5 mest användbara nötter för människokroppen

Nuts are amazing gifts of nature that can enhance a person’s intellectual abilities and enhance their intelligence. In total there are dozens of types of nuts.

Nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, dietary fiber contained in nuts have a beneficial effect on the human body.

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Table calorie nuts

Nuts are very high-calorie foods. But despite this, nutritionists argue that they are useful in the fight against obesity. Useful substances contained in the product, improve metabolism. In order not to harm the figure, the daily dose should be reduced to 15-20 g.

Table - how many calories are contained in nuts:

Product Calories( kcal / 100g) Fat( g) Protein( g) Cartore of study of the subjects of the group of theformers, g) 548 () , 1 9.9
Almond 645 57.7 18.6 13.6
Cedar nut 673 61 17D 54.1 25.7 13.2
Hazelnut 628 67 10 18
Pistachios 556 50 20 7
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Useful properties of nuts:

  • Nuts are an indisputable source of vitamins and minerals( vitamins of group B, vitamin E, calcium, zinc, zinc, and selenium, calcium, zinc, and vitamins and minerals, vitamins, B, vitamin E, selenium, calcium, zinc, and vitamins, minerals( vitamins, B, vitamin E, selenium, calcium, zinc, zinc, and calcium, zinc, and the body and vitamins and minerals( vitamins, B, vitamins E, selenium, calcium, zinc, zinc, and calcium, zinc, and, etc.).
  • Are among the most useful and necessary products for the mind .Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are indispensable for mental stress.
  • Increased caloric content of the product, a combination of light fats and vegetable proteins, are a real source of energy. Therefore, they are necessary for physical exertion. To some extent they can replace meat and eggs.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Due to this, the product is extremely useful for cardiovascular ailments.
Different types of nuts on a dish, ready to eat

The most useful nuts for the human body

Without exception, all species are beneficial to human health, but each of them has its own characteristics. Modern scholars identify the "five" of the most useful in the world - hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and peanuts.


Another name for hazelnuts is Lombard nut."Die Hard" is known since ancient times. Our ancestors made him protective amulets from evil forces and cataclysms. Nowadays it is extremely useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, anemia, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are recommended to be taken for the prevention of cancer, because it contains an anti-cancer substance, paclitaxel.

It is recommended to eat hazelnuts raw, as it is more useful.
Whole hazelnuts


Back in ancient times, Hippocrates and Avicenna described the healing effects of Voloski( walnut) walnut and its leaves. And modern scientists call it the "tree of life" due to its rich composition. After all, indeed, this fruit contains many nutrients: vitamins, alkaloids, tannins and many trace elements. Walnuts are recommended to add to your diet for people with thyroid problems, due to their high iodine content.

Help walnuts with physical exhaustion, heart disease and nervous system.

Fruit kernels are used in diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, as well as an effective wound healing agent.

Chopped walnuts, ready-to-eat


Almonds are also called royal or elite nuts. Although in reality it is not a nutlet - it is a stone fruit. A feature of this species is its high content of calcium. What makes it useful and indispensable for the health of the skeletal system. Thanks to phosphorus, iron and potassium, almonds are strongly recommended for diseases of the heart and circulatory system, doctors advise to consume about 60 grams of almonds per week.

Regular consumption of these nuts improves sleep and helps with insomnia. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, almonds are used for urolithiasis, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, anemia, migraines, eye diseases.

Introduce this species into your diet very carefully, as it is difficult for the body to digest. Eat almonds can be raw or toasted. Often it is added to sweets and baking, and in eastern countries to meat and rice dishes.

Brazilian Almond

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are considered the most delicious, according to gourmets, and the most useful, according to scientists. It is considered one of the most useful and necessary for the female body and is also called the nut of youth .All this is due to the presence in it of a huge amount of selenium, which prevents premature aging.

A total of two Brazilian nuts per day will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Due to the high calorie content, these nuts are a source of energy and vigor. In addition, they prevent the development of cancer and heart problems.

Peeled Brazilian Kernels


There are more than 70 peanuts in the world. These beans are a good preventive measure against heart disease, cancer and gastritis. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothes when overexcited and helps with insomnia. It is an excellent antioxidant. Improves hearing, vision and memory.

Just a few peanuts can satisfy hunger. According to this, nutritionists consider it one of the most useful nuts for weight loss, and allowed to use during the diet. Peanuts are easily absorbed by the human body, due to the high content of proteins and proteins. But it is not recommended to abuse these nuts in order not to provoke an allergy and not to disturb the digestive functions.

In addition to this “five” of the most useful nuts, pine and hazelnut, pistachio, cashew, coconut are also very popular. All of them have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, contribute to improving immunity, improve brain function and heart activity.

Cleaned and not cleaned peanuts

The most useful nuts for women

Regular use of nuts by women helps to improve reproductive function, strengthen memory, slow down the aging process, improve skin, nails and hair.
  • Almond. Has a large amount of fiber and vitamin E, which makes the skin healthy, clean and beautiful. This product is used in the fight against overweight. It is recommended to consume daily 15-20 g of almonds. And in order to avoid the difficulties of its digestion, it is necessary to soak overnight in water.
  • Brazil nut. Serves as a healthy snack for increased energy and concentration. The trace element selenium, which is part of it, increases the fertility of women, prevents cancer of the breast and bones. Selenium along with the rest of the vitamins and antioxidants rejuvenates skin cells. Brazilian oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, strengthens the nails, gives the hair a healthy shine.
  • Cashew. The product contains the least amount of fat, which allows you to include it in the diet menu. This is a true source of folic acid, so cashews are beneficial for pregnant women and those planning a family. The composition contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory components that help relieve pain, including toothache.
  • Hazelnut. It is advised to use it for varicose veins outside and inside. It also improves immunity and improves memory, gives health to hair and nails.
  • Walnuts. The real assistant of women in the fight against cardiac and oncological diseases. They contain a lot of biotin, which prevents hair loss and helps strengthen them. The use of this nut during pregnancy prevents the development of a child's food allergies.
  • Pine nuts. Clean the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance of a woman. Nursing mothers it is useful to eat 2 tbsp.spoons of pine nuts to improve lactation and get more nourishing breast milk. Traditional medicine uses the shell and the kernel in the treatment of gynecological diseases.
    Pine nuts, useful for the female body

    For men

    In our time, men often face problems with potency and the ability to have children. Scientists argue that male nutrition plays a decisive role in this matter. In the diet of their food must be present nuts.

    • Walnuts. Their benefit for men has been proven by many studies. In men who regularly consumed walnuts, scientists found significant progress in sperm quality due to the organic acids found in the fruit. In addition, biologically active substances, in particular arginine, have a positive effect on male potency.
    • Brazil nuts. The most powerful antioxidant, selenium, contained in a Brazilian fruit, increases testosterone levels, thus improving the quantity and quality of sperm. It serves as a prophylactic agent for prostate cancer. Arginine improves potency, it is also called natural "Viagra."To increase the male strength, 2-3 nuts are sufficient; in large doses, selenium is toxic and can lead to the opposite effect.
    • Almond .A real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy. Due to the large amount of calcium, almonds are good for healthy bones, which is very important for athletes and older men. Almond helps to increase libido and maintain a healthy sex life.
    • Pistachios. A handful of pistachios enhances men’s sexual desire and pleasure from intercourse. Dietary fiber and fatty acids will help reduce cholesterol in the blood, and arginine will improve the flow of blood to the genitals.
    • Hazelnut. Improvingly affects the reproductive system of men, improves blood flow and cleans the blood from cholesterol.
    Pistachios - Useful Nuts for the Male Body

In the children's body, there are not enough enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and assimilation of proteins. In this case, the children's body will receive only the load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

Nuts, in addition, are a strong allergen and should be very carefully administered to a child over three years of age.

The most useful for children is a walnut. This is an excellent source of iodine, so this product is especially useful in children in areas with increased radiation. Useful substances will help improve the mental abilities of children, cope with hypovitaminosis and anemia. For children, it is enough to eat 2 nuts a day.


The nuts will bring the maximum benefit to the body if consumed at 30 g per day. They are indispensable for the human body, have an amazing taste. You can use them in different forms, adding to almost any dish.

Each type of nut has its own particular advantages for the female body.

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