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In this article we will talk about what useful properties are preserved in candied fruits, how to prepare melon for processing, and also consider several ways to prepare this delicacy.
in brief First of all, let's define the terminology: candied fruits are fruits( or their skins) that were made by boiling in sugar syrup and then dried. If compote is usually prepared from dried fruits or added to desserts, then candies from melons can be completely replaced with candies.
With all that, there is a huge number of specialized and ordinary stores that offer ready-made candied fruits, their purchase still raises doubts. Most of the already prepared candied fruits are subjected to strong processing, the bright aroma is not natural, but ordinary culinary flavoring;Tastes also leave much to be desired - sweet slices are simply rubber.
If you make candied melon at home, you can be confident in the quality of the original product, and in their safety.
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Candied fruits from the dense part of the melon
Despite the fact that candied fruits retain less useful properties, their advantages are obvious. In addition to being able to completely replace habitual sweets, melon candied fruits are also recommended to be used to increase immunity during epidemics of infectious diseases, as well as those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Of course, everything needs a measure: two or three candied fruits a day will be enough.
Preparation of melon
Many chefs offering recipes of candied melons say: any, even overripe fruits will do. This is not true! Melon must be fresh, unless, of course, you want to get a strange gruel instead of melon sweets.
The process itself is simple: the melon is cleared of seeds, separated from the peel and - most importantly!- from the softest part of the pulp( the one that is closer to the core).For candied fruits take the most dense fragments of the fruit. The slices themselves are cut in such a way as to turn out “one bite”.
Cooking syrup
Sugar syrup for candied melons is usually cooked in a large, heavy saucepan. The amount of sugar and water taken in the ratio of 3: 1 - this applies only to those recipes where candied fruits are made from the pulp.
Blend water and sugar mixture to a boil and carefully add melon slices to the syrup so that it covers them completely.
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Then there are two cooking options:
- In the first case, the melon is cooked on low heat for about an hour, stirring constantly. With this option, you need to very carefully monitor the slices - they should become transparent, but not fall apart.
- The second method will take a little longer, but it is more “safer”.Slices are cooked for five minutes on medium or high heat, then removed from the stove and cooled. The process is repeated several times until the melon fully absorbs the syrup. In this case, you can fully control the process.
If the sugar syrup is too liquid, the candied fruits will deteriorate very quickly, and if you overdo it with sugar, the fruit will lose its firmness and density.
Final Stage
The easiest way to dry candied melons for the winter is to use the oven. The baking sheet is necessarily covered with paper( otherwise it will be impossible to tear off the candied pieces), with the help of skimmers, melon slices are taken out of the pan and spread on paper so that they do not stick to each other. The ideal temperature for drying is 100 degrees, but the time varies depending on your oven.
Candied peels are removed from the paper immediately after you have removed them from the oven.
Fresh candied melons have one property - they stick to any surface strongly. Therefore, you need to contrive and quickly shift them to the dish. Do not use the spatula - the melon will easily stick to it - it is best to take a wide knife.
If the last melon slices are still not removed at all, send them back to the oven for a few minutes and then remove.
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chips Candied melons
How to make candied melons, we figured out. But there is another recipe, which uses not the flesh of the fruit, but its crusts.
The recipe is not very different from the original, the technology remains the same: cooking in syrup - drying, but some nuances do exist. To cook candied melon crusts, you need:
- before cooking, always blanch the crusts in water with lemon juice or 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda for a few minutes;
- sugar syrup is prepared in a ratio not 1: 3, but 1: 1, and the crusts are boiled two or three times with a break of 8-10 hours( !);
- oven warmed minimally - 40-50 degrees will be enough.
Candied candied fruit, regardless of whether you used flesh or peel, is a few days after preparation.
Video recipe for making candied melon in an electric dryer