Full description of the cylinder beet variety

Popularity in modern gardeners won the beet variety Cylinder. This fact is explained by the simplicity of cultivation and decent taste. The description and characteristics of this variety are discussed in this article.

Table of contents

  • Description and characteristics of
  • cylinder variety Advantages and disadvantages of
  • Soil preparation, planting and cultivation of
  • beets
  • maintenance rules
  • variety features

disease and pest control Cylinder variety and characteristics

cure anestheses and pest control Cylinder grade and characteristicsMaturing term from the moment of landing is 120 days. The roots of maroon cylindrical color with a thin skin. Dark red flesh without pronounced white rings, sweetish taste. Average size: length 16 cm, diameter 9 cm. Mass within 250-600 g.

Shelf life is more than 4 months. Due to its resistance to species diseases, the variety is high-yielding, it is 8-10 kg per 1 m2. Also contributes to this compact placement of root crops in the garden.

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Crop beetroot cylinder

The advantages and disadvantages of

The biological composition allows the use of beets for medicinal purposes. Regular use in food heals the activity of the intestines, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system.

Cylinder Beet Variety from Dutch selection. It is cultivated throughout the territory of the Russian Federation in the open field. In the middle lane and in Siberia, a seedling method of cultivation is practiced to harvest early crops. It shortens the ripening period for fruits by 3 weeks.

Cylinder grade is sensitive to low temperature. Sowing is performed after the onset of sustainably warm weather without returnable frosts. Cold can provoke the appearance of flower stalks.

The advantages of the variety include the following qualities:

  • is a variety of pleasant taste with a unique set of vitamins and microelements, suitable for preparing salads, soups, various preparations;
  • has high yields with minimal maintenance;
  • does not lose its properties and taste during long-term storage;
  • saves space in the garden plot, thanks to the elongated shape, occupies a small area;
  • high marketability.

Disadvantages are not registered.

Cylinder beets

Soil preparation, planting and cultivation of beets

Cultivation Cylinders are seed and transplanting methods. The latter method is more laborious and risky. Seedlings take root painfully and do not tolerate low temperatures. Seeds are selected with good germination from proven manufacturers. Work with them is necessary according to the recommendations on the bag.

Cylinder loves the sun, heat and moisture. Its taste depends on the level of acidity of the soil, sweeter taste can be achieved by adding lime or dolomite flour to the soil. This technique neutralizes whitish rings on a cut of the

root crop. Planting material is sorted by size, treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or infusion of ash. You can apply ready-made growth promoters Zircon or Appin. Then the washed seeds should be placed in a moist environment for swelling. Place for landing choose an open, sunny.

Best of all, root crops grow on loose, fertile soils with an acid-base balance of pH from 5 to 8, that is, closer to the neutral index. When deviating from these indicators, fruits are more often affected by diseases and poorly stored.

Observing the rule of crop rotation, beets should be planted in the garden where cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes, onions or zucchini were grown. Spinach will be a bad predecessor. You can not make in the beds of fresh manure, it causes an increased level of nitrates and deformation of the fruit.

Sowing beets

Sowing Cylinders are carried out in the third or third decade of May, at an optimum air temperature of 12-14 degrees, and the soil is not lower than +7.The specific time of planting depends on the climatic conditions.

It is recommended to cultivate beets on beds 100 cm wide, at least 20 cm high.

Sowing scheme 25 * 6 cm with a seeding depth of 2.5-3 cm. The soil should be wet. After planting the ridge need to mulch. In warm weather, at temperatures above +20 degrees, seedlings will appear on day 5.With the threat of return frosts, it will not be superfluous to take care of sheltering the beds with a spanbond.

When planting seedlings, you need to remember that seedlings should have tops to less than 7 cm for good survival. The main root should be slightly shortened, planted in loose moist soil, followed by watering. We are working on a cloudy day.

The rules of care

The technology of growing beets involves the implementation of simple rules:

  • shoots seedlings in three stages to a finite distance between them of 9-10cm;
  • systematically weed and loosen the soil;
  • feed controls the content of micronutrients. At the beginning of the growing season, fertilizers are applied with nitrogen. Then potassium becomes the most important element. Its disadvantage is better to fill with wood ash. No less important are phosphorus, magnesium and boron. Good result is given by top dressing by fermented herbal infusion;
In order for beets to bring maximum benefit, you should not fertilize them with chemistry. Root crops quickly accumulate nitrates.
  • watering is carried out moderately, it is especially important during the period of seed germination and the formation of root crops.15 days before harvesting the beet watering is practically stopped.

Experienced gardeners during irrigation add 1 tbsp.spoon of salt in a bucket of water to increase the sugar content and protect against pests.

Growing beetroot cylinder

Features varieties

  1. The main feature of the variety is the formation of the root above the soil surface. In , a long root crop is immersed in the ground only one third the length.
  2. A unique property of fast stewing distinguishes this beet. Variety Cylinder suitable for the preparation of various dishes and preservation.
  3. The variety has good keeping quality and is stored until the next harvest without any signs of rot.

Fighting Diseases and Pests

Cylinder beetroot is immune to most diseases, but the necessary measures must be taken. Maximum attention should be paid to the prevention of diseases, avoiding them.

Contributes to the emergence of diseases:

  • heavy soil texture;
  • excessive moisture;
  • plant thickening;
  • sprouting frost;
  • care errors.

Prevention measures:

  • compliance with the rules of crop rotation;
  • competent preparation of seeds and beds;
  • implementation of agrotechnical rules for care.

If, despite all the items that were performed, you will feel a painful factor, consider the case, then you will apply, you will apply, you will be used, you will be subject to an example, you will be subject to a factor, then you will apply, you will be subject to a factor, then you will apply, you will be able to start a new one. Fungal form of the disease. Manifested by rot in the heart of the fetus, stained on the bottom sheets. The reason is a lack of boron. Apply foliar treatment with boric acid.

  • False mealy dew. On the leaves of lilac-gray bloom, the leaves dry and rot. Apply fungicides.
  • Zercosporosis. Oppressing tops, does not develop root. The reason is a lack of potassium. We carry out top dressing with ashes or potassium chloride. We follow the timely weeding.
  • Corneed. Infectious disease "black leg". The reason is that the soil does not breathe, it is heavy and excessively damp. We carry out soil deoxidation with chalk, lime, loose inter-row spans. We bring bor. We destroy diseased plants.
  • Brown rot. Gray bloom on beets. The reason is an excess of nitrogen at high humidity. Cardinal control measure - the destruction of diseased plants.2-3 years is not recommended to use this area for beets.
  • Insects are pests. Beet fly and aphid, flea, shieldos. A deep digging of the ridges in the fall and regular weeding will help prevent them. Control measures include the use of Inta-Vir-type insecticides, the use of folk methods.
  • Recall that an indispensable condition for a high, healthy harvest is competent care in compliance with all agrotechnical rules.

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