How to pickle watermelons for the winter in banks

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If in the summer, as a rule, watermelons are a dessert, then in the winter this fruit easily turns into an unusual bout. It acquires different taste qualities and can become sour, spicy, salty and even spicy. It all depends on personal preference.

Watermelon contains many healing substances and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. But how to pickle watermelons for the winter in banks, to save them as much as possible?

When pickling, for example, acetic acid destroys some of the beneficial compounds and vitamins. In addition, not everyone can eat foods with its content, the more children, who at the sight of watermelon hands and stretch to the treat. Replacing the process of conservation of natural fermentation, we get a natural product in its own juice. Therefore, it is more useful to harvest salted watermelons in banks for the winter, then you can rejoice the whole family.

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Before deciding on the recipe for salting watermelons in cans for the winter, you need to choose the right product in order not to be disappointed in the taste of the finished dish and not get an upset stomach.

Watermelon with a yellow spot and bright contrast of the strips most likely does not contain chemicals. A rough, yellowish flesh, its uneven color, multi-colored seeds should be alerted: most likely the berry is crammed with nitrates, for fast ripening.

Of course, if you salt the watermelons whole in barrels, they turn out to be juicier and differ in taste. But in the conditions of an apartment this method of preparation becomes impossible. Therefore, there is nothing better than salting watermelons in pieces using bottles or jars.

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The recipe for the classic salting of watermelons with photos

Based on the 3-liter bottle you will need:

  • watermelon( how many will go into the bottle);
  • 4 tbsp.spoons of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp.spoons of salt;
  • 1 tsp. Citric acid;
  • water.

Preparation process:

  1. Rinse the watermelon well with running water.
  2. Cut off a thin green crust to solid white flesh.
  3. Cut into medium pieces and remove bones.
  4. Rinse bottles with soda and sterilize.
  5. Put the watermelon in the finished container and pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, drain the water in a saucepan, boil and repeat the process. Once again, drain the water in a saucepan, add sugar, salt, acid and let the brine boil for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Without tamping, put the pieces into jars, pour hot brine. Roll up sterile caps.
  7. Set the jars upside down and wrap with a blanket. Insist a couple of days, clean in a cool place.

For a recipe for salting a watermelon in a jar for seaming the bone from the pulp, remove it. In the process of fermentation, a very active reaction occurs in them, which can lead to an explosion of the can. If you plan to store the product under a nylon cover or in another non-airtight container, then this cleaning can be avoided.

Citric acid is often replaced with vinegar, if it is not contraindicated. Add it when pouring the finished brine in jars - 1 tsp.vinegar to 1 liter of the product. Aspirin can also serve as a preservative. For each liter of container put 1 tablet and pour it with brine.

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For this recipe you can use all sorts of spices. Watermelon loves the same spices as cucumber. It can be cherry or currant leaves, dill, garlic cloves, horseradish, ginger, allspice, bay leaf, coriander.

Serve salted watermelon is recommended for fatty foods, for easy digestion, or as an independent snack.

Homemade watermelons without nitrates are recommended for pickling, as the effect of poisons increases during fermentation. It is necessary to choose fine-grained varieties with dense flesh, not overripe. If an unripe fetus is caught, do not throw it away. You can even roll up greenish watermelons, not sweetened. Brine with sugar will fix the situation.

The most healthy way to save a watermelon is salting it in jars without sterilization. You can not roll up such a product - intensive fermentation will break the jar. Store it should be under the nylon covers.

But to store, sometimes, not enough willpower. I would like to quickly test the finished dish and the harvesting opens before it is completely salted. How to pickle watermelons in the banks for the winter, so that you can enjoy them at any time? Watermelons with mustard can be consumed on the third day of cooking. If you endure them for a week - they will turn into a piquant flavored snack with a rich taste.

Recipe for slightly salted watermelons with mustard.

We wash the watermelon and clean it from the peel( this way we add salt).

Cut the fruit into circles, and then cut each circle into 4-6 triangles.

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Pour salt, sugar and mustard on the plates.

Each piece is rubbed with mustard and dipped in salt and sugar. At will - pepper.

Put the watermelon in the bottle in layers.

We keep salting at room temperature for a couple of days, and then send it to a cellar or a refrigerator.

Thus, you get lightly salted watermelons. If you want a more pronounced taste, sprinkle each layer of lined watermelon triangles with a small amount of salt and sugar.

It is better to begin salting watermelons from September. The high summer temperature contributes to fast and too intense fermentation and watermelons can peroxide.

Salted watermelons with honey

If the sterilization process is replaced with lubrication with honey, a natural preservative and an antibiotic, the watermelons will acquire a special fragrant aroma and unforgettable taste.

Preparation Process:

  1. Cut the peeled watermelon into slices.
  2. Lubricate the walls of the cans generously with honey.
  3. Lay the watermelon slices.
  4. Add well-washed currant leaves, a small piece of ginger and 2-3 chopped cardamom pods.
  5. Pour with hot brine( per liter of water, 1 tbsp. L of salt and sugar)
  6. After 2-3 days of fermentation, the brine should be drained, boiled and poured again.
  7. You can roll up the finished product.

After learning how to salt watermelons in banks for the winter, please yourself with this billet on a cold winter evening. Moreover, the body in this period is sorely lacking in nutrients. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins of groups B, P and C contained in watermelon berries will easily fill in part of the missing microelements.

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