Proper spathiphyllum transplant after purchase

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Houseplants live constantly in conditions that only remotely resemble natural ones. Therefore, the decorativeness of a plant depends on many factors. Spathiphyllum transplantation is a must-see in captivity. The root system requires nourishment, and in a cramped bowl, light barren soil is unable to feed the plant for a long period. When transplanting a plant and reproducing it, it is required to follow certain rules.

Conditions for care and transplantation of spathiphyllum at home.

The flower should sit in a pot in cramped conditions. As long as the roots do not touch the walls of the vessel, the whole force of the plant is directed to their growth, the flowering is postponed, the plant is fattening. Therefore, it is hardly necessary to transplant the plant often without special need. In the spring, when the plant is just beginning to awaken from winter recreation, the best time to change the soil.

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Necessary, the operation of transplanting spatiophyllum at home and leaving before rooting is considered:

  • the plant has grown so much that when the leaf plates are moved apart it is clear that the lower leaves die from lack of nutrition and lighting:
  • is purchased from a flower house after the greenhouse content, purchased in a flower shop;
  • annual transshipment of young plants to a large capacity;
  • plant became ill, root rot or insect pests were found;
  • plant reproduction.

How to transplant spathiphyllum at home, how to create conditions for the speedy recovery of the plant?

The soil for spathiphyllum is prepared light with an acidic reaction medium, but closer to neutral. Such a soil mixture can be bought at the flower shop for aroids, or you can cook them yourself. Slightly acidic constituents are leafy ground, peat and added bark of coniferous trees. Sand, turf soil and charcoal are neutral and help to average the composition to slightly acidic, close to neutral.

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The composition of the soil for spathiphyllum and the choice of dishes:

  • sod land - 2 volumes;
  • sheet, peat, sand - 1 volume;
  • ceramic chips, charcoal, bark - 0.5 volumes each.

Pebbles or expanded clay are required for the drainage layer in pots. The created soil must be steamed, treated with phytosporin. To restore beneficial microflora, moisten the mixture with EM-1 2 weeks before planting and put it in a dark place.

For transplanting an adult plant, a container is chosen that is one size or 1-2 cm larger than the previous pot. It should be noted that painless handling is carried out up to a diameter of 20 cm, then try to remove the upper loose layer and pour fresh nutrient mixture. Cramped root is a necessary condition for flowering. A sign of the necessary change of dishes is the beard of the yellow roots of the spathiphyllum, which emerged from the drainage hole.

Transshipment or transfer, the right choice.

We know that transshipment refers to a method of changing capacity without breaking the coma of earth connected by roots. In this case, the plant is abundantly moistened, but not so much that the earth turns into dirt. It is enough that it is easy to go smoothly, slipped out of the cramped pot, without damaging the roots. Visually making a hundred roots healthy, leaves without signs of disease, the plant is carefully arranged in a large bowl.

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At the bottom of the new container, a drainage layer of 2 cm, 2 cm of soil and the intact clod of soil with roots is set on top, after selecting stones and clay from the bottom beard. On the sides, the ground for spathiphyllum is poured, slightly compacted, slightly watered. When wet earth will settle, it must be added to the neck. Shake the pot a little, make sure that the plant does not fall, it should be in the center. A few days novosadku need to spray on the leaves, but not watered. It will quickly help the plant to settle down if you arrange an inverted plastic bag on top, in the form of a mini-greenhouse.

If it is very necessary, then a flowering plant can also be handled, but a spacious pot will create conditions to stop flowering.

If the plant is newly acquired, is it necessary and how to transplant the spathiphyllum after purchase? Yes, it is necessary, but only after a preliminary quarantine for 2 weeks. The soil on which plants are grown for sale, contains a lot of peat and is filled with nutrients only for the first time. Therefore, as far as the root system allows, it is necessary to carefully clean it from the substrate and settle it in the desired composition.

In the same way as during transshipment, a layer of drainage and earth is prepared, roots are placed on it and gently sprinkled with soil for spathiphyllum, with a slight shaking for compaction. Powdered roots moistened, the soil fits tightly to the roots, the earth is again sprinkled to the neck. At the same time to the brim of the pot should remain about 2 cm. The plant is checked for planting density, slightly swaying and controlling so that it does not collapse.

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But such a transplant of spathiphyllum requires careful observation for 2 weeks and frequent spraying of the leaves. Sealed cap over the plant will retain moisture and promotes rapid rooting.

The only way to revise the roots is to transplant. Therefore, each copy should be checked for the presence of rot, cut out the damaged and doubtful places, powder the wounds with pounded charcoal and dry it a little. The young leaves are also removed, they will die anyway.

In order to plant spathiphyllum thickets, it will be necessary to immerse the plant completely in a container with water and allow the earth to turn into mobile dirt. After that, remove the plant, and, spreading out on a horizontal plane, select young plants, cut the rhizomes of old so that the root with up to 5 leaves.

To plant those plants that have a root system, you can immediately in containers. If there are no roots on the layers, they need to be germinated in a glass of water. Replanting spathiphyllum during reproduction does not differ from how to transplant spathiphyllum after purchase.

In all cases of transplanting and transshipment, plants are not watered until new leaves begin to appear. This means that the plant is rooted, and the moisture will not harm it, there will be no rot.

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