Pumpkin is a popular melon crop grown in different countries of the world. Vegetable gained its popularity due to the content of a large amount of vitamins. Among a wide variety of varieties, the most popular golosyemyanka pumpkin got the most popularity.
The contents of the table are:Description and Characterization of the Pumpkin Golosyomka Infirmary
The Golosemyank Douchet got its name due to the nakedness of the seeds. Seeds are covered with a thin film rich in fiber.
According to the characteristic, the pumpkin has an oblong shape with a hard but thin skin, dark green in color with whitish spots. The flesh is light yellow with a slightly sweet taste.
The shrub plant has strong roots extending 3-5 meters into the ground. The bush forms up to 80 female and up to 400 male flowers. The first male flowers are formed at the age of 20-30 days, and after 7 days female flowers begin to bloom, they appear on a 3-10 leaf node.

According to the description, for the gymnast gourd, on the bush is formed from 1 to 4 fruits .
Breeding history and region of growth
Gymnosperm gourd, was bred in the Austrian city of Styria, in 1880.About this variety in Russia learned in 1911.This vegetable is grown in all corners of the world, due to the high content of oil in bare seeds .
Advantages and disadvantages of the
variety. The advantages include:
- .d.d.r., zucchini and squash, may pereopyleniya plants.

Preparing the soil before planting
For a rich harvest, you need to carefully approach the preparation of the soil. Pumpkin grows well the beds, where before it grows:
- Corn
- Legumes
- Potatoes
- Winter wheat
can not be planted seedlings or seeds, which grew:
- Tomatoes
- Carrots
- Cucumbers
- Courgettes
This is due to the fact that these cultureshave the same disease, as well as these plants can not be grown next door.

Golosemyanka can be grown in a seedling and seedless way .Rassadny method - allows you to harvest much earlier.
Planting seeds in open ground
Seeds are sown in warmed( up to 15 degrees) ground. The distance between the rows should be at least 2 meters .Prepare pits with a diameter of 30 cm for planting. The well is shed with warm water and fertilized with complex fertilizers. All carefully dug up to a depth of 20 cm, and then planted 3-4 seeds.
The spacing between the holes is 3-4 cm, and the depth of the bookmark is 5-6 cm. After germination, 2 sturdier plants are left in the hole.
Before planting, seeds warm up for 10 hours , at a temperature of 40 degrees.
Growing seedlings

Pumpkin seeds Golosemyanki planted in peat pots size 10x10.Sowing seeds produce in the last days of April , to a depth of 3 cm.
The pots are filled with nutrient soil moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. With proper care, the first shoots appear after a week. During the growth of seedlings, it is watered with warm, settled water.
When forms 4-5 sheets of on a plant, it can be planted in a permanent place. Planting of seedlings produced after spring frosts, in the evening. A week later, seedlings take root and begins to grow intensively.
Conditions of growing and care
The first dressing with mineral or organic fertilizers is carried out a week after transplanting. The nitroammofosk is optimally suited from mineral supplements, and the organic is ideal for rotted horse or cow manure .
The second is carried out at the beginning of flowering. The third - in the period of fruiting.

Water the plant in the morning or evening , to prevent leaf burn. In hot weather, watering is carried out 2 times a day.
After planting and before flowering, soil moisture should be 70%.During flowering and fruit formation - 80%.During the ripening period - 70%.14 days before harvesting, watering is stopped.
After each watering, the soil is loosened and spud , so that the earth crust does not form, which will prevent air from reaching the roots.
In August, side shoots form in the plant, which nip , as they take a lot of nutrients from the plant.
The bush must be mulched in order to preserve moisture and preserve the fruit from rotting.
Three weeks before the end of plant growth, the top and side shoots pinch. This procedure is carried out in order to ensure that all nutrients are directed to the ripening of fruits.
The degree of ripening of fruits is determined by the drying out of leaves, stalks and shoots.

Features of this variety
- The seeds of the Golosemyanka are covered with a thin film rich in fiber.
- Grade ripeness is determined by the location of the female flower, the lower the first female flowers, the shorter the ripening .
- Fruits are round and cylindrical in shape, reaching up to 10 kg.
- In pumpkin, you can use seeds, pulp and young shoots with a medical purpose .
- Because of its low calorie content, it is recommended to use it in diets as a dietary product.
- Resistance to temperature changes.
Diseases and pests
Among the diseases often occurs:
- Fruit rot - occurs when the fruit comes into contact with damp earth.
- Mealy dew - with high humidity.
Pests can be attacked by a pumpkin plant - insects:
- Gourd aphid
- Wireworm

At the first signs of a disease, plants spray with fungi. It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. Therefore, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:
- Observe crop rotation
- Conduct soil liming before planting, weeding and loosening around the bush
- Monitor the temperature, humidity and soil
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Cultivation of a pumpkin of the variety Golosemyank sluggard, is not much different from the cultivation of other varieties. But it is necessary to remember that: it is more thermophilic and it is better to plant it in a seedling manner, since bare seeds can rot in the ground before germination.