Wood ash - as a kind of vineyard fertilizer (video)

Wood ashOne of the qualitative types of fertilizer for the vineyard is wood ash. This fertilizer is one of the most affordable. You can cook it at home, adhering to a specific recipe.

See also:Photos, description and means of pest control of grapes

Wood ash is a common phosphate-potassium fertilizer, which contains a lot of useful substances: calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, sulfur. Also included in the composition of the ash are microelements useful for the development of the plant.

See also:The reproduction of grapes layers in the summer

In the process of making fertilizer from ash, superphosphates, ammonium nitrate, urea are not added to its composition, since they shorten its action.

See also:Planting ginger at home

Video on how to make wood ash fertilizer

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