What is the recipe for making tomato juice for the winter with only a sieve?

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At home, not every hostess has a juicer or meat grinder, but everyone wants to enjoy tomato. Do not worry, you will have tomato juice for the winter. The recipe through a sieve will help to realize this wonderful and useful liquid.

Which sieve to choose?

To obtain a tomato mass, you can use different types of sieves. If you have a lot of vegetables and wipe them as quickly as possible, it is better to use a mechanical sieve. Such a device will quickly cope with tomatoes loaded into it. If you plan to close just a couple of jars of tomato juice through a sieve for the winter, you can use the usual manual device for wiping vegetables.

Tomato through a sieve: option 1

This option involves the preservation of pure tomato without additives according to a standard recipe.

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  1. Thoroughly washed 1.5 kg of tomato cut into pieces.
  2. Pour the sliced ​​pieces into a bowl or pan, heat until boiling. After provocation, the tomato paste should cool down a bit so that it is more convenient to do it further on the sieve.
  3. Place boiled tomatoes in a sieve and rub. As a press, you can use metal tolkushku( the one used in obtaining mashed potatoes) or a wooden wheelchair. Who is more comfortable. Some do it by hand.
  4. The resulting juice is diluted loose: 2 teaspoons of sugar and salt. You can make your own proportions.
  5. Pour the mixture into the pan and boil.
  6. Dispense into sterilized banks and cork. Wrap and cool down.

With 1.2 kg of juicy tomatoes, you can get 1 liter of liquid, and with fleshy tomatoes - 0.8 liters.

Tomato through a sieve: option 2

In this case, the addition of another vegetable or spice is provided to ordinary tomato juice through a sieve at home. Below is a recipe on the example of the addition of garlic to obtain a specific flavor.

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  1. Cook tomatoes.
  2. Wipe with a metal sieve.
  3. 3 garlic cloves pass through a garlic press and place it on the bottom of the jar.
  4. Pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of sugar into an empty jar of salt.
  5. Boil tomato.
  6. Pour the boiling tomato into the container and tighten the lid. Wrap, do not need to turn.

If there is no sieve, a colander can replace its function.

Tomato through a sieve: option 3

Step-by-step instruction suggests a recipe for canning tomato juice for the winter through a sieve with pulp. The peculiarity of the considered variant is that it does not contain the standard item “boil tomatoes”, but instead, the mashed potatoes required sterilization before rolling.

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  1. Wash 1.2 kg of ripe tomatoes. Rinse with boiling water and peel.
  2. Place the peeled vegetables in a colander or in a metal hand sieve, using tolkushki to push tomatoes.
  3. Add about 2 teaspoons of salt to the obtained tomato puree( or to taste), sprinkle on the jars and put into a saucepan with water.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the jars and screw on with sterilized lids. Turn and wrap warm.

The time for sterilization of cans with contents depends on the size of the cans. For example, a 0.5-liter jar requires 10 minutes of boiling.

Tomato through a sieve: option 4

This recipe of tomato juice through a sieve differs from others in its original raw materials. Here the basis for the tomato are yellow varieties of tomato. For the production of canned juice is perfect honey spas or persimmon. They are quite juicy and there will be a little bit left after wiping. Tomatoes such as yellow date and honey drop, it is better to preserve whole, although they are also suitable for juice, just hassle more. A tomato made from yellow tomatoes is perfect for allergies to red vegetables. Its beneficial substances help to cleanse the body, reduce the possibility of the formation of cancer cells, helps rejuvenate the body and so on.

Read also: Recipes for canning Cherry tomatoes in their own juice


  1. Wash yellow vegetables and cut them into arbitrary portions.
  2. Boil cutting in a saucepan, stirring often. Thick tomato flesh can burn. If you start to face this, it is advisable to inject some water.
  3. Pass through mashed sieve through a sieve.
  4. Pour a pinch of salt into the resulting mass, sugar is not needed, tomatoes are already sweet. Pour into a saucepan and put it on slow fire.
  5. Pour into cans, lightly cover with a lid and sterilize in a saucepan for 10 minutes.
  6. Cover and wrap a warm cloth for a day.

There are a lot of recipes for tomato juice obtained through a sieve for the winter. In the process of preparation of the workpiece to the standard list of ingredients, you can add: Bulgarian pepper, dill, bay leaf, celery, vinegar, and even a mix with beet juice or apple.

Delicious preparations and vitamin winter for you!

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