The benefits of seeds and spicy green cilantro

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Coriander or cilantro is an annual plant belonging to the umbrella family and traditionally grown as a spicy-flavoring culture. For culinary purposes, basal toothed leaves with a characteristic spicy sharp smell are used, as well as rounded seeds ripening on large inflorescences of umbrellas.

In addition to the expressed culinary value, the fruits of the plant and cilantro greens have a number of extremely useful properties that predetermined an interest in the culture of traditional and folk medicine. The health benefits of cilantro are determined by its composition and the presence of contraindications.

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The composition of coriander seeds and cilantro leaves

Coriander fruits are easily recognizable by the specific sweetish taste and characteristic aroma, thanks to which the spice is used in many dishes and bakery. At the same time, dried cilantro fruits contain vitamins C, PP, B1, B2 and beta-carotene.100 grams of mature seeds contain 24.8 kcal, include from 0.5 to 1.5% of valuable essential oils, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins and organic acids, as well as mono- and disaccharides.

Coriander macroelement composition includes calcium, magnesium and sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Among the useful for the human microelements - iodine and iron.

With a mass of useful properties, cilantro has practically no contraindications, however, precautions should be taken and attention should be paid to the personal tolerance of the active substances in the fruit and foliage of this plant. Greens contain fewer calories than seeds, but its vitamin composition is much richer and includes vitamins: A, K, B1, C, E, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP and choline. Trace elements in fresh greens are zinc, selenium and iron, manganese and copper, and among macronutrients - calcium and magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

Favorite spicy herb in many countries is rich in pectins and tannins. The benefit of cilantro is that, without harming health, it has the ability to withstand such dangerous infections as salmonella.

Useful properties of cilantro and contraindications

In folk medicine, coriander seeds and juicy greens have been used for many centuries. The oldest recipes for the use of spicy seeds were discovered in the east of India, where, until now, the means prepared by them means help in the treatment of colds, relieve pain and relieve fever.

Cilantro juice, rich in vitamins and microelements, and also greens, has long been used as an anti-scorching fortifying agent.

The study of the beneficial properties and contraindications of cilantro has given modern physicians the basis for talking about the effectiveness of a drug based on this plant for treating many diseases. Today, tinctures, decoctions, lotions and other preparations based on coriander are proven remedies for fungal and microbial infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the vascular system. Green cilantro and fruits can alleviate the condition for colds and heat, depression, sleep disorders and parasitic invasions.

Read also: Healing properties of coriander - the treasure of traditional medicine

The benefits of cilantro in dealing with problems of digestion and internal organs

Coriander has the most active effect on the human digestive system. The ability of greens to accelerate the digestion of heavy fatty foods, especially meat, has long been noticed by the peoples of the Caucasus and in the Mediterranean region. Thanks to natural antibiotic substances, anti-inflammatory effect and essential oils, coriander promotes healing of erosions on the walls of the stomach, strengthens tissues and normalizes digestion. The manifestations of gastritis and peptic ulcer disappear as a result of regular use of cilantro herbs, gases stop accumulating.

Cilantro is a rare plant that stops development or completely eliminates a number of vision problems.

At home lotion with a decoction of cilantro will help you quickly and painlessly cope with conjunctivitis.

Read also: Making Georgian green adjika from cilantro and parsley

Essential oil, decoctions and tinctures based on cilantro and seed plants have a useful antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. In this regard, decoctions of herbs and seeds are shown for cystitis, catarrhal diseases and accompanied by a dry cough bronchitis. Green cilantro is useful for stomatitis and the initial manifestations of caries.

Fresh decoction relieves nervous tension, helps to cope with insomnia, ease cramps and even relieve hangover.

Cilantro Greens for Weight Loss

Low-calorie and digestive coriander can be used as a useful component of the diet. The most useful fresh cilantro for weight loss for those who suffer not only digestive disorders, but also diabetes. The plant is able to gently normalize the level of sugar, activates metabolic processes and has a tonic effect fortifying. In addition, for those who want to lose weight, cilantro will be useful in the ability to remove excess fluid, which often prevents effective weight loss.

Has coriander and the ability to remove the inevitable irritation with limiting diets.

How is cilantro useful for women's health?

If a small amount of spicy greens is present in a woman's daily diet, such an additive to ordinary dishes can have a beneficial effect on women's health, cilantro is useful for painful menstruation, decoction of seeds helps to enhance lactation, and can also alleviate the condition for bleeding.more good than purchased on the market.

During pregnancy, herbal remedies will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, but it is worth remembering that in excessive quantities cilantro will bring not harm, but harm. In addition, this plant has a number of serious contraindications.

The use of coriander in cosmetology.

With its soothing effect, cilantro relieves irritation on the skin, reduces itching and other allergies. Vitamins and essential oils contained in the foliage of coriander and its seeds are widely used in a variety of cosmetics and soap making.

Masks and lotions, based on fresh greens and decoctions, whiten and smooth the skin, restore a healthy look and replenish the vitamin reserve.

However, with a lot of useful properties, cilantro has contraindications. Therefore, using the means that include such active plant raw materials, you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction on the part of the body.

Read also: We study the main plant diseases to prevent their spreading

Contraindications when using cilantro

Useful properties and contraindications of cilantro depend on its composition and personal characteristics of the human body that uses greens or drugs from the fruits of this plant. High levels of ascorbic acid, carotene, aromatic substances and other highly active elements can harm the health of people who are prone to allergic reactions. In addition to the benefits, the health damage of cilantro is also possible with exacerbations of chronic diseases, such as pancreatitis or gastritis.

In pursuit of the goal of rapid health improvement, some people unreasonably use extremely large amounts of cilantro. Do not do this.

The average daily rate of green in the diet of an adult should not exceed 35 grams, and seeds - 4 grams.

Patients suffering from ischemic disease, hypertension and thrombophlebitis should be included in the menu with extreme care. An overdose of cilantro can cause not a curative, but a reverse effect, if a person has a risk of developing heart attack and diabetes, as well as an excessive tonic effect of vegetable raw materials that can cause nervous disorders and sleep disturbances.

Useful properties of coriander - video

https: // watch? V = c0t9Hwj9SKM

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