Some in the garden of dill - like weeds. They do not know where to go from the green, so as not to clog other cultivated plants. And some people have to sweat a lot to grow and get a good harvest of green and fragrant leaves.
The problem may lie in the conditions of growing greens, and in the correct planting of seeds. To deal with this issue, it is worth considering everything as detailed as possible. d
How to easily grow dill in open ground and greenhouse
In general, dill is a low-maintenance plant andfor the harvest does not necessarily adhere to any special requirements. But still there are nuances that allow you to grow green, lush and fragrant greens.
The main thing is that the soil is fertile and rich in useful trace elements , there is enough light and moisture. This plant is light-loving, it needs more than 12 hours of light per day to produce green leaves.
Most often gardeners recommend preparing and growing seedlings in a greenhouse, and then plant them in open ground with the onset of heat.
Preparing Seeds

To get a good harvest of greens, it is recommended to plant the seeds before planting:
- Place the dill seeds under gauze in a glass jar for a couple of minutes and fill with hot water, but not more than 60 degrees, otherwise they will boil.
- Then for three days, it is necessary to germinate the seeds in water at room temperature. In this case, every 8 hours it is recommended to change the water .Thus, it is possible to get rid of the essential oils, slowing shoots.
- At the end, the seeds need to be dried and can be used for planting.
Seeds that float in containers with water must be removed. You can not throw them away, and use as a seasoning .But they are not suitable for seedlings.
In this case, we do not wait for the emergence of shoots. As the process of planting is complicated. If they are unsuccessful to throw in the furrow, you can damage or completely leave the seedlings.
Sowing dill on greens in open ground and greenhouse
You can grow dill both in open ground and in a greenhouse. At the same time, most gardeners advise to grow seedlings in a greenhouse, and then transplant them into the garden .This will significantly increase the yield of greenery and provide themselves with it for the whole season.
Planting in greenhouse conditions

Once you have selected the appropriate variety of dill and prepared fertile soil, it is recommended to start planting seeds:
- First you need to prepare the seeds. Their is soaked for two days in an water tank, changing water every two hours. This will eliminate the effect of essential oils, and earlier the first shoots will appear.
- The soil in the boxes is thoroughly is moistened and loosened .
- Create grooves with the distance between them in 0.15 m .
- It is not worth much to fill the ground with a furrow. Dill will be difficult to break. The soil is lightly sprinkled over the seeds, and then moistened with a sprayer.
Planting in open ground
It is recommended that be sown in dill seeds in May or April. .It all depends on the particular climatic conditions. At the same time grooves with a depth of not more than 20 mm are made
For one square meter of land, it is recommended to use for about two grams of seeds. Thus, you should have about 20 bushes, with the observance of the distance between individual plants 50-70 mm.

Greens can be planted in rows. But in this case, they will have to break through them two weeks after the shoot. Torn out plants do not have to be thrown away, they are perfect for transplanting to another place like seedlings.
Dill - cold-resistant plant. It normally can withstand temperatures as low as -4 degrees Celsius .That is why it can be planted in the soil in early spring.
Care immediately after planting
Dill is an unpretentious plant, but in order to achieve a good harvest, it is necessary to take care of it:
- It is recommended to produce green water as needed, about 1-2 times a week .Ensure that the soil is wet and does not dry out much.
- Earth periodically costs to loosen , preventing the formation of a crust at the base of the bush.
- Weeds should be pulled out as they appear, so that they do not interfere with the growth of greenery.
- Series better periodic spud .
The rules of growing on the beds of
. Cultivation of dill in open ground has its own characteristics. Here you need to choose the land and fertilize it if necessary. After all, fennel loves fertile soil.
Particular attention should be paid to the illumination of the place where the greens will grow.
Temperature and lighting

In order for the plants to germinate and the first shoots appear, it is necessary to ensure the temperature within + 3 + 5 degrees .But best of all, if it is + 17 + 20 degrees .On darkened beds, you also get a harvest, but it will take more time and the color may not be as saturated.
Thick and saturated greens are formed throughout the day at 10-12 hours, while for the emergence of high-quality seeds, the time must be increased to 16 hours per day.
Weeding and loosening
Weeding and loosening the land on which dill grows, occurs as needed .It is important to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil and constantly loosen it.
Lack of weeds will allow the bushes to grow faster, because they can not take nutrients from the soil and obscure the cultivated plants.
The necessary fertilizers in the phase of active growth
If the dill is planted in fertile soil, the use of an additional complex of fertilizers can be avoided. When the land does not differ in such qualities, you need to use fertilizers.

For greenhouse plants it is recommended to feed the soil twice a month with ammonium nitrate or peat , distributing at the very base of the bush. The fact that dill lacks nitrogen will become clear immediately after the yellowing appeared on the leaves.
If we are talking about autumn soil fertilization with organic fertilizers, then for each square meter of about 4 kg of manure or 5 kg of compost are needed.
Breaking greens can be throughout its growth .But here for the preparation and storage of dill is to choose a certain time before the formation of inflorescences. The height of the bush reaches 0.3 m.
It is possible to grow greens both in greenhouse conditions and in the garden. There is no particular difference in this case, the requirements remain the same. But they are easy to perform. Fertile soil, sufficient lighting and humidity. A minimum of effort and you are provided with greenery for a whole year.