Washington DCBefore you get a large plant, you need to learn all about Washington: interesting facts, features of reproduction, transplantation and content of the culture that has fallen into houses from the southwest of the USA and from Mexico. The small genus, named after the first president of the United States, unites only two species that are close in appearance. Washingtonia or Washingtonia filifera is from California, and Washingtonia is strong or Washingtonia robusta is the indigenous inhabitant of the more humid and warm Mexican plateaus.
Washingtonia: all about the popular palm tree
Both plants have large feathery leaves with a diameter of one and a half meters and a straight, downward-extending trunk, which is “decorated” at the top with a voluminous leaf skirt.
At a young age, Washingtonia seedlings are easily recognizable by forming a whitish pile on the leaves. But on adult palms, this sign is often lost and even to specialists it is sometimes difficult to discern what kind of tree is in front of them.
Speaking about interesting facts about Washington, it is worth mentioning that the Californian variety has become a living symbol of the American south.
The indigenous people of the regions of North and Central America have long used fresh fruits for food, and made flour from dried seeds. Some Native American tribes harvested leaves to make roofs, weave baskets, and even shoes that look like modern sandals. Dense palm wood is an excellent building material and raw material for the production of dishes and other household utensils.
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Today, it is well tolerated by the wind, heat, small frosts and drought. The plants adorn the streets, they can be found in suburban areas and in the wild.
However, soon the familiar slender silhouettes may disappear from the urban landscape. The point is constantly forming under the crown of brownish-gray skirts. City services complain that dry leaves are a source of fire danger, as well as a place where insects willingly lodge, attracted by the fruits of birds and even snakes. Not only do climbers and special equipment are needed to remove dead foliage on 30-meter trees, in Florida, where thunderstorms are frequent, towering Washington crowns increasingly play the role of lightning rods and flare up like candles.
Palm Washingtonia at Home
The dislike of city authorities in the southern states of the United States for palm trees does not detract from the value of these plants, as bright, very responsive to the care and very unpretentious houseplants.
In pot culture, Washingtonia is more often grown yarn-bearing. She:
- is somewhat smaller than her Mexican relative;
- has a fairly fast growth;
- tolerates drought better and even suffers frosts of up to –10 degrees;
- resistant to common pests and diseases of Washington.
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The formation of a skirt in Washington DC is observed on young trees. As soon as the palm tree has the opportunity to loose loose dry leaves, it gets rid of them.
Washingtoniya thread-bearing for cleaning the trunk requires help.
Among the interesting facts about Washington, mention should be made of the presence of a hybrid species of this plant. Washington filibast, according to the plan of the breeders, should have better cold resistance than the robusta and the same excellent drought resistance as the yarn-bearing variety.
Features and Washington DC transplant times
Washingtonia yarn is extremely unpretentious. It can grow on a substrate with a sharply alkaline reaction and even on sand. But for a well-being in a limited volume of a pot, the plant still needs nutrients. The transplant of vashintonia in the first years of life is carried out by transfer into a larger pot. At the same time it is not necessary to choose too large capacity.
At home or in a greenhouse, palm trees must be transplanted. This is best done in the spring, at the beginning of the active growing season, when it will be easiest for the tree to repair the inevitable damage and quickly grow.
But how to handle a large copy? Regular transplantation of perennial palm trees is impossible, therefore, they are limited to removing 5–10 cm of the top layer of the soil and replacing it with a fresh, more loose and fertile substrate. Washington cannot be buried during a transplant, it is monitored during full transshipment and when replacing part of the soil.
In spring and summertime, palm tree fertilizers use complex, prolonged-acting fertilizers.
Reproduction of Washington
This type of fast-growing palm trees does not form basal shoots or offsprings, therefore young plants can be obtained only with seeds that look like roasted coffee beans.
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In nature, birds and wind contribute to breeding Washington. Fresh seeds falling to the ground begin to germinate after a couple of days, and soon thin green blades of grass appear under the crown of an adult plant. This is exactly what the palm tree sprouts look like, which in adulthood strikes with large fan-shaped leaves.
Leaves become punctured not immediately, but when the plant is already getting stronger. This is a peculiar feature and another interesting fact about Washington. So the plant has adapted to defend itself against livestock that feed on dry pastures and trample on a part of green plants.
Seeds that a flower grower can buy at a store begin to germinate only after 30–60 days. Therefore, they are pre-soaked for 24 hours in warm water, and then sown in a mixture of leafy earth, perlite and washed sand.
Washingtonia Seed - Video