The best fertilizers to feed parsley and dill

The spring and summer seasons are the right time to stock up on minerals and vitamins for the winter. A lot of various useful substances are found in greens, and especially in parsley and dill. For a rich harvest, like other vegetable crops, it is necessary to feed and provide good care on time and with high quality.


  • Fertilizers for parsley and dill
    • Organic
    • Simple mineral
    • Complex mineral
    • Humic
    • Special
  • How to feed ammonium nitrate
    • features make feeding
  • addition of superphosphate in the spring
  • triple superphosphate
  • Potash salt
  • Feeding nettle
    • Recipe nettle fertilizer

Fertilizers forparsley and dill

Parsley is a plant that perfectly absorbs both nutrients and harmful substances from the soil.individuality impair human health.
Types of fertilizers

Therefore, fertilizers that feed this green should not contain dangerous impurities. Fertilizers are:


This is river sludge, tree sawdust, bird guano, compost, peat, manure.

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  • fertilizers are saturated with microelements, as well as with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen;
  • is environmentally friendly for parsley and the environment itself;
  • available.


  • price;
  • a small amount of useful substances;
  • manure can bring diseases and weed seeds.

Simple mineral

They contain one nutrient: potassium sulfate, urea, potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, simple and double superphosphates.

  • inexpensive;
  • practical in use;
  • available.
  • no useful chemical elements;
  • can damage the soil;
  • nitrogen is quickly washed away by rain and watering;
  • excess can make parsley unsuitable for nutrition.
Simple Mineral Fertilizers

Complex Mineral

Contains two or more beneficial elements. Such fertilizers include nitrophos, nitroammofosk, potassium nitrate, ammophos, nitrophoska, diammophos.

  • parsley extracts several nutrients at once.
  • bad impact on the soil and on the environment;
  • price;
  • plant is not always enough contained in the fertilizer elements for a full-fledged diet.


They contain both organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as substances that help grow.

  • nutrients are washed out of the ground for quite a long time;
  • large availability of feeding elements allows the use of much less fertilizer compared to others;
  • is suitable for many plants.
  • lasts for the entire season, evenly supplying nutrients to plant roots.
  • expensive.


They differ from humic ones in a variety of proportions of nutrients in the composition, which allows you to choose a suitable fertilizer for each plant.

  • is convenient to choose for a particular plant;
  • saturated with various nutrients;
  • sometimes manufacturers raise the price purely for the brand, and not for the quality of the goods;
  • composition may be suspicious, because manufacturers themselves decide in what proportions to put certain substances;
  • is expensive, since for each plant you have to buy a separate fertilizer.

How to feed ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate or otherwise ammonium nitrate is a simple mineral fertilizer that helps a plant to build its cells and develop actively. It is very common among farmers and ordinary gardeners. It is produced in the form of small white granules.

Why Popular?

  1. Long retains its properties. During storage increases the ability to absorb moisture.
  2. Universal for all types of plants.
  3. Suitable for various soil types.
  4. Restores nitrogen deficiency in soil composition.
  5. Not only feeds the plant itself, but also protects it from various types of diseases.
  6. Used for the prevention and strengthening of plant immunity.
Ammonium nitrate
One type of ammonium nitrate( porous) is used to create explosives. It is necessary to keep any kind of this fertilizer in a cool place with good air circulation, otherwise at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius, it can explode.

Types of ammonium nitrate:

  • Simple - more often used in farms. It is sometimes replaced with urea.
  • "Indian" or ammonium-potassium - for fruit trees.
  • "Norwegian" or lime-ammonia - in the composition additionally present magnesium, calcium and potassium, but its granules are treated with fuel oil, which damages the soil.
  • Ammonia( grade B) - has first and second grade, it can often be found on the shelves of horticultural stores. Buy in order to feed the flowers after the winter period and seedlings.
  • Magnesium - it is added to saturate the poor soil with magnesium.

