The most common diseases of currants and their treatment

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pests Currant bush does not seem tender and unprotected. It easily tolerates the cold of winter, temperature drops, waterlogging and drought. However, all this does not remain without consequences. Here is a list of the main problems of this plant, currant diseases in the photo look quite convincing:

  • Anthracnose .Signs: small brown specks with tubercles appear on the leaves. They gradually grow, spreading throughout the plant, and the bush dies. Contributes to an increase in the focus of the disease and moisture: rain or fog.
  • White spot, Septoria .The leaves turn white, and small dark spots appear on them, spores of the fungus. It happens that you can see signs of this disease on the fruits. Exposed more black currant.
  • Glass rust .This disease is characterized by the appearance of yellow-orange pads that spread to the leaves and flowers of the bush. It is believed that black currants are more susceptible to this disease.
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  • European powdery mildew .On the young leaves appears white bloom, like a thin gossamer. She is prone to mostly red currants.
  • Spherotek( another powdery mildew, American) .May hit the whole plant: young leaves and shoots, berries and ovaries. A thin white bloom appears, which condenses over time. The leaves are deformed and die.
  • Reversion( Terry) .The plant is completely affected, visible changes in the shape and color of leaves and flowers. The flowers dry up, but do not fall for a long time. Fully missing fruit. Suffering from this disease is mainly blackcurrant.
  • Striped mosaic .Where they pass on the leaf of the vein, a duplication of their pattern appears in yellow or orange.
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Both diseases and pests represent a threat to currants.

Currant Pests:

  • fireworm, she lays eggs on currants, appeared caterpillars entangle leaves with cobwebs, feeding on them;
  • sawfly, its larvae completely eat the leaves of the plant;
  • leaf gallitsa, these are mosquitoes, for them the young leaves of the plant are a real delicacy;
  • spider mite, so named because it entangles leaflets with the web and feeds on their sap;
  • goldfish, this is a larva, it feeds on the heart of the currant stalks;
  • kidney mite, it is he who is the carrier of terry, a dangerous disease of currants;
  • aphid, sucks juices from both young leaves and stems;
  • is a moth, gluttonous, in its diet leaves of gooseberry and currant, which it completely eats.

This is not a complete list. It includes only the most common and dangerous diseases and pests. Another conclusion can be made, despite the close relationship, black and red currants can have "their" diseases:

Diseases of black currants

It is interesting to note that some diseases of black currants are similar to those from which grapes and gooseberries suffer. It is powdery mildew, terry, bokal rust, septoria. The danger of black currants are the same pests as gooseberries.

Diseases of red currant

Red currant has several advantages over black, it is more fruitful and unpretentious, and most importantly its advantage is that it is resistant to diseases. But even this does not save her from many of them, including European powdery mildew.

Currant treatment for diseases

Every gardener should carefully review the plants in order to notice early signs of any of the probable diseases at an early stage. The leaves of the plants that have withered and fallen must be collected and burned. With this condition you can easily cope with the illness.

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Currant treatment for diseases begins with the fact that damaged leaves and branches are removed. The next important step is to dig up the earth around the stem of the plant. Further actions will depend on the specific reason why the currant is suffering.

  • Anthracnose. Subjected to this disease currant bush, must be treated with fungicidal agents. Many gardeners use copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or phthalan to spray every 10 days. These drugs are suitable both for prophylactic purposes and for treatment.
  • Septoria. Spraying of blue vitriol, 40 g per 10 l of water helps with this disease.
  • Glass rust. It is necessary at the time when the leaves bloom, flowering begins, and when the ovaries appear, spray the bush with fungicides, or with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • Mealy Dew. The bush and the soil under it should be treated with nitrofen or 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. Spray every 10 days.
  • Sphereoteka.300 g of iron sulphate per 10-liter bucket of water, mix and spray the bush. There is another way that works at the very beginning of the disease: 50 g of soda ash + 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to process a currant bush several times.
  • Territory. At an early stage it is very difficult to determine. And when it becomes clear that a currant bush overcomes the disease, it is already too late. And in order to avoid spreading the disease to healthy bushes, the diseased plant should be excavated and burned.
  • Striped mosaic. Another disease, which is almost impossible to treat. Therefore, the plant is uprooted and burned.

Pests. Spraying the currant bush with insecticides helps from most insects. And this is done in several stages. The first - before bud break, the second - after flowering.

Prevention of Currant Diseases

Of course, every gardener understands that preventive measures are always better, they are cheaper, they take less time and effort, and also prevent the bush from deforming if the disease progresses and they do not have a negative impact on yield. And first of all, it is not the use of any chemical or organic means, but the proper planting, pruning and feeding of currant bushes.

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Currant disease prevention is a whole range of activities:

  • It is necessary to remove the plant parts damaged by disease or pests in time, and do it better at an early stage, until the whole shrub is infected.
  • Correct and timely pruning. Sanitary cleaning of the bush will allow to monitor that the plant does not thicken, so the probability of diseases decreases many times.
  • Moderate watering. A large amount of moisture contributes to the spread of disease and attract dangerous insects.

Digging the ground around the trunk of a plant. Due to this, those pests that are left in the ground after winter are destroyed. Grow healthy bushes, and get a good result, sometimes the same thing. Therefore, you should always monitor the condition on your site currant bushes, and if necessary, help the plant in time.

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