Cooking Apricot Jam with Orange

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Sweet food is always loved by someone from the family. For such sweets it is necessary to cook apricot jam with orange. It willingly disperses immediately after preparation, as well as in the winter with tea. The resulting sweet joy can be eaten immediately or canned in jars for the winter. Jam is perfectly preserved in a corked form in the pantry.

When apricot trees produce a big crop, it will be meaningless if it disappears. From bright yellow fruits you can make compotes, juices, jams, preserves. A variety of recipes will help to make dishes from apricots. Below are step-by-step descriptions of the preparation of exactly apricot jam with the addition of citrus fruits.

Usefulness of apricot, orange and lemon

It is reasonable to combine the three ingredients together to get a sweet dessert - apricot jam with orange and lemon. You will find not only a fortified dish, but also a very tasty one.

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The presence of citric, malic, tartaric acids and vitamins A, B, C, H, E, P in apricots make them a useful fruit. The abundant content of iodine in the fetus allows you to treat thyroid disease. Thanks to pectin, toxic substances are eliminated. Trace elements potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and others normalize the vital functions of the body.

Orange, which contains vitamins and beneficial trace elements, improves appetite, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, intestines and, in general, strengthens the entire body.

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Lemon is popular for its huge content of vitamin C. Lots of other vitamins, along with it, help the body to cope with colds and simply serve as a preventive tool.

Orange and Apricot Jam( with Bone)

This recipe for apricot jam with oranges can be cooked in three steps on average for 20 minutes, and there is a possibility in one, which will take an hour of cooking. Both options are equally effective and adequately preserve your provisions in quality.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash ripe, elastic 3 kg apricot, divide it into two halves and remove the stone( do not throw it away).
  2. Rinse two oranges cut into pieces and send to a meat grinder together with the peel.
  3. We place apricots into the enamel basin and add ground citrus. Top up with 2 kg of sugar, do not mix. You can shake the pelvis slightly so that the sugar crumbles proportionally over the surface of the fruit. The resulting mixture, from which there will be a future apricot jam with orange, should be covered with a lid or towel and set aside for several hours, usually this procedure takes 3 hours. It all depends on the juiciness of the apricot, if you see that the juice stands out enough, then you can not wait for 3 hours.
  4. We put the basin with the contents on the stove and cook for 35 minutes. At the same time, we remove the foam, because its presence can give, subsequently, a mold. Boil the mass should be set aside for 8-10 hours.
  5. Repeat the procedure twice more. After the third time, the finished hot mixture is poured into cans and tightly twisted. Wrap in a warm blanket and wait for cooling.
  6. Enjoy your consumption!

You can add seed kernels to the jam recipe provided. The dish will acquire an unusual taste and be filled with an additional set of vitamins. For this, the removed bones are not thrown away, but are broken with a hammer carefully. The resulting nucleoli should be added to the mass during the last cooking.

Apricot Jam with Oranges and Lemon

Lemon can be added to the usual apricot-orange jam to get a slightly sour taste. Thus, get very tasty apricot jam with oranges and lemon. This dish can be done in two ways: boil the fruit or leave it raw. Provisions in any of these cases will be well kept, because there is a lemon.

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Option 1. Apricot jam with oranges and lemon( boiled)

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour ripe whole apricots( 1kg with stones) and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Drain and dry with a towel. Remove bones.
  3. Place the fruit halves in a bowl and cover with 0.9-1 kg of sugar. In this state, apricots should stand for 12 hours( set aside for the night).
  4. Wash one lemon and orange, cut into small pieces. Be sure to remove all the bones. If desired, you can grind them in a meat grinder or blender.
  5. The time has come for the present apricot mass, which should be mixed with ground citrus fruits.
  6. Put the bowl of fruit on the stove with slow fire and stir for half an hour. Allow to cool. Then boil again for 10 minutes.
  7. Arrange the jam in two 0.5 liter jars( the ingredients are designed for exactly this quantity) and, immediately, tighten tightly.
  8. Apricot jam with orange for the winter with the addition of lemon ready. Have a nice tea in winter.

The color of the finished jam depends on the time it is held on the fire: 10 minutes give a light shade and a liquid consistency, from 15-20 minutes you will get a thick and dark sweet dessert.

Option 2. Orange jam and apricot with lemon( without cooking)

To prevent fermentation of jam and stored for a long time, add citric acid or lemon to the ingredients. Raw apricot jam and oranges are not subjected to hot processing, and, therefore, retains the full range of vitamins and does not change the taste.

Read also: Cooking cherry jam with stones and without

Preparation steps:

  1. From 2 kg of purely washed apricot remove the bones.
  2. Thoroughly washed, one lemon and an orange, grind with a blender along with the peel. With them chop and apricot.
  3. Mix the resulting fruit puree with 3 kg of sugar.
  4. Sterilize cans with screw caps.
  5. Spread the mixture in jars, pour a spoonful of sugar on top, to avoid mold on the surface during storage. Twist.
  6. Jam is ready!

If you want to get spicy bitterness, orange peel and lemon jam do not need to be removed.

Apricot jam with orange can contain not only lemon, but also lime, grapefruit, goat, rangpur, citron and other citrus fruits. Apples, plums or pears will also perfectly complement this jam. Only when a mixture of different ingredients is rolled up for the winter, it is advisable to mix half a teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter jar.

A Simple Recipe for Apricot Jam with Orange - Video

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