How to safely and tasty salted aspen mushrooms for the winter

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According to the nutritional value of aspen is only slightly inferior to the kings of mushrooms - white, milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps, and pickled mushrooms onthe winter table is a welcome delicacy. To get it, you need to learn how to pickle aspen for the winter. And to begin with, make sure that we know exactly what an orange-boar looks like.

Do not take mushrooms that are different from the description. Eating mushrooms unfamiliar to you can lead to severe poisoning.

How to distinguish an orange-boletus from other mushrooms

In young aspen mushrooms, the cap has the appearance of a hat tightly fastened to the stem, the old one straightens out and looks like an umbrella. The hat is red or red-orange, smooth, slightly velvety. The stem is high, covered with greyish scales, slightly fibrous and hollow inside. The pulp of the fungus is dense, white, without bitterness. On a break blue. Aspen mushrooms appear in early summer and grow until the end of September. They prefer deciduous and mixed forests, aspen groves.

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How to prepare mushrooms for salting

For salting aspen mushrooms, take only young copies, older ones are better to boil or fry.

Collected mushrooms are sorted, cleared of adhering debris, cut off the root part and cut out rotten and wormy places. Then they are put in a colander and washed thoroughly under a stream of cold water. Let the water drain and lay out on a towel to dry. While the mushrooms are drying, it's time to start preparing dishes for salting.

For pickling, it is better to take one type of mushroom without mixing it with another. After harvesting, mushrooms cannot be stored, they must be recycled on the same day.

The best dishes for pickling mushrooms are oak tubs, but any glass or enamelled container - cans, buckets, pots - will do. Ware before salting thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. Now you need to prepare the spices. For ten kilograms of aspen mushrooms we need:

  • bay leaf - 20 grams,
  • coarse salt, not iodized - 500 grams,
  • allspice - 6-8 grams.
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You can also salted aspen mushrooms with garlic, dill seed, black peppercorns, black currant leaves and oak.

How to pickle aspen asses

To properly pickle aspen for the winter, you need to know how they will be stored.

If the products will be stored in the cellar, at a temperature of about +5 degrees, 50 grams of salt are put on one kilogram of mushrooms. For storage in the apartment salt rate is doubled.

Prepared mushrooms are boiled for 15 minutes in salted water, washed in cold water and dried.

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In the bottom of the dish, mushrooms and spices are laid in layers, alternating them. The last layer is put spices, cover the entire surface with a linen cloth and put a circle with a top on top. Under the yoke of mushrooms should be kept constantly. If within two days the brine does not appear above the yoke, the load should be increased. About a month later, aspen birds become ready for use.

Mushrooms are served on the table, mixed with chopped onions, fresh parsley, and dill. You can pour the dish with vegetable oil or fill with sour cream.

As we see, it is not difficult to pickle aspen mushrooms for the winter, much longer it will take to collect and clean them. But the results will surely delight you and your family with a delicious and fragrant dish.

Video recipe for salting mushrooms for the winter

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