Luxusný koňak hodný snack

The content of theroyally. To do this in the best way will help the right snack to cognac. It is unlikely that the owners will afford to give guests a bottle inlaid with precious stones and gold. And after all exactly such copy of elite drink is in the “Guinness Book of Records”.Its cost was estimated at $ 2 million. However, the appearance of the bottle is rarely remembered, what can not be said about its contents. Therefore, to feel the beauty of the "golden wine" from the white grapes, you just have to competently pick up a snack.

Drink brandy after a meal, at lunchtime or in the evening. For the presentation of the drink need glasses in the form of tulips. They should be filled only by a third.

Not forgetting the ancient traditions

"Burned Wine"( one of its names) leads its origin from a small French town. It was in Cognac that the secret of alcohol saturation with tannins was revealed. As a result, the tasters of France made a simple formula for the use of this drink:

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  • a cup of coffee;
  • glass of brandy;
  • cigar.

It was in this sequence that the servants presented an aristocratic lunch. At the same time they could serve coffee with pieces of tart chocolate. It should be noted that the more expensive was the drink, the richer and brighter its taste. Cognac was aged for 15 and even 25 years. Therefore, most often they drank it without additional culinary accompaniment. Over time, these traditions began to be forgotten. In the 21st century, it became customary to prepare a quick snack for cognac. For this, both expensive and ordinary products are suitable.

The French are horrified that the Russians drink this royal drink with lemon. After all, the intense taste of citrus drowns out the refined aroma of cognac. The softness of pleasant sensations is lost, the taste buds are “clogged up”.

Sea lagoon

Fans of Asian cuisine will be very interested to know what you can eat cognac. The ideal combination for “burnt wine” can be:

  • red caviar;
  • salmon or trout( in the form of sandwiches with greens and melted cheese);
  • oysters or shrimps( you can make a mini kebab);
  • baked mussels under cheese crust;
  • half-smoked fish;
  • fried scallops with rosemary;
  • lobsters.
Read also: Squash in pineapple juice - unique recipes for hostesses

Seafood can soften the sharp smell of brandy, making it more tender. Fillets of these sea creatures can be cut into thin slices. For originality, they are advised to roll in a spiral and pierce with a stick. Pearl Olive will be the fat point in this “sea play”.

Vanilla Skies

Most gourmets prefer honey as an unusual snack to cognac. Thanks to the sweet taste, you can appreciate the whole many-sided range of fiery drink. Nevertheless, to the five-star representatives of this class is better to serve black chocolate. The sweetness in the company with the bitterness, which he gives, will help the taster to feel the notes of vanilla. In high-end hotels and restaurants, it will be presented with different types of dark chocolate.

Cheese Paradise

For many centuries, unchanged snack for brandy has been and remains hard cheese. The various varieties of this fermented milk product are combined with a no-stop drink without fail. Spices and fruit notes get in it more expressive taste. In addition, the salty cheese perfectly emphasizes the woody aroma of golden wine. The aftertaste of such an ensemble will long admire the sommelier receptors. In the home circle, you can try these types of cheese:

  • Roquefort( the product is saturated with the aroma of oak shelving);
  • Russian;
  • Camembert( has a delicate texture and mushroom flavor);
  • Gouda( with slight piquancy);
  • Brie( fruit and mushroom flavor explosion);
  • Emmental( combines notes of walnut, fruit and sweets).
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Especially successful will be the Dorblu( with mold) varieties, as well as products with a high percentage of fat( up to 75%).Such an exotic mix of alcohol and blue cheese will bring guests real pleasure. However, this is an amateur treat.

"Fiery drink" is consumed in the form of heat( about 20 ° C).If you hold the glass in your hands for a bit, then as a result you can feel the honey-vanilla and violet-oak aroma of cognac.

Recipes for delicious snacks

Yet most of the housewives will want to surprise the guests with their culinary talents. A few simple, but divinely delicious recipes will help them to do it at the highest level.

Amazing balls

Such delightful spheres will turn out quite funny, but at the same time extremely tasty. For their preparation the hostess will need:

  • walnuts( 200 g);
  • cottage cheese;
  • feta cheese;
  • fresh basil sprigs.

Fermented milk products( each type of 100 g) should be smashed in a blender along with basil. Separately chop nuts. Then form small balls or pyramids. After which they will need to sprinkle with walnut breading. The resulting "sculpture" send in the fridge for 30 minutes.

No need to mix alcohol with carbonated water( coke).Besides the fact that a person quickly grows drunk, it also harms his health.

Mysterious rolls

The basis of these rolls are taken crab sticks. One pack( 240 g) is enough. To make the filling you need:

  • boil, peel and then grate 2 eggs;
  • to separate the leaves from the parsley, basil and dill branches( this is for decor);
  • to clove garlic;
  • grate Parmesan or Gouda cheese( 150 g).
Read also: Making candied fruit from watermelon crusts

All ingredients must be gently mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise. After the crab sticks have thawed, they need to be unrolled and evenly distributed stuffing. The resulting rolls are cut into several pieces. Dish should be decorated with greens.

Too sharp, pepper or very salty dishes are not recommended to be served with cognac.

Michelin-style Snack

In the elite restaurants of the world they practice a very simple, but at the same time, original snack for cognac. Due to its peculiar taste, it serves as a leader in such a light meal. On a large dish it is necessary to arrange the original:

  • in the center of the bowl with liquid acacia honey;
  • around the bowl beautifully put in a row of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds;
  • further cut into slices of different types of hard cheese( for example, you can alternate Dor Blue, Rockford or Brie);
  • spread white grapes( Lydia or Lady's finger), strawberries, slices of pear, apple or fresh figs along the edge of the dish.

All this should be eaten in the following sequence. Take a sip of golden wine, dip a piece of cheese in honey, and then eat this unusual delicacy. A little later, you can take a slice of pears, grapes or strawberries. Nuts eat immediately after the alcoholic beverage. The first impression will be ambiguous. But one has only to taste this ensemble of tastes, and then it will be impossible to stop.

How to drink brandy and what to eat - video

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