Review of Atlant refrigerators: two-chamber, single-chamber

Calculation of the power of the refrigerator in kW

Calculation of the power of the refrigerator in kWRefrigerators

When measuring and taking into account the power of the refrigerator there is a snag. The compressor does not operate continuously, but operates in intervals. The usual scheme of work looks like ...

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Start-up refrigerator relay

Start-up refrigerator relayRefrigerators

Three-phase motor start-up winding redundant element. By consuming 380 volts, it cuts itself into the network directly, the stator coils are phased in a certain way. A 230 volt power supply is re...

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Refrigerator for medicines

Refrigerator for medicinesRefrigerators

Copying the traditional fridge, designed to store medicines have a refrigeration and freezer. The difference is limited by temperatures. For the refrigerator, the range is plus 2 - plus 14 ºС, as...

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