We can preserve for the winter or eat caviar from beets right away

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Practical Wheat Germination Tips

Practical Wheat Germination TipsRecipes And Blanks

Content of the article: How to sprout wheat Germinated wheat: the benefits and harm How to take germinated wheat We germinate wheat in 2-3 days - video ...

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The Wise Housewives Crown Platter - Stuffed Potatoes

The Wise Housewives Crown Platter - Stuffed PotatoesRecipes And Blanks

Article content: Delicious couple - potatoes and minced meatMany housewives like to cook their signature treat - stuffed potatoes. It is suitable for a romantic dinner, and to mee...

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Cooking a delicious borsch dressing for the winter with and without beets

Cooking a delicious borsch dressing for the winter with and without beetsRecipes And Blanks

. Contents: because no soup can be compared with it in rich taste. However, the procedure of preparing the "royal dish" takes a lot of time, half of which has to be spent on prepar...

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