Classic and modern recipes for sweet and sour tkemali plum sauce

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Georgian cuisine lovers should not miss the plum platter on their plate. The classic recipe for tkemali plum sauce has a minimum of components and is not difficult to prepare. The resulting sour texture perfectly complements meat, fish and even vegetables. The basis of the culinary invention is cherry plum or sour plum, but modern chefs were able to somewhat transform the classical beginning and replace the plum with gooseberry, red currant or other berry that has a sour taste.

In the Caucasus, tkemali is prepared sufficiently liquid in structure. The finished sauce is bottled, topped with vegetable oil on top, sealed with corks, which are ground for reliability.

Tkemali from cherry plum classic

Depending on which variety of plum is selected, this will be the color and taste of the finished dish. For a classic recipe for tkemali plum sauce, you need to prepare about 1 kilogram of cherry plum, together with seeds, to get a nice yellow color. Additional components will be 1 head of garlic and 1 red bitter pepper. Spices will be served with 1 tsp full of coriander peas and 1 tsp of Imereti saffron. As the greens should be taken on the floor of a bunch of dill, cilantro and mint( you can use herbs in a dry form).Flavor the sauce with 2 teaspoons of salt and 3 teaspoons of sugar. This sauce can be consumed immediately after preparation; for this, cherry plum should be cooked for a short time up to 5 minutes, but if you have planned to preserve tkemali from the plum for the winter, the steaming time should be increased to 20 minutes.

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  1. Wash the cherry plum, do not remove the bones. Type in a pot of ordinary water and immerse in her amber-yellow fruit. Cook for 20 minutes.
  2. After the berries have turned into a slurry, the bones should be removed and the cooked pulp should be passed through a metal sieve.
  3. Chop the greens, optional ingredients and spices. Pour salt and sugar into the composition.
  4. Grind Imeretinsky saffron and coriander in a mortar.
  5. Mix all prepared ingredients. According to the recipe tkemali from plums, the dish should resemble mashed potatoes.
  6. Put on low heat and boil for 10 minutes, stirring.
  7. Prepare cherry plum in sterile cans and cork tightly. Enjoy your meal!

A classic recipe can also include chopped walnuts among the ingredients, but they are rarely used in the sauce.

Tkemali from plum

You can get a bright, rich, appetizing sauce for meat by preparing it from a blue plum variety( for example, Hungarian), which 1 kilogram will go on a dish. For the winter Georgian recipe tkemali will also need 5 pieces of sweet red( for a rich color) pepper, 1 bitter pepper, 2 small heads of garlic, 0.5 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 1 large spoonful of salt and 2 of the same.spoons of sugar.

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  1. Wash fruits, divide into two pieces and remove the stone.
  2. Remove the core of sweet pepper and cut it into pieces.
  3. Peel the garlic.
  4. Send the prepared components to the meat grinder. Mix the mashed potatoes with ground pepper, sugar and salt.
  5. Boil the mixture and cook for 15 minutes, stirring necessarily.
  6. Distribute the prepared sauce in pre-sterilized jars and tightly screw on the lids.

Tkemali from plums with tomatoes

Recipe for piquant tkemali of plums with tomatoes will help gradually realize your dream of a sauce of unusual taste. A sweet and sour dish will hold 2 kilograms of plums and ripe tomatoes. Fill the preservation with taste 300 g of onion, 1 pepper, 100 g of celery root, a bunch of basil and parsley. Spices that give flavor - it's cloves, cinnamon, mustard powder, black pepper - all 1 tsp. Preservation of tkemali sauce from plums will provide 100 g of vinegar, and 200 g of sugar and 1 large spoonful of salt will make the taste delicious.

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  1. Thoroughly washed tomatoes turn into mashed potatoes using a meat grinder.
  2. Wash plums and remove bones.
  3. Flesh plums also send to the meat grinder.
  4. Remove the bones from the pepper. Peel, wash and grind onions. Send onion puree to the tomato-plum mass. Mix everything, boil and add sugar.
  5. Rinse the greens and tie into a bundle with a thread. Dip it for a minute into the seething mixture. During this time, he will be able to give all his flavor to the future sauce.
  6. Pour salt, pepper, mustard powder, cinnamon and other spices.
  7. Immerse the chilli pod in the sauce. Boil all 20 minutes.
  8. Pass the boiled consistency through a metal sieve. Strained puree again cook for 20 minutes.
  9. 5 minutes before turning off the fire, add vinegar. Distribute to banks, bottles and cork. Done!

Thanks to the classic recipe for tkemali plum sauce, you can cook it at home without much effort. The fruits of the garden tree plus a few spices and an excellent addition to meat dishes on your table is ready.

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