Spathiphyllum "female happiness" in a flower pot

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Gustav Wallis, who discovered spathiphyllum in the jungles of Colombia, probably did not know that a century later the plant would become one of the most popular indoor crops, and in Russia it would get a very unusual nickname.

Spathiphyllum first appeared in Europe in 1824, where, thanks to its white perianth shape, it got its name. Spathe - bedspread, phyllon - sheet.

Indeed, the lanceolate perianth, gracefully wrapped around the cob bud and billowing over the green foliage, is very similar to the bride's veil, flag or veil.

Talisman of female happiness - Spathiphyllum

In Russia, it is generally accepted that a flower can bring well-being and tranquility to a home, therefore Spathiphyllum is also known as female happiness. In Europe and the United States, calling the Spathiphyllum a lily of peacekeepers, flower growers adhere to a different version and compare the bizarre perianth with the white flag, which parliamentarians use when going to peace negotiations. Well, this version has the right to exist, because the world is required not only on the battlefield, but also in the family.

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So why does spathiphyllum, as a houseplant, according to Russian women, bring happiness to female representatives?

It is no secret that most women believe in good signs and tend to wait for miracles even in adulthood. So why would an unpretentious, resilient and extremely elegant plant not become a happy talisman?

In addition, according to the photo of the spathiphyllum, female happiness symbolizes not only a white veil, but also an unusual way of the appearance of the peduncle, as if born from a leaf-growing petiole. According to legend, that is why the flower can radically change the life of a single woman and support the family well-being of married women.

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As a indoor plant, spathiphyllum is unpretentious and very attractive, the plant does not need to create artificial conditions, it does not need pruning and willingly pleases the owner with proud white candles. Probably, such a natural, easy and happy and should be a family life!

The better the spathiphyllum symbolizing feminine happiness is, the better the atmosphere in the house will be, and the relationship of the couple will be easier to form. And it does not matter what kind of spathiphyllum flaunts on the windowsill, as long as its owner complies with all the rules of plant care.

Spathiphyllum indoor plant care and maintenance

Known as female happiness, spathiphyllum is an inhabitant of the tropical rainforests of South America, therefore, for complete comfort in a city apartment, a plant needs conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

The most important requirement is heat, the absence of drafts and the rather high humidity of the soil and air.

The optimum temperature for a houseplant like spathiphyllum is 20–25 ° C.

In the cold season, the culture can grow in cooler air, as long as the temperature does not fall below 15 ° C.

Spathiphyllum, like female happiness, requires simple, but regular care. Plants who love moisture, it is useful to spray warm defended water, and sometimes the foliage to wipe with a damp cloth. But to achieve the most important thing, the flowering of the spathiphyllum, can only be done by observing the irrigation schedule and attentive attitude to the plant

. Like other inhabitants of the humid tropics, the spathiphyllum reacts very badly to the lack of water. Dry soil causes wilting of foliage and failure of the bushes to form flower stalks. But the soil oversaturated with moisture will not enhance female happiness, and the spathiphyllum may respond by rotting the root system and blackened leaves.

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For good growth and formation of bright lush foliage, the spatifillum needs sufficient lighting:

  • In the summer, pots are placed on the brightest windows.
  • In the winter for indoor plants organize additional lighting.
  • If the flower is under the scorching rays of the sun, the plant is shaded.

In good conditions, the spathiphyllum, known as female happiness, also cleans the air.

Not in vain, it was this plant that participated in NASA experiments and showed excellent ability to purify the atmosphere not only from carbon dioxide, but also from traces of benzene and formaldehyde.

As the spathiphyllum grows, it is transplanted, but you should not choose a very spacious pot. In bulk dishes gives more foliage, but completely “forgets” about the formation of inflorescences. Therefore, the best choice is a pot a couple inches wider than the previous one.

It is better to put a spathiphyllum transplant, as indoor plants of other species, in spring. For a culture that is demanding nutrient content, a mixture of:

  • sand is prepared;
  • two pieces of sod land;
  • parts of peat;
  • parts of humus.

You can also use ready-made mixtures by adding organic fertilizers and some sand.

If you wish to propagate a large plant, the spathiphyllum bush can be easily divided during transplantation.

Spathiphyllum: poisonous or not?

Like all the nearest related species, the spathiphyllum "female happiness " is considered a moderately toxic plant. The reason for this is the content in the green part of the bush oxalic acid, as well as some other substances that act irritatingly to the mucous membranes of the mouth and the digestive tract.

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Depending on the variety, plants can contain different concentrations of hazardous compounds. To the question: “Is the spathiphyllum poisonous or not?” It is reasonable to give a detailed answer. Spathiphyllum varieties grown under indoor conditions do not pose a serious hazard.

In order to avoid unpleasant incidents, it is better to remove the pots with lush bushes away from small children and pets.

If the precautions did not help, and one of the family members still tried to put a “female happiness” spathiphyllum on the tooth, the most unpleasant symptoms are possible, starting a burning sensation on the lips, tongue and throat, ending with difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

The first manifestations of poisoning become noticeable almost immediately after swallowing, then they grow rapidly and can occur up to two weeks after the accident.

If a lot of green spathiphyllum enters the body, female happiness can turn into serious troubles, even seizures and kidney failure. However, such cases are incredibly rare, because the foliage of the houseplant is bitter and usually does not cause interest even in domestic animals.

If the caustic foliage enters the mouth, rinse the mouth thoroughly with water, rinse the throat, and then any dairy products, such as yogurt, a slice of cheese or kefir, can be offered to the patient to reduce pain and neutralize the acid.

In most cases, within 24 hours after taking such measures, after the spathiphyllum leaves fall into the mouth, female happiness returns, and peace and tranquility reign in the family.

Spathiphyllum for home and office - video

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