Diseases of apricot trees and their treatment - photos and description of signs

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What are the spots on cacti: causes of problems and ways to solve them?

What are the spots on cacti: causes of problems and ways to solve them?Plant Diseases

The content of the article: Mealybug "Aging" or age-related changes in the flower The result of "tanning" Spider mite - a dangerous enemy Cactus killer - wet rot Dry rot - kills from the insideC...

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We study diseases of gloxinia leaves and methods of treatment

We study diseases of gloxinia leaves and methods of treatmentPlant Diseases

The content of the article: Fungal diseases of gloxinia leaves and their treatment Viral and bacterial gloxinia diseases Pests of gloxins and their controlCare rules for gloxinia - video . ...

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Causes of yellowing of garlic leaves

Causes of yellowing of garlic leavesPlant Diseases

The content of the article: Planting garlic in virgin soil Fusaricosis of garlic Weather Varietal features of garlic . Garlic is a plant from the bulbous family. Its bulb forms up to 15 chil...

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