes and cut into medium pieces. Meat, vegetables and mayonnaise mix. Then mix the salt, pepper. In order for the baked chicken legs to be well baked, you should cook them in a cast iron container.

It is necessary to bake such a dish for 40-50 minutes. The air temperature in the oven during the whole cooking period should be around 1800 C.

Serve the dish warm. Each portion from the top can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

Chicken Drumsticks with Vegetables

The dish is cooked very quickly. This is a complete meal that gives a feeling of fullness for the whole day. If you do everything according to the recipe, the chicken, baked with vegetables in the oven, will turn out juicy, but it will have a fragrant, golden crust. All used ingredients are prepared almost steamed. This is due to the fact that in the tank is the minimum amount of liquid.

To prepare the dish you need to purchase:

  • 6 drumsticks;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 3 small Bulgarian peppers;
  • 7 juicy tomatoes;
  • one large onion;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

Before baking chicken legs in the oven, they should be well cleaned and washed. Do it better under running water. This way it is much easier to remove all trash. Then dry the meat with a paper towel. In this case, well suited waffle napkin. It also absorbs moisture perfectly. Hryashchiki and extra pieces of skin removed.

In order for all the legs to be evenly prepared, one should cut the big legs with a sharp knife.

The legs fold into a deep container. Season with pepper and sprinkle with seasoning. You can also use special spices for poultry. Salt should be carefully, as in such compositions already have salt. For meat, also put one tablespoon of vegetable oil and mix well.

Read also: Do you know how to cook frozen cabbage rolls tasty?

Pour sunflower oil into a deep griddle and put it on fire. Heat the liquid to the point that it starts to boil. Put chicken legs in a griddle and fry from all sides until golden brown appears.

Then peel and chop the onion into half rings.

Bulgarian pepper wash and remove seeds. Cut into 4 parts. Also chop and tomato.

Place all chopped vegetables in one container, salt and pepper.

Capacity for baking should be taken deep. Lubricate the bottom with a small amount of sunflower oil. Put meat and all prepared vegetables in a baking sheet. Pour 200 ml of water.

Bake the dish in a preheated oven at 180 - 200С for 30-40 minutes. Depending on the potato variety, cooking time may vary slightly. If pieces of vegetables are well punctured with a fork, this means that you can turn off the oven.

Before serving, divide the dish into portions. Sprinkle with greens on top.

If you do not know how tasty to bake a chicken, then follow the sequence of actions and everything will work out perfectly.

Chicken breast in foil

Poultry fillet is the most tender diet product. There are many recipes for its preparation, but not everyone has to taste. We offer you a dish that everyone will definitely like. Chicken breast, baked in foil in this way, has an incredible taste.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 800 grams of fillet( two pieces);
  • one onion;
  • one carrot( medium razmera0;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • half of the dining room spoonful of mustard( best buy French);
  • 170 grams of asparagus;.
  • 100 grams of refined sunflower oil

Many wonder, at what temperature to bake the chickenso that it is not dry. It all depends on the size of the carcass. For breast foil, the optimal time is 45 minutes.

Wash the meat, onions and carrots. Peel the vegetables and cut into small circles of the same size.

Preparing the sauce should start from beating the egg. Make it with a whisk. Put oil and mustard in it. Also add garlic and spices, passed through a press, in the sauce.

This dish can be baked both in portions and in the same container. Foil is recommended to be initially divided into rectangles. They should be of decent size. This will allow better to wrap meat in them.

Cut chicken fillet into pieces and put on foil. Put asparagus on the centerpiece. Then place the carrot and onion. Top with sauce. Roll up blanks and put on a baking sheet.

Prepare a dish at 1800 С for 40 minutes. For portions, the time can be reduced by 10 minutes.

Quick and tasty cooking chicken in the sleeve

This dish is for those who want to save their time and at the same time tasty and satisfying to feed their family. Thanks to the sleeve, you can monitor the entire cooking process and at the same time the inside of the cabinet will always be clean.

Before baking the chicken in the sleeve in the oven, you need to prepare the following components:

  • six pieces of medium-sized chicken legs;
  • four small onions;
  • 6 garlic;
  • 3-4 small carrots;
  • half tablespoon of dried oregano;
  • saffron and fenugreek seeds with 0.5 tablespoon.

Chicken legs divided into portioned pieces of the same size. This will allow it to bake quickly and evenly. Wash sliced ​​meat and towel.

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Peel and chop half the onion and garlic using a blender. Grate the meat with this mixture. It is desirable to do this and under the skin.

Then sprinkle chicken legs with spices and two spoons of fine salt. It is good to stir and set aside in a cold place for 7 hours.

In order not to burn the baked sleeve in the chicken, put the meat on a vegetable pillow.

To make the vegetable cushion, chop the remaining amount of the onion. Carrot cut into thick circles.

Smear the marinated meat with sunflower or olive oil. Stir thoroughly with your hands. Then cut off the sleeve. The optimal length - 60 centimeters. The first thing to lay out - onions with carrots. Place the meat on top. Sleeve tightly tie on both sides. To do this, you can use pieces of film, cut from the sleeve.

Tie up the sleeve not close to the meat, but at a distance of 5 centimeters.

Meat with vegetables to put on a baking sheet and send in the oven, preheated to 220C.Keep the container is recommended on the middle shelf. Bake for 45 minutes. At the end of this time, remove the dish from the cabinet and leave it in this condition for 15 minutes. Then you can open the package.

Serve chicken meat should be warm. Before serving, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Delicious chicken in a multicooker

The use of gas stoves for cooking every year fades into the background. But, despite the popularity of electronic devices, not everyone knows how to bake a chicken in a slow cooker. With this recipe it will turn out to cook the most delicious poultry in a surprisingly short time.

Ingredients Required:

  • chicken - 1.5 kilograms;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 70 grams of mayonnaise;
  • bay leaf;
  • allspice, curry and salt to taste.

Wash the carcass well under running water. Chicken should be cleaned both inside and out. In order to glass the excess liquid, the meat is recommended to put in a bowl and leave for some time. At room temperature.

The next step is to prepare the mixture for lubricating the carcass. Pepper, curry powder, salt mix. Add mayonnaise and chopped garlic to them. With this composition, carefully rub the chicken from all sides. Rub salt with pepper and kari should be evenly.

In the middle you can put a few bay leaves, if you like, of course, and about five whole peas. So that they give their flavor as best as possible, they should be dried in the oven and broken before use.

Put the prepared carcass into the multicooker bowl. The method of its placement does not matter, as long as it fits well in the middle. Water need not be added. In the process of cooking the meat will give a certain amount of juice, which will be enough so that the chicken does not burn. Then cover the device with a lid and set the "Baking" mode. The finished chicken will be in 30-40 minutes. It all depends on how young the meat is. After 20 minutes, turn the bird to the other side. This is an important point.

If you want the carcass to turn out with a delicious golden brown crust, then it should be turned over three or four times throughout the cooking period.

You can check the readiness of the chicken in the slow cooker with a wooden skewer or knife. At the place of piercing should be allocated clear juice. It is he who testifies that the dish is ready.

You can serve it with anything. Best of all this dish is suitable for salads with fresh vegetables. Also, the bird goes well with boiled rice, buckwheat or potatoes.

Properly cooked chicken is a good mood for all guests. In order for the bird to become a highlight of the festive table, it is enough to follow certain rules. But, of course, only a dish made with love can be the most delicious. Therefore, when cooking chicken, be sure to think about the people you love, and then everything will work out.

Video recipe for delicious chicken in the oven

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