How and what to replace the dishwasher tablets

  • Kinds of means for dishwashers
  • Alternative means for washing dishes in a dishwasher
  • How to use a homemade detergent

Modern household appliances are simply created in order to simplify the life of ever-busy and rushing at least modern people. Electrical shops periodically hold different promotions, especially during the pre-holiday days, to buy home appliances at a discount, which allows to increase sales and save part of the budget for customers.

After buying such a miracle of technology, like a dishwasher, at first it seems that life has started to play with new colors, now you can forget about the need to wash dishes with your hands.

However, over time, doubts start to creep in, since it washes well, here are just the means for washing are very expensive, as for the average household.

That is why more and more owners of dishwashers are wondering what can replace dishwasher tablets in order to save the family budget from default.

Kinds of products for dishwashers

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Among the detergents that manufacturers recommend to use for the dishwasher, the following categories are distinguished:

  • tablets
  • gel
  • powder.

Detergent of any of these categories copes with the functions assigned to it, helping to wash the dishes to shine. It can be used in any dishwasher.

Note that the powder, as a rule, is the most budget detergent option, is most often used. In composition, it is similar to the usual washing powder, but differs only in that it is not absorbed by the skin when it gets on them. Not very economical due to its structure.

Gel detergents are more economical, safe from a health point of view, but cost more.

The composition of all these detergents is usually similar. There is a main component responsible for the washing process, a frother, a perfume, an antibacterial agent, various water softeners and rinses that give shine to the dishes.

As a rule, the blowing agents used are composed of phosphates or parabens, which has a negative effect on health.

The differences between the different price categories of powders, tablets and gels consist in the quality and safety of the incoming ingredients.

Powder and tablets with the mark Organic, that is, detergent from natural ingredients that do not harm the environment, stand apart, they can be used for allergy sufferers. However, their cost is higher than normal.

It's amazing, but the fact is, if you decide to replace the usual dishwasher tablets with your own-made counterparts, you will get an almost organic detergent that can be used without harming the environment.

Alternative dishwashing detergents in the dishwasher

Alternative detergents can be completely different, while costing a penny.

DIY Tablets for Dishwashers DIY

Dishwashing detergent form factor tablets are easy to make, cost effective, which is important.

You can use ice molds to shape the future dishwasher.

Mix the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of borax
  • 1 tablespoon of soda
  • 1 tablespoon of concentrated lemon juice

Mix equal parts of borax and soda, add 1 tablespoon of concentrated lemon juice to hold the tablet.


You can double the proportion of soda for hard water.

After this, use vinegar during the rinse cycle.

Recipe for the second alternative detergent

Some owners of dishwashers say that the mixture of borax and soda they do not like, because the result is not always perfect. Therefore, they recommend a mixture of the following three components:

  • Borax
  • Soda
  • Regular detergent for dishes.

The proportions are approximately one to one, if the water is hard, then part of the soda can be doubled.

Use vinegar instead of a special agent in the conditioner distributor.

Recipe for washing dishes third

The composition of this tool will include mustard, soda, you can use calcinated, and the usual washing powder for children. Why children, you ask. Everything is simple here, it is the safest, hypoallergenic.

Mix all ingredients in equal proportions and place in the detergent compartment by selecting the appropriate program.


Do not use only mustard without adding powder or gel, as it swells with moisture, as a result - it can get stuck in the car, creating a blockage.

How to use a homemade detergent

The easiest recipe for detergent, which is made up of a typical set of ingredients that we already have in our kitchens.

So, do-it-yourself alternative powder or tablets for the dishwasher or practically all-organic detergent is in every kitchen.

But let's start in order.

  • Place the dirty dishes in the dishwasher as usual.
  • Add about three drops of regular dishwashing detergent to create lather.
  • Fill the cup in a 2/3 dishwasher with soda.
  • Add salt until the cup is almost full.
  • Start the dishwasher as usual.
  • Hooray!your plates are beautiful and shiny.

To fix the effect, you can turn on the rinse cycle by adding white vinegar to the rinse aid compartment.

In conclusion, we note that the use of hand-made tools can turn into such a nuisance as dishwasher repair. So, before applying alternatives, weigh the pros and cons.

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