Cabbage is one of the most common crops. Currently, there are several varieties of this vegetable. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. To date, the most sought-after species is considered - Glory cabbage. And this is not surprising, its characteristics of growing and yield, surpass other crops several times.
Table of Contents
Slava is one of the oldest, medium-ripening varieties of cabbage. The plant was obtained in the last century, in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of vegetable breeding. The author was EM Popov, who, when crossing foreign samples, developed two subspecies of the Glory variety: Gribovsky 231 and 1305. In 1940, these varieties were zoned to all regions of Russia, where, thanks to their positive qualities, they became very popular.
The general characteristics of this variety are in density, juiciness and yield. Heads of attractive rounded or slightly flattened shape. The outer leaves are light green in color, with a small wax coating, wavy on the edge. The internal structure of the forks consists of crisp white leaves. Each subspecies is perfectly used both in fresh form and in processing. They differ only in the following indicators:
- Gribovsky 231. The term of ripening of this subspecies falls on 100 - 110 days, after germination. The average weight of the plug is about 3 kg. Yield from 1 square.m. comes to 9 - 10 kg.
- Slava1305.Forks of this variety are formed 2 weeks later than their subspecies. However, their weight is about - 9 kg. Productivity is also higher and reaches up to 12 kg.from 1 square.m. But it is worth noting that the forks of Glory 1305 are less dense and stored worse.

Cabbage of this variety is also famous for its taste and beneficial properties. Its fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
Advantages and disadvantages of the
variety Initially, breeders tried to produce vegetables for the regions of Russia where non-chernozem soil predominates. But thanks to the endowed qualities, the vegetable is cultivated in all regions of the Russian Federation. Here is a description of the main advantages of the variety:
- frost resistance;
- consumer qualities;
- soil simplicity;
- cracking resistance;
- good transportability.
Despite such a mass of positive qualities, the plant still has its drawbacks. The negative qualities include: instability to the root keel and not a long shelf life of fruits.

Planting dates for seedlings
Growing cabbage Slava can be transplanted in a seedling and seedless way. In the first case, the seeds of the plant are sown in boxes in early April. To implement a seedless method, the seeds are planted in open ground in the third decade of April.
Regardless of which method is chosen, it is recommended to prepare seed before planting. It is carried out according to the following scheme:
- For 10–15 minutes, the seeds of the plant are placed in water at a temperature of 55–60 ° C.
- Then, they descend into cold moisture for 1 minute.
- Next, seeds for 12 hours are poured with a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 12 oz.potassium humate.
- After this time, they should be dried and placed in a cool place with a temperature of 1 - 2 ° C.
After a day they are ready for landing.
Seeding Rules
As a rule, cabbage Glory is more often planted in a seedling manner. To do this, prepared boxes, a depth of 5 - 6 cm poured the ground. Well rammed, it is disinfected with a manganese solution. After 3 days, in the boxes at a distance of 3 cm. Grooves are made, 1 cm deep. Then, in 1 cm increments, seeds are sown, which need to be sprinkled with earth and watered by drip method. Then, before the appearance of the first shoots, the boxes are placed in a warm place, with a temperature regime of 18 - 20 ° C. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the container is transferred to the window sill, which should be well lit by the sun's rays and have an air temperature of 10 - 12 ° C.
After the seedling has 5 strong leaves, it is transplanted into open ground.

Soil requirements for planting
Cabbage "Glory" can grow on all types of soil. But, according to the recommendations of experts, the best yields are possible on fertile loamy soils with a close location of groundwater. The best option, Ph is considered to be the acidity of the earth - 6.7 - 7.4.
It is advisable to plant cabbage in the places where previously grew:
- cucumbers;
- carrots;
- legumes;
- potatoes;
- cereals.
Bad predecessors are:
- tomato;
- beets;
- radish.
It is also not recommended to plant cabbages on the same plot every year. The interval between plantings should be 3-4 years.
Care of the variety after planting
Many novice vegetable growers make unreparable mistakes during cabbage transplantation, which in consequence lead to the formation of a flower shoot. To avoid this, it should not be strictly admitted:
- dense planting of seedlings;
- shading of the landing site;
- excess moisture.

In order for vegetable crops to develop properly in open ground, it is necessary to carry out agrotechnical work in a timely manner. Care includes:
- Watering. Cabbage is a moisture-loving crop, so its irrigation should be carried out at least 7 - 8 times a month.
- Loosening. In order for the plant to get enough oxygen, after each watering, it is necessary to mulch the soil.
- Hilling. This procedure will contribute to the formation of root shoots, due to which the vegetable will receive more nutrients.
- Feeding. For additional trace elements, nitrogen fertilizers are recommended 2 weeks after planting in the soil. During the formation of forks - phosphate and potash minerals.
But, despite the observance of all agrotechnical work, a reduction in the yield or its absence, various diseases can lead to
. Diseases and their preventionThe following table will help to correctly identify the disease in the initial stages and learn the measures to combat it. Name of the disease Symptoms Prevention and control methods Cabbage keel At the root of the plant, various growths are formed. Before disembarking, the landing site is treated with lime, in a ratio of 1 kg.on 4 sq.m. Peronosporosis On the upper parts of the leaves appear spots of yellow and gray, and on the bottom side white patina. Soil disinfection is performed for prophylaxis. With the disease using the drug "Fitoftorin". Fusarium The leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry completely. Infected plants are removed by root, and their planting site is treated with systemic fungicides benzimidazoles.
Insects are often the causative agents of infection. Therefore, when they first appear, the plant is treated with chemicals.
Cabbage leaves prone to Fusarium
Kiel of cabbage roots
Cabbage leaves with Peronosporaz Harvesting and storage rules
Fruit ripening occurs gradually. The beginning of the cabbage harvest comes at the end of July and lasts for 2 weeks.
Damaged and cracked forks are used for pickling, the whole fruit is left for storage.
Store vegetables in a cellar in the following ways:
- hanging from the ceiling;Stacking
- on clean, dry boards;
- placing in lattice boxes.
Regardless of the method chosen, before sending the cabbages to the cellar, they must be dried well and wrapped in clean paper.
It is not recommended to wrap the plant with food or plastic wrap, as in this case condensation will occur, which will contribute to its rotting. On average, fruits are stored for about 3-4 months. To increase the shelf life, the cellar should maintain a temperature close to 0 ° C, and the humidity of the air at least 90%.
Having considered all the positive qualities, methods of planting and the characteristics of cultivation, you can verify for yourself that cabbage Glory is not an intricate plant. If all recommendations are followed, this vegetable crop is able to please every vegetable grower with a rich, tasty and healthy harvest.