How to use the electric jigsaw and, if necessary, repair it yourself

How to use the electric jigsaw and, if necessary, repair it yourself


After an electric drill and a Bulgarian, the electric jigsaw takes the third place in the arsenal of every home wizard. This universal tool frees you from exhausting work and turns work into pleasure. The use of a jig saw increases the quality of the saw and the speed of the workpiece. With the ability to use the tool, he becomes a reliable assistant at the construction site and at the dacha, but this does not mean that sooner or later he will not need repairs. Fortunately, many problems can be corrected by yourself.


  • 1Device jigsaw, application, additional features
    • 1.1Tooling: a variety of replaceable saw blades, their marking
    • 1.2How to check and adjust the jigsaw before work, modes, speed switching, pendulum function
    • 1.3What kind of tools for jigsaw and tool improvement can be made by hand
      • 1.3.1Video: how to modernize a jigsaw
  • 2How to use: operating and safety instructions
    • 2.1How to cut saws with different materials
  • instagram viewer
  • 3Maintenance and prevention of jigsaw
    • 3.1Video: Disassembly and lubrication of electric jigsaw
  • 4Repairing the electric jigsaw with your own hands: malfunctions and their elimination
      • 4.0.1Problems with the motor, repair or replacement of the motor
      • 4.0.2Video: Prevention and repair of electric jigsaw
      • 4.0.3Mechanical malfunctions, unreliable fastening of a file, repair of a cartridge
      • 4.0.4Video: replacement of the saw holder in the jigsaw
      • 4.0.5Other possible malfunctions, their repair
      • 4.0.6Table of possible problems of electric jig saw
      • 4.0.7Video: Independent repair of a jigsaw
  • 5Tool storage

Device jigsaw, application, additional features

Jigsaw is a tool designed for sawing materials with a special cloth, which is driven by a reciprocating mechanism.

The device jigsaw
  1. An electronic unit that performs soft start and speed control functions.
  2. An electric motor, usually a collector type. Powered by AC power, or DC battery.
  3. The start button with the fixation of the working position.
  4. Reducer, which transforms the rotation of the rotor of the electric motor into the forward motion of the rod. At the end of the rod there is a socket for fixing the saw.
  5. Venting nozzle for removing sawdust and shavings during operation. The diameter of the nozzle matches the dimensions of the hose of the vacuum cleaner.
  6. Supporting platform. Adjusts the angle of inclination in the vertical axis, so that it is possible to cut at any desired angle.
  7. The device of the pendulum stroke. Used for accelerated sawing materials. Structurally, in addition to the movement of the file in the vertical axis, oscillations in the horizontal plane are added. As a result, the speed of the saw cut increases, although the quality may decrease.
  8. Support roller. It serves to compensate for vibration and beating of the saw blade, performs a stabilizing function.
  9. A cartridge in which the cutting blade is fastened. Many modern models use a quick-change system for sawing, with which you can replace without using additional tools.
  10. Working rod. It is a metal rod that transmits the movement from the reducer to the saw.

For the first time the prototype electric jigsaw was assembled by the Swiss engineer A. Kaufmann, who in 1946 had the idea to replace the needle in the sewing machine with a saw blade. The company Scintilla AG adopted the original invention, and already in 1947, the market appeared Lesto jigsaw (Lesto-jigsaw). After 7 years, the company was swallowed up by Bosch, and the name of the tool changed to Bosch jigsaw.


Electric fret saws are divided into two types:

  • stationary;
  • manual.

The first are installed on the frame and, in comparison with manual, have large dimensions and performance.

Stationary electric jig saw "Corvette"

The second lungs and portable, are widely applied in building and housekeeping. Manual can be network or battery, depending on the type of power.

Portable hand-held jigsaw

Hand-held jigsaws have a number of advantages that made the tool so popular with users.

  1. A wide range of applications. The industry produces a huge number of different saw blades of various shapes, lengths and tooth shape. Thanks to this, the jigsaw has become almost a universal tool that can be used to handle any materials - from wood to plastic.
  2. Modern electric jigsaws are able to saw a tree in depth up to 160 mm., Non-ferrous metals up to 30 mm., Steel - up to 10 mm. These are very good indicators, especially if you take into account that the seam remains flat and corresponds to the specified dimensions.
  3. The possibility of curvilinear cuts with an internal radius of 12 mm.
  4. Thanks to the design, in which the canvas is fixed only one end, you can saw anywhere. The thickness of the canvas allows you to work with any materials, without risking to break the file. If it becomes necessary to make a saw cut without touching the edge of the workpiece, it is sufficient to make a hole for the sawing. And in some soft varieties of wood, the saw blade can cut even without drilling.

Let us also list the shortcomings that are inherent in this tool.

  1. Availability of idling. The saw works only when it moves up, in the direction where the teeth are "pointed". The return course is idle. This leads to a decrease in productivity (compared to tools such as circular, belt or chain saws).
  2. Risk of injury during work. Cloth can not be hidden, it is always in the open position. That's why you need to be careful and do not trust drinking to underage children.
  3. The course of the cloth is short, which makes it difficult to remove the chips, especially when cutting thick workpieces. In the ordinary jigsaw, this stroke is from 16 to 24 mm. When processing parts from the wood sawing speed noticeably decreases.
  4. The electric jigsaw can not achieve the same results as a hand tool. This is due to the fact that the saw is attached to one end and can not be as thin. As a consequence, the radius of rotation of the hand-held jig saw is much smaller.

Tooling: a variety of replaceable saw blades, their marking

In order to understand the great variety of saws offered by manufacturers, you will have to get to know their markings more closely. Fortunately, there are international standards, according to which each letter and number on the shank of the file, provides certain information.

The letters T and U indicate the form of attachment of the file. The first means that the mount is T-shaped, the second is that the U-shaped

Fixing types of saw: right T-shank, left -U-shank

Next are the numbers:

  • 1-sheet length up to 75 mm;
  • 2-length up to 90mm;
  • 3-length up to 150 mm;
  • 7-length is more than 150 mm.

The following letters indicate the size of the tooth:

  • A - tooth is small, inherent in all the saws for metal;
  • B - larger, usually this is the size of sawed plywood, chipboard or fiberboard;
  • C and D - saws with large teeth, designed for preparatory cutting, the quality of the cut is low.

Additional information is contained in the letters written at the very end of the marking:

  • F - bimetallic saws;
  • R - saws, in which "the return tooth is directed downwards;
  • X - designation of a universal saw, intended for sawing on metal, wood and plastic;
  • O - saws for curvilinear cutting, for example, a circle, an oval, etc .;
  • P - reinforced webs, the thickness of which is greater than the standard, mainly for precise cutting.

In addition to this information, inscriptions are displayed on the canvas that indicate the type of material for which the file is intended... ..

And also - the marking of steel, from which the canvas is made:

  • HM / TC - saws of carbide materials;
  • HSS - designation of tool or high-speed steel;
  • BiM - the basis of the material is bimetallic;
  • HCS - marking of high-carbon steel.

The choice of the blade depends on the material of the workpiece. Do not use the wrong cloth. This will negatively affect both the workpiece itself and the saw blade.

Color marking of paintings by Bosch

Separately from all modifications, we can mark a saw blade designed for cutting tiles and ceramic tiles. Instead of traditional teeth on its working edge, there is a sputtering of carbide-tungsten crumbs. Such a saw does not "master" wood or metal. But it will perfectly cope with the function of the tile cutter.

Canvas, designed for cutting ceramics

Installation and replacement of saws is performed with the appliance switched off from the network, so that accidentally pressing the button does not harm the hands. Depending on the model of the jig saw, there may be screw and quick-clamping cartridges. As a rule, most modern tools have a clamping chuck under the T-shank of the saw blade. The cloth in it is inserted by an easy pressing before the lock is snapped. U-shaped models are equipped with a special screw clamp, which involves manual tightening. Some experts consider such fastening more reliable. However, they can be found less often.

Clamping of the blade with a screw clamp

How to check and adjust the jigsaw before work, modes, speed switching, pendulum function

Before you start, you need to check the performance of the jigsaw, insert a suitable saw for the target material, and set the optimal mode for solving the task. The best adviser in these matters will be the operating manual, attached to the jigsaw. Depending on the model, there may be various nuances. However, the general course of preparing the jigsaw for work is this:

  1. Installing the saw in the stock lock.
  2. Set the speed of the saw with the switch on the handle.
  3. Enable / disable the pendulum mode.
  4. Power connection via plug cord.
  5. Pressing the start button, starting the engine and starting the sawing.

It is not recommended to use a faulty tool. If a fault is detected, stop operation and repair the fault.

If you need to switch the speed or reduce / increase the frequency of the pendulum stroke, you need to remove the finger from the start button, and wait for the engine to stop completely. Only then the desired mode is set.

Switching the speed and the pendulum stroke without turning off the engine will very soon lead to a breakdown of the gearbox and the failure of the tool.

For those who first get acquainted with the work of electric jigsaw, it will be useful to know that high speed is used for soft wood species, but are not suitable for plastic (which can melt from friction of the web) and for metal. It is best to start cutting with medium mode, and then adjust to specific needs - speed, accuracy of cutting, etc. For extremely precise sawing, the pendulum device is completely turned off.

What kind of tools for jigsaw and tool improvement can be made by hand

Of the most common home improvements for jigsaws, two simple additions have proved to be very good. They can be made by any user independently.

  1. Grinding nozzle. If you often have to grind hard-to-reach surfaces, a file can be useful, which is pasted with sandpaper. With the help of super glue, the emery is attached to the saw blade and after drying with such a nozzle, it is possible to clean wood, plastic, metal or ceramics. Depending on the needs, emery is used of different calibers, with different granularity. To grind pottery wetted with water, apply moisture-resistant sandpaper.
    The nozzle is made using glue and sandpaper

    In some cases, an additional thickening is applied to the web, the diameter of grinding increases. Such an adaptation can be done independently at home, this requires only high-quality universal glue and emery.

    The thickening on the nozzle is glued from small wooden racks

  2. Table for stationary installation of a jigsaw. Such a table makes it possible to use a jigsaw as a band saw. The tool is fixed with a cloth upwards, the workpiece rests on the table (instead of the platform). The device makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of the cut and the user's convenience.
    The table dimensions are selected based on the conditions under which the instrument will be used

The only drawback of such a device - when the saw moves upwards, it tugs the part and therefore the workpiece must be firmly held in hands. You can improve the design and add a clamping bar to the cutting unit.

Improved design of a self-made jig saw table

In this construction it is convenient to connect a vacuum cleaner for chip removal.

The vacuum cleaner is connected through an opening in the wall of the table

Video: how to modernize a jigsaw

For a jigsaw to work for a long time and you can always rely on it, it's important to follow simple rules.

How to use: operating and safety instructions

  1. If the speed of the cut should be increased, do not press on the handle of the jigsaw and "adjust" it. It is better to adjust the rotation of the motor and pendulum. Equally important is the proper selection of the file.
  2. The workpiece must be securely secured to the workbench. Never need to saw, holding the workpiece in the balance in the hands. Good fastening will give a good result - cutting accuracy, speed and quality of sawed edges.
  3. Straight sections are made using a ruler that is included in the jig saw set (linear lock).
  4. Round holes and curved lines on thin plywood or plastic are better sawed out when the jig saw is fastened with a blade upwards, and the part is fed to the cutting tool. Straight circles can be made with the help of a circular.
  5. Doing a cut on a thin metal surface is much more convenient if you put plywood under the sheet. This will prevent deformation of the metal edges.
  6. With a noticeable reduction in sawing speed, it is recommended that the saw be replaced immediately. The prolonged use of the blunt fabric will cause the engine to overheat with all the ensuing consequences.
  7. If the cut is to be made at an angle, the reference soles are displaced by the desired number of degrees.
  8. When working in frost, it is desirable to run the engine idling for 1-2 minutes. After that, you can work in a load mode.
  9. As far as possible, take breaks in work. Every half an hour to stop for 5-10 minutes.

We list the basic rules of safety.

  1. During work it is recommended to use work clothes in which there are no fluttering floors or hanging sleeves. The hair should be cleaned under the hat. The position of the body is stable.
  2. Do not slow down the saw with your hands or clamp.
  3. It is inadmissible to leave the included and working tool unattended.
  4. Use the tool only for its intended purpose. Do not hammer nails with blows with a file.
  5. If there are any damage to the housing or other functional faults, you must stop working and repair the problem.
  6. The power cord can only be turned on and off when the engine is off.
  7. Do not allow underage children to play with the instrument. Is it dangerous.

How to cut saws with different materials

Practice and experience come with knowledge. But at first the beginning user will need information about how and how to saw the different parts.

  1. Wood, plywood and laminate are the main materials for cutting which is designed by a jig saw. If the rough cut - use high rpm and swing of the pendulum. This will increase the speed, but will reduce the quality and accuracy. The exact lengths, depending on the density of the material, are sawed at medium speed, with the pendulum off. Especially it concerns a laminate if its exact adaptation occurs. On a six-point scale,.
  2. Metal parts, including pipes, cut at low speed without turning on the pendulum (or use a pendulum on a small stroke)., speed. Profiled sheeting and sheet iron are sawed at 1 speed, making sure that the edges are not wrapped. For aluminum and other non-ferrous metals, the speed can rise to 3-4 levels.
  3. Plastic and plexiglass can be cut at high speeds, but you need to ensure that the material does not melt. 4-6 on a six-point scale.
  4. Ceramic tiles, as well as other hard types of stone facing, are processed at 4-5 speeds. The pendulum is installed in the initial positions.
  5. Drywall can be cut at high speed and with maximum swinging of the pendulum. The natural limit is the level of dust. If the sawing takes place indoors, the dustiness from the cutting can be very high. And so the turnover is reduced.
Laminate is cut at high speed with the pendulum mechanism off

Maintenance and prevention of jigsaw

Like any technical device, the electric jigsaw needs maintenance. At the end of the warranty period, several simple operations need to be carried out and the tool life will again last for a year or two, depending on the intensity of operation.

  1. Replace graphite brushes on the motor collector.
  2. Carry out an inspection of conductive conductors, including the power cord. If damage and wear are detected, replace.
  3. Clean the inside of the tool from dust, debris and chips.
  4. Replace the lubricant in the mechanical components - bearings and gearbox.

Today, rarely anyone is engaged in self-sharpening of saws. Especially, if the blade has three-edged teeth, which have increased patency and ejection of chips. At home, it is impossible to sharpen such a tooth. Moreover, such attempts can lead to the fact that the jig saw starts to beat, the level of vibration will increase. After this, the nest of the saw holder will break, which will lead to the appearance of the leading rod play. The blunt file is simply replaced. Fortunately, the prices are affordable.

How to disassemble a jig saw in the video below.

Video: Disassembly and lubrication of electric jigsaw

If you do not feel confident in your abilities, it is better to resort to the help of specialists.

Repairing the electric jigsaw with your own hands: malfunctions and their elimination

When starting self-repair, it is recommended to clean the work table of foreign objects, make good lighting and prepare a camera or a notepad for sketching. The details of the jigsaw are cleaned with a clean rag and rinsed with alcohol.

Problems with the motor, repair or replacement of the motor

The collector type engine is reliable enough to operate and can last for many years without fail. However, he is afraid of overheating and sudden voltage drops. And if it so happens that the motor has failed, it is necessary to conduct the correct diagnosis. To do this, we use a multimeter - an electrical measuring instrument for determining the current, voltage and resistance in the circuit.

Device for determining current characteristics in a network

As is known, the engine consists of two main parts - the rotor and the stator. Each individual node is a coil that induces an electromagnetic field. If the insulation of the coils is broken, a short circuit (short circuit) occurs, which is called interturn. To determine where the fault occurred, the resistance of the windings is checked. The multimeter contacts are installed on the adjacent collector sipes, and the ohmmeter reading is recorded. If the resistance in any pair is much lower, then it is in this winding that a short circuit has occurred.

Serial measurement of the resistance of the windings at the anchor

The replacement of the armature or stator is possible provided that similar parts are available for sale. You need to buy the details of the particular company that is a jigsaw manufacturer.

To replace a set of screwdrivers, you may need small size wrenches, pliers. To replace the rotor, you need to remove the bearing from the operating shaft. But you can buy a replacement shaft assembly. If this is not possible, a special puller is used to remove the bearing.

Before dismantling the jigsaw, make sure that the tool is disconnected from the mains.

If the breakdown of the conductor is detected in the stator, it must be disconnected from the jigsaw body. Fastening is carried out by means of screws. When installing new windings, it is important to properly connect them to the electrical circuit.

Measuring the resistance of the coils with a multimeter, the stator windings are called

Video: Prevention and repair of electric jigsaw

Self-preventative tool does not take a lot of time. However, without it, the life of the jigsaw is reduced.

Mechanical malfunctions, unreliable fastening of a file, repair of a cartridge

The two main mechanical components that are subject to faults are the reducer and the saw holder. And these failures are interrelated. The broken nest of fastening of a cloth entails fast deterioration and breakage of a reducer. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor the state of the cartridge. Different models use different locks for saws. Therefore, there are no universal recipes. One thing must always be remembered - if the file becomes poorly held in the nest, flies out of it during operation - the holder of the saw holder should be replaced. How to do it? Tell a video.

Video: replacement of the saw holder in the jigsaw


Other possible malfunctions, their repair

Consider the typical types of breakages of electric jigsaw.


Table of possible problems of electric jig saw

Signs of breakage Probable causes of failure Troubleshooting
Jig saw does not saw at all 1. Damage to external wiring.
2. Damage to internal wiring.
3. The start button is damaged.
1. Checking the power cord. If necessary - repair or replacement.
2. Check the wires inside the tool. If an open or unstable contact is detected, the wire is restored and the terminals are cleaned.
3. Powered from the network directly to the electronic unit, bypassing the button. If the engine is running, then the button must be replaced.
The jig saws are crooked (provided that the blade is in working order) The cartridge holder is damaged. The holder of the saw holder is removed and cleaned. If the problem can not be rectified, the cartridge must be replaced.
Jigsaw beats at work (provided that the pendulum mechanism is switched off) Clogging or deterioration of rod or pendulum mechanism The casing is opened, the pendulum and rod are inspected. If there is excessive contamination, the mechanisms are cleaned. If the damage is mechanical, the worn part is replaced.
Jig saw does not saw under load The motor is damaged. Does not develop rated power due to short circuit The body is disassembled, the stator and rotor of the electric motor are called sequentially. If a fault is detected, the damaged coil or the entire motor assembly is replaced.
High level of vibration during operation, extraneous metal noises 1. Clogging the editor, the lack of lubrication on the gears.
2. Damage to the gear wheels of the reducer.
1. The body of the jigsaw is being disassembled. Having access to the gearbox, the inspection and cleaning are carried out. Before assembly, all parts are lubricated.
2. In the event of damage, breakage or cleavage of the gears, it is necessary to remove them from the gearbox and replace them with new gears. Clean the gearbox cavity of debris and chips, grease.
During work, there is a smell of burned wiring, engine speed is unstable, "floating" Damage to wiring or motor Revision of the entire electrical circuit of the instrument is performed. The windings of the motor are called by the multimeter. If a defect in wires or contacts is detected, the terminals are cleaned or the conductors are changed.
Excessive sparking of brushes on the manifold during operation Wear of engine brushes Brushes are extracted from the brush holder, they are replaced.

If the Start button is damaged, you can briefly exit the situation by running the jigsaw "directly". To do this, the wires entering the button are connected to the wires. The tool will be turned on and off with a plug. This is not convenient, so it is better to replace the start button immediately.


If the tool is on warranty service, do not rush and repair it yourself.

Opening the casing entails the loss of all manufacturer's warranty obligations.

Video: Independent repair of a jigsaw

Tool storage

To ensure that the tool has served for a long time, it is important not only to observe the rules of its operation, but also to store it correctly. The best option is the content of the jigsaw in the case from the manufacturer. This suitcase is convenient for storing spare parts, as well as for transportation. But not always the tool is sold with a case. In this case, you need to know that the jigsaw, like any power tool, is afraid of water and excess air humidity. Therefore, store it in a dry, well-ventilated place. A cardboard or wooden box will serve as protection against mechanical damage. If the warehouse is unheated, then in the cold season, before starting work, the tool should "thaw" in a warm room for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the lubrication of the gearbox will again become elastic.

Full-time case for storage and transportation of jigsaw Makita

Using a jigsaw in the household, do not disregard the rules of personal safety. During work, you can not be distracted, talking on the phone or doing other things. To protect the eyes and respiratory system, a respirator and goggles are recommended. The use of self-made nozzles is justified when they do not pose a health hazard and have successfully passed preliminary tests.

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