Features of adding the

top dressing When applying fertilizer before the seed, pay attention to the soil. If the land is depleted - 35-50 g of ammonium nitrate per square meter.m. If the soil is already cultivated, it is enough only from 20 to 30 g per square meter. Top dressing at emergence: 10 g per 1 sq.m. Repeat in two weeks: 5-6 g per 1 sq. M.m. Further, ammonium nitrate is made only after the branches are cut.

Adding superphosphates in the spring

Types of superphosphate:

  • Simple - about 40% calcium sulphate, 10% sulfur, 8% nitrogen and 25% phosphorus. Sold in the form of powder and granules.
  • Double - 45-55% concentration of phosphorus, sulfur 6%, and nitrogen - 17%.Granules for dissolving in water.
Simple Superphosphate


Superphosphates cannot be interfered with ammonium nitrate, urea, and lime, since the beneficial properties of the fertilizer are lost.

Simple superphosphate. Before planting greens and add this fertilizer, you need to take care of the deoxidation of the soil. Thanks to him, this feeding will retain its beneficial properties for a long time. Next, parsley is fed with simple superphosphate only if the greens are cut.

Double Superphosphate

This type of superphosphate should be added to the soil in late autumn, when the crop is already harvested, or in the spring season, but early. This allows phosphorus to be absorbed into the soil.

Before planting greens, from 20 to 40 g of top dressing per 1 square meter is added to the ground.m. Amount depends on how rich in nutrients the earth is.

Next, superphosphate is added: if seeds are planted, then after the first shoots appear, if the seedlings are planted within two weeks. All you need from 8 to 10 grams per 1 square.m.

If the fertilizer is just scattered, it will be washed away by rain and watering, you need to make sure that it is in the ground, closer to the roots of the plants.
Double superphosphate

Potassium salt

Potassium salt is a simple mineral fertilizer consisting of sylvinite, kainit and potassium chloride, where potassium is about 40%.

How is potassium useful?

  • Improves plant immunity.
  • Protects against various diseases.
  • Increases resistance to cold.
  • Increases the ability to conserve moisture during droughts.
  • Actively involved in cell construction, photosynthesis and protein synthesis.
  • Helps plants to retain their good health and taste, even after harvest.

Use of potassium salt.
Before planting, saturate the earth with potassium salt - about 20 grams of nutrient per 1 square meter. After parsley can be fed only if it is grown to obtain root crops.

Fertilizer stands either after harvest or in early spring. The chlorine contained in the top dressing can harm the plant, so it takes a long time for it to fall into the deeper layers of the soil, leaving only useful substances near the surface.
Potassium salt

Top dressing from nettle

Nettle is a perennial flower grass, on the stems of which there are burning hairs.
The use of nettle as a fertilizer:

  • Protects plants from insect pests and diseases.
  • Thanks to her, herbs that are used as spices can enhance their flavor.
  • Enriched with vitamins and trace elements that provide good nutrition to plants.
  • Heals the soil.
  • Suitable for almost all plants except peas, garlic, beans and onions.

Recipe of nettle fertilizer

Infusion. Collect only young shoots on which there are no seeds, place them in a large container, filling it about half. Cover with water, but not up to the top, cover tightly and wait a few weeks. The resulting dark liquid, in which there are no bubbles, is diluted with water 1 to 10 and poured over greens.

Preparation of top dressing from nettle

You can also spray parsley with this infusion, but dilute it with water already 1 to 20. Parsley is a fairly unpretentious plant that, with proper care, is capable of producing a good harvest the entire summer season. In order not to ruin the greens when feeding, it is important to know:

  1. How much soil is already saturated with various nutrients.
  2. How much a plant is able to absorb nutrients.
  3. As far as at least there will be more crop of parsley when adding fertilizer.
  4. Follow all instructions clearly.

And the most important thing: it is better not to give additional feeding than to overdo it. In the first case there will be slightly less nutrients in the green than usual, and in the second it can harm not only human health, but also the environment.

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