Sugar apple - an exotic fruit with healing properties.

Sugar apple is a fruit tree that arouses keen interest among gourmets and people who want to learn more about exotic representatives of tropical flora. The fruits of the tree are attractive by the unusual look and taste of , a rich chemical composition, on the basis of which numerous recipes of beauty and health are created.

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  • . It is a fruit crop developed in the countries of Oceania and Indochina, in South America, China, India and in tropical regions of Africa. The region of origin of the fruit tree is unknown, presumably the territory adjacent to the Caribbean Sea.

    Tree structure

    Annona scaly height ranges from 3 to 6 meters

    A sugar apple is a fruit tree that grows from 3 to 6 m. The branches of the tree are low and grow from a strong trunk. The main shoots branch into smaller ones with numerous pubescent cuttings, in which two rows of matt-green elongated leaves are located. When rubbing between the fingers, the leaves of the tree exude a scent with a hint of

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    vanilla. Due to this structure, a magnificent zigzag crown is formed near the tree.


    Flowers of the sugar apple

    The flowers of the fruit tree are formed singly or in a group of 2-4 pieces from the base of the stem of leaves. The elongated shape of the flower is formed from three fleshy outer petals, within which three more smaller ones are hidden. The color of flowers is greenish-yellow, at the base there is a purple spot. The fruit tree flowers are quite large and reach a length of 2.5 to 4 cm. .They open up only for a short period of time for insects to enter the fertilization phase.


    The fruit of a sugar apple has a complex structure. It consists of a plurality of segments assembled together, each of which contains an oblong seed of dark brown color from 1 to 1.5 cm in length. Flesh - fibrous, juicy and fragrant , during full ripening, acquires a creamy texture that resembles butter cream to taste. The peel is pale green, may have grayish and bluish shades, in overripe fruits it gets a purple hue. This is a fruit of a rounded shape, reaching a length of up to 10 cm and gaining weight up to 350 g.

    Pulp of a sugar apple with bone

    Technical ripening of fruits, depending on the region, lasts from June to September .Sugar apple is stored very little, overripe fruits begin to crack the peel and leak out the pulp. Therefore, the fruits of the tree are harvested before ripening; this allows preserving the appearance and quality of the fruit for export to other countries or for sale in the markets of yves and restaurants. From one adult tree collect from 100 to 150 fruits.

    The composition of the fruits of the sugar apple

    Little-known fruits in our regions are widely used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine in the countries where they are cultivated. It is difficult not to draw attention to the rich chemical composition of the fruits of , in which large quantities are concentrated:

    • vitamins of group B, A, C, PP;
    • minerals: phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium;
    • essential amino acids : lysine, tryptophan, methionine;
    • beneficial trace elements: iron, copper, selenium and zinc.

    Oleic, stearic and linoleic acids are present in small quantities.

    The fruits of sugar are widely used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine.

    100 g of the pulp of Annona scaly fruits contain:

    • water 73.23 g;
    • carbohydrates 23.64 g;
    • proteins 2.06 g;
    • fats 0,29 g.

    The energy value of the product is 94 kcal.

    Useful properties of Annona scaly

    Bioactive compounds contained in the pulp of the fetus, have a beneficial effect on the entire body. When a product is consumed, the body receives nutrients for the beneficial microflora , which helps eliminate pathogenic bacteria. Liver function stabilizes and the increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract decreases.

    Sugar apple is useful for people with the deposition of uric acid salts. The fruit contains vitamins C and PP, active participants in the dissolution and removal of pathological formations during gout, rheumatism and arthritis. Sugar apple juice has a mild diuretic effect and is useful for urinary tract diseases.

    The mineral complex collected in the Annon fruits positively affects the formation of blood cells and the activity of the cardiovascular system. The product contributes to the regulation of blood glucose levels, and therefore is especially valuable for the diabetic diet.

    The fruit contains a large amount of B vitamins, without which the growth of new collagen fibers and the renewal of tissues of all body structures are impossible. Thanks to these processes, the skin looks taut, hair and nails are distinguished by their strength and healthy shine.

    Fruit Nutrients Benefit the Whole Body Lysine - essential for remodeling bones in childhood and improving short-term memory. Methionine activates the processing of fats and increases the body's resistance to toxins.

    The harm of this fruit to the body

    The greatest danger to the body when eating a fruit comes from the seeds. They contain a high concentration of alkaloids that act as a toxin, causing severe poisoning.

    Annona scaly seeds very toxic

    It is not recommended to use fruits during pregnancy .They contain a large amount of calcium, an overabundance of which negatively affects the development of the baby and leads to complications during childbirth.

    It is necessary to protect the eyes from the ingestion of fruit juice, it contains acids, irritating the mucous membrane of the pupils and toxins, which can lead to pathological disorders in the fundus.

    The value of the sugar apple in medicine

    All parts of the fruit tree , which are widely used in alternative medicine, mainly by folk healers of India, have therapeutic properties. More recently, scientists from this country have made a phytopharmacological analysis of the fruit tree, as a result of which high healing properties have been confirmed for the treatment and prevention of serious pathologies - diabetes mellitus and malignant tumors.

    In diabetes mellitus, a plant root extract is used that stimulates insulin release, thereby regulating blood glucose levels. The combination of antioxidants in the fetus acts as a powerful anti-carcinogen, inhibiting the development of cancer.

    In addition, infusions and decoctions from different parts of the fruit tree have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antipyretic properties, which allows them to be used in the symptomatic treatment of many infectious and viral diseases. The fruit of the sugar apple has regenerating and wound-healing properties and is often used to treat traumatic, ulcerative and burn wounds.

    The seeds and leaves of the plant contain essential oils - effective insecticides. Infusions and decoctions of these parts of the sugar apple are most often used to combat head lice. A more concentrated extract is used as a deterrent against blood-sucking insects.

    Broths and extracts from the leaves of a sugar apple are used for

    Broth from fruits, roots and bark contains a large amount of tannin and phenol , has an astringent effect on the digestive tract. This property of the plant is used to treat dysentery. The crushed young fruits effectively treat gastrointestinal infections.

    The pulp of immature fruit, mixed with salt, is applied to local edema, frequent satellites of rheumatic and varicose diseases. This mixture draws all the extra fluid from the extracellular tissues, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels and restores the optimal microcirculation of substances in their walls.

    Sugar apple seeds contain up to 49% non-drying oil, which is used in soap manufacture. Soap from sugar apple oil is hypoallergenic and has high moisturizing properties.

    Sugar Apple in Cooking

    The cooks of many gourmet restaurants enjoy delicious and unfamiliar to a wide audience taste of the fruit. Annona fruits are self-sufficient and can be served as a dessert after the abundant meal .For this, the fruit is cut in half and served with a dessert spoon.

    On the basis of sugar apple in restaurants prepare ice cream

    The most popular ice cream based on sugar apple, which is often served in restaurants of the Indochina countries. Tastes of fruit are combined with milk, and the combination of these products in a cocktail will not leave anyone indifferent. In the Philippines, a dessert wine is produced from the fruits of the sugar apple .

    Tea brewed with Annona leaves has mild sedative and cooling properties, and will be most pleasant on a hot afternoon. Fruit pulp can be added to sweet sauces for dessert or poultry meat. The alkali-treated sugar tree seed oil is included in many products.

    The combination of exotic taste, fragrant aroma and beneficial properties for the human body make sugar apple one of the most interesting tropical fruits. Studies of the chemical composition of the plant are still conducted in the laboratories of many countries and, undoubtedly, will give results that reveal the full potential of Annona scaly.

